View Full Version : Why would someone put a pedo bear on their car???

10-30-2008, 01:57 PM
I dont get why people put these on their car.....


Pedo bear isnt a "cool" thing


why would you want that on your car? lol

10-30-2008, 02:03 PM
Maybe cuz they love da kids? I dont' know? To each their own I guess:chuckle

10-30-2008, 02:05 PM
For the same reasons they use it as their avatar?:whoa

10-30-2008, 02:06 PM
I think its funny, but REALLY inappropriate when you know the true meaning, joke or not.

It has become a "JDM" thing.

10-30-2008, 02:08 PM
Mad JDM yo!!!

10-30-2008, 02:08 PM
This has been talked about here:

NVM...MGM already posted

10-30-2008, 02:09 PM
Makes it much easier for cops to arrest the scum of society.

Zoom Zoom Boy
10-30-2008, 02:12 PM
I've never heard about this before. WTF is a pedo bear?

I assume pedophile, but why the correlation to this bear? I must be getting old...

10-30-2008, 02:18 PM
I've never heard about this before. WTF is a pedo bear?

I assume pedophile, but why the correlation to this bear? I must be getting old...

+1.... I hope I'm not getting old!!! :bang

10-30-2008, 02:22 PM
lol I was the first on this board to have it in my avatar ... do I get some sort of prize ?

10-30-2008, 02:29 PM
The police are on their way to deliver you to jail! Er...I mean your prize.

10-30-2008, 02:40 PM
not to sound too old, but the fiance and I had a nice little philosophical discussion about pedobear...

it is highly inappropriate, but to the kids, it's a controversial way to show that they are aware of what a pedophile is and by pointing out the kinds of behaviours displayed by a pedophile, they actually demonstrate they have the power to point and laugh at a pedophile and reversing the victim/predator roles...

that and some of the shit ppl do with pedobear is pretty funny...

10-30-2008, 02:43 PM
pedo bear FTMFW OMG WTF KBBQ !


I feel like a nerd.

10-30-2008, 03:02 PM

nice costume

10-30-2008, 03:14 PM
I guess you need a sense of humor to understand it. If your all about the "pedo" then its not for you. Move on and keep the comments to yourself.

Myself, I think its great and I would put it on my car but then I might have "serious" people try to vandalize my car.

10-30-2008, 03:21 PM
I've seen them on cars before , its just replacing the old "shocker" decal .

10-30-2008, 03:23 PM
I guess you need a sense of humor to understand it. If your all about the "pedo" then its not for you. Move on and keep the comments to yourself.

Myself, I think its great and I would put it on my car but then I might have "serious" people try to vandalize my car.
nothing humorous about kids getting molested. I fail to see the humor in it.

10-30-2008, 03:32 PM
nothing humorous about kids getting molested. I fail to see the humor in it.

+1 Its not something to turn into a humourus subject.

10-30-2008, 03:44 PM
nothing humorous about kids getting molested. I fail to see the humor in it.

Well thats you. I see the humor in the bear, not the actual act of pedophilia which is what your looking too much into. Like I said, it will be funny to some and not to others. Other people like to fight and some don't. Its all about a persons personality

10-30-2008, 03:46 PM
Whats funny about the shocker then? I've seen a hell of a lot more of those on cars than pedobear.

Is it always appropriate? No, but there are far worse things in this world than a sticker of that bear. Hell, 99% of people don't even know what it is.

10-30-2008, 03:52 PM
most ppl are too sheltered to confront the truths and realities about sex crimes...watch a couple of episodes of Law & Order: SVU to get an idea...

pdeophilia is not funny...making fun of pedophiles is little bit better...

BTW...and ppl who don't know, CHOSE TO NOT KNOW....

10-30-2008, 03:55 PM
Pedo Bear says ...

"Can't we all just be friends ?"

10-30-2008, 03:58 PM
Well thats you. I see the humor in the bear, not the actual act of pedophilia which is what your looking too much into. Like I said, it will be funny to some and not to others. Other people like to fight and some don't. Its all about a persons personality
The 'pedo-bear' is like a symbol of pedophiles isn't it?
Similar to Swastika for the Nazis.
Do you find humor in the Swastika? Although, the Swastika isn't a cute bear.
(My example is a bit extreme but you should get what I am trying to say)

That is why I fail to find humor in the pedo-bear symbol.

10-30-2008, 04:00 PM
Well thats you. I see the humor in the bear, not the actual act of pedophilia which is what your looking too much into. Like I said, it will be funny to some and not to others. Other people like to fight and some don't. Its all about a persons personality

I'll agree to disagree on this. I find absolutely no humour behind anything to do with pedophiles. Be it a bear icon, or anything else. Making people aware of the subject is one thing, but making it into a joke... thats not cool. No matter which way you twist it, its plain wrong in my eyes/opinion.

10-30-2008, 04:01 PM
Not really....the swastika was adopted as a symbol of the Nazi party. Pedo-bear wasn't chosen to represent a pedophile organization. Two different situations. Pedo-bear is used to make fun of pedophiles IMO.

Ever watch the NAMBLA episode of South Park?

10-30-2008, 04:03 PM


10-30-2008, 04:04 PM
Not really....the swastika was adopted as a symbol of the Nazi party. Pedo-bear wasn't chosen to represent a pedophile organization. Two different situations. Pedo-bear is used to make fun of pedophiles IMO.

Ever watch the NAMBLA episode of South Park?

You are bringing South Park in as back up for your reasoning?? :loco

10-30-2008, 04:04 PM
For the record here's the plot of the NAMBLA episode I was talking about.


10-30-2008, 04:10 PM
Oh come on, if you actually watch South Park with an open mind you should realize it's one of the best shows out there for dealing with controversial subjects. There are no boundaries in that show and they do an excellent job of bringing up some very good questions. Not every episode is like that but easily 1/2 to 2/3rds are.

The episode in question deals with Cartman joining a pedophilia group. Once this is discovered they point out the obvious problem with this group(which actually exists BTW) and if you look close enough theres a little bit about the limitation of a person's rights when those rights infringe upon the rights of another.

A great quote from the episode. "Yeah, you know, we believe in equality for everybody, and tolerance, and all that gay stuff, but dude, **** you!"

The show uses humour to point out problems in society, and that is all pedo-bear is doing.

10-30-2008, 04:15 PM
Not really....the swastika was adopted as a symbol of the Nazi party. Pedo-bear wasn't chosen to represent a pedophile organization. Two different situations. Pedo-bear is used to make fun of pedophiles IMO.

Ever watch the NAMBLA episode of South Park?
I see what you mean by it is humorous to some people.
But the fact the bear is considered cute to kids makes the pedo-bear a bad symbol to use to make fun of pedophiles.

10-30-2008, 04:46 PM
To be honest I find the bear funny. But on a personal level...

i'd never do anything to associate myself with such a thing.
Why would I be proud to drive around with a pedo-bear on my 3... .. what kinda statement am i making by doing so?? other than thinking i'm making fun of it.. or "hey look at me lol, i got pedo bear on my car woot woot"

I think the real question, other than "why do ppl find it funny" is why is it funny? what sense of pride or association do ppl who use pedo bear get by putting it on their avatar or car?? or whatever else....

and you bet ur a$$ someone is gonna key their car if they think you're "sick" lol. i'm not going to put a bear on my car just to appease to the maybe .0005% of the population who might actually know what it means.....

Really I think it's pretty lame to promote it in any way.
Whether the 'concept' is funny or not. Albeit I do find it funny in its own right/world/nature separate from my life and from the life of my family and all kids.

so it's not like i don't have a sense of humour... i see how the bear is cute/funny and how it's making fun of things... but really... if you think the bear is so darn funny, why don't you plaster pictures of michael jackson on your car... it's really the same thing.... it's like michael jackson wearing a bear costume... wow!! so cool! you're only getting away with it cuz it's not actually a picture of MJ

but like everyone here says, to each their own. just don't mind me or anyone else who might associate you with a pedo or someone who sees the issue as merely a joke rather than something that needs REAL awareness and attention rather than some cuddly bear who "might" be trying to promote awareness, but is simply just making the issue some fun marketing campaign to make money when they start rolling out pedo bear shirts and pants.

hell why don't we all stick pictures of paul bernardo on our cars too so we can make fun of all the $hit he did...

10-30-2008, 04:47 PM
the pedobear joke actually has a very narrow target age group...it's inappropriate-ness (sp?) stems form that very fact...

when you're 1 - 12...it should be scary but it looks cute, which is even more scary...

when you're 13 - 17...it stands for making fun of pedophiles...

when you're 18+... it could be making fun of YOU...

10-30-2008, 04:49 PM
For the record here's the plot of the NAMBLA episode I was talking about.


i understand the humour in south park
only because south park actually addresses and ENDS a potentially IFFY situation...

pedo bear is OPEN forum...
if someone doesn't go and do research on it... they'll never know any better....

there's a difference when a resolution is provided...

10-30-2008, 05:02 PM
I think the bottom line is, if you rock the pedobear on your ride be prepared to be judged as the issue of pedophiles is a serious one. Weather or not you think it is a joke or believe it is a good marketing tactic to bring awareness to the situation, fact of the matter is that you aren't always there to plead your case, all that is there is a simple sticker of pedobear and that leaves room for others' interpretation. To me, like I said, to each their own, I'd like to avoid any misconception that others might have of myself so therefore, no pedobear on my ride...period. Just my 2 cents.

10-30-2008, 05:03 PM
I've changed my avatar after reading this. Going in without knowing about mascots and associations and whatnot, the pictures themselves are kinda funny, like a secret taboo.

For most people, it doesn't mean you'll try to reproduce the depictions yourself, or actually support the concept of pedophilia. It's like saying you support bloody murders, decapitations, and you dream and think of sick twisted ways to torture people if you enjoy any of the "Saw" saga.

10-30-2008, 05:25 PM
I've never even heard of this bear before 2 minutes ago when i started reading this thread but i've got to admit chinsterr's vids are pretty hilarious.

Zoom Zoom Boy
10-30-2008, 05:31 PM
but really... if you think the bear is so darn funny, why don't you plaster pictures of michael jackson on your car... it's really the same thing.... it's like michael jackson wearing a bear costume... wow!! so cool! you're only getting away with it cuz it's not actually a picture of MJ

We talking young and black Michael in a bear costume here, or old and white and my face is melting Michael in a bear costume? Cause really, nobody needs to see that shit...

10-30-2008, 05:55 PM
I guess you need a sense of humor to understand it. If your all about the "pedo" then its not for you. Move on and keep the comments to yourself.

Myself, I think its great and I would put it on my car but then I might have "serious" people try to vandalize my car.

your right, i do fail to see the humour in molesting/raping little kids....sorry

10-30-2008, 06:03 PM
We talking young and black Michael in a bear costume here, or old and white and my face is melting Michael in a bear costume? Cause really, nobody needs to see that shit...


I don't think either MJ would be suitable and i wouldn't wanna wake up to either one near my bed lol

10-30-2008, 07:35 PM
I've never even heard of this bear before 2 minutes ago when i started reading this thread but i've got to admit chinsterr's vids are pretty hilarious.

thank you thank you

10-30-2008, 10:59 PM
I see some of the humour with pedobear but I think it's pretty retarded to put it on your car.

Like Kid-Icarus mentions, at least the NAMBLA episode in South Park brings some sort of resolution to the subject but pedobear just leaves the situation open for interpretation...which can be pretty dangerous.

I don't think it's being overly PC to criticize the pedobear, after all the act of pedophilia is one of the worst things that can ever happen to a person...and I don't think pedobear is the right way to bring attention to the issue.

Anyway it's a free world so everyone has a right to an opinion and a right to their own sense of humour.

just my 2 cents...

10-31-2008, 12:01 AM
Having pedo bear stickers on cars would just signify a pedophile owns that car...or maybe just humour.

I just found a site on the internet with a large collection of pedo bear pics. Man people who have such psychological disorders need treatment.

I wouldnt want to put the link to the site here as it as some inappropriate content.

10-31-2008, 10:54 AM
Guys, its the fact the "bear" is cute. Most "teddy-bears" are cute. In the case of the "pedo-bear", its funny as a character, but not the fact that it is representing a pedo in such a situation. In this case, I'm going to have to agree with most that this isn't a good thing by any measure.
Someone having that on their car may think its funny, I had a chuckle when I saw that pic, its like "creeping" while you drive. It would probably startle the crap out of some older couple at a set of lights.
People think its cute or funny, sure. Its a "bear", with a smile. But if there was a caption behind it saying "I represent the council for pedophiles", you bet your ass people wouldn't stand for it.
It just hasn't been marketed to most people yet as to exactly what is means or the message it relays.
Someone should write to City TV and have them conduct sidewalk interviews with those in the GTA about "who pedo-bear is". I am sure 90% of the people will not know who or what he is, other than just a "teddy-bear".

11-20-2008, 04:28 PM
Not to cause a fuss. But I know whos car that is on the first pic, she requests for you guys not to post it okay. Takes up her bandwidth.

11-20-2008, 05:02 PM
Not to cause a fuss. But I know whos car that is on the first pic, she requests for you guys not to post it okay. Takes up her bandwidth.

???? Sorry, I don't understand, takes up her bandwidth?

If she took the pic and posted it on the internet, well, she should have thought twice about that. If she proudly displays it in the rear window and someone else takes a pic of it and it doesn't show her, her licence plate, or any personal info, tough luck! If she's embarassed, good for her, take it off the window! Guess you guys know how I feel about it. :complain

I like the City-TV idea though!!!

11-20-2008, 05:30 PM
Not to cause a fuss. But I know whos car that is on the first pic, she requests for you guys not to post it okay. Takes up her bandwidth.
its on photobucket and there is a 25GB a month allowance. The pic is 451KB.
Relax she won't run out of bandwidth cause of the pic

11-20-2008, 06:54 PM
Not to cause a fuss. But I know whos car that is on the first pic, she requests for you guys not to post it okay. Takes up her bandwidth.

Actually you are causing a fuss. Why don't you tell her to take the picture off of whatever photo-hosting server she has it on if it bothers her so much that it's being posted here.

At the same time maybe you can ask her if she even has any idea what the bear stands for? If she doesn't, maybe you could explain it to her.

11-22-2008, 11:48 AM
Guys, its the fact the "bear" is cute. Most "teddy-bears" are cute. In the case of the "pedo-bear", its funny as a character, but not the fact that it is representing a pedo in such a situation. In this case, I'm going to have to agree with most that this isn't a good thing by any measure.
Someone having that on their car may think its funny, I had a chuckle when I saw that pic, its like "creeping" while you drive. It would probably startle the crap out of some older couple at a set of lights.
People think its cute or funny, sure. Its a "bear", with a smile. But if there was a caption behind it saying "I represent the council for pedophiles", you bet your ass people wouldn't stand for it.
It just hasn't been marketed to most people yet as to exactly what is means or the message it relays.
Someone should write to City TV and have them conduct sidewalk interviews with those in the GTA about "who pedo-bear is". I am sure 90% of the people will not know who or what he is, other than just a "teddy-bear".

True. It's a cute bear, everyone is looking way to deep into this. I highly doubt the owner of the car is a pedophile who is advertising such a fact. It's just a cute japanimation sticker geeze relax.

11-22-2008, 04:41 PM

How to destroy a MS3 in one easy step.

11-22-2008, 04:52 PM
Oh and I have one of the funniest Pedo Bear pics ever..lol. Not sure if its to over the top to post here tho..

11-29-2008, 12:32 AM