View Full Version : Meguiar's Deep CrystalŽ System Paint Cleaner VS. Claybar

10-13-2008, 09:12 AM
Is there any significance with this over a traditional claybar? My co-worker recently used it (though I haven't taken a good look at his rig but he states his car is smooth and clean) and it gave him the shine he wanted. I still stick to a traditional claybar.


Offtopic: Did anyone know that 3M bought megs?


10-13-2008, 09:25 AM
That is the type of product that you use after clay bar. It would never replace traditional clay bar.

This product would basically prepare the paint for wax.

10-13-2008, 09:36 AM
That is the type of product that you use after clay bar. It would never replace traditional clay bar.

This product would basically prepare the paint for wax.

That's fast Kaval!! It would not clean as much as a claybar correct?

10-13-2008, 11:12 AM
You can't compare the two products because they do different things.

Think of it like this...

You wash your face (exfoliating) = clay bar
You use toner = paint cleaner you posted above
Face cream = wax
(Girlfriends ftw! lol)

So, a clay bar will decontaminate your paint by removing stuff that is embedded on the paint, and the paint cleaner will go deeper into the paint to get out the stuff that the clay bar wouldn't (because a clay bar only grazes the top surface).

10-13-2008, 11:22 AM
Nice Analogy and I did not look as this should be in Exterior Maintenance. Please move =)

11-05-2008, 09:10 AM
Wash your car with a strong dish detergent liquid - this will help remove any wax on your car - wax makes the clay bar harder to use - I speak from experience - I clayed my car over the weekend.

Then use the clay and the lubricant - and follow this up with a excellent long lasting wax - I use collinite 476 - this stuff lasts forever and leaves a deep shine - and slick as glass.

Clay is a must for our weak mazda clear coat/paint job........ these new mazda's need to really be taken care of.

11-06-2008, 11:28 PM
Could you elaborate on how wax makes clay bar harder to use?

476s is a great product, I agree!

Clay bar is a must for any car. Any car with paint needs to be taken care of.

11-07-2008, 09:47 AM
a "good" long lasting wax will make it harder to take the contaminants off your paint --- at least that is what have noticed.---- wax will not make it impossible, but it will make it harder "more effort" for you.

When I removed the wax with a abrasive compund - it was 100% easier to remove those little rusty flecks on the bottom pannels of the doors, and the inside door sills.

You can clay a car that has wax, but the clay will need to remove the wax in order to get to the tings below it.

especially 476s---- that wax can not be removed with dawn or dish detergent. A user on another board washed his car 5 times in a week with dawn, and 476s still had the water beading on the paint.

476s longest lasting wax I have ever used, I have tried 20+ different brands in the past.
And on top of that , it leaves a super glossy finish.

11-07-2008, 08:05 PM
Ok I see what you are saying. You said that wax makes a clay bar harder to use. You meant that wax makes clay bar less effective since the contaminants are sealed in.

I just got inside from looking at the beads on my car with 476s. I love this stuff!

In the future, you should try 4000grit paper to remove the wax instead of compound. It works great and polishes out with zero effort.