View Full Version : A Speed 3 succumbs to winter!!
12-23-2008, 12:19 AM
No, not me (thankfully), NOT FOR THE FEINT OF HEART!!!
A friend in Colorado, SUV or something BIG blew through intersection, almost T-bone...
Nice before and NASTY afters...
That sucks.....
that black one looks awesome
12-23-2008, 12:34 AM
I know, that's why I had to put it in there :)
12-23-2008, 12:49 AM
succombs to winter..i dont see any snow:chuckle
12-23-2008, 01:31 AM
wow.. that sucks.. but the black one is sleek! yes
12-23-2008, 02:06 AM
cosmetic write off perhaps? How deep is the dent, into frame?
12-23-2008, 03:40 AM
Hatch backs have red tails too? Woah, thats nice man. Its like my car except I have a sedan.
12-23-2008, 04:14 AM
Hatch backs have red tails too? Woah, thats nice man. Its like my car except I have a sedan.
the tails are tinted
12-23-2008, 10:22 AM
There is frame damage to the rear. I think its going to be a write off.
I hope your friend is alright.
Where's the snow though?
12-23-2008, 10:34 AM
There is frame damage to the rear. I think its going to be a write off.
I hope your friend is alright.
Where's the snow though?
Look at the bottom pic - top left by the A4 cabrio - Colorado - don't like the weather? Wait 5 minutes!
12-23-2008, 11:17 AM
You can also clearly see he has winter tires on too... SUV or whatever hit them probably didn't!
"Tis only a flesh wound, it doesn't hurt!"
12-23-2008, 11:27 AM
That black hatch is HAWT
12-23-2008, 01:00 PM
Ouch, that sucks.
Motor/tranny/ecu is all cursed.
I will take it and perform an exorcism free of cost.
12-23-2008, 01:14 PM
you call that snow?! come to montreal for a bit! :chuckle
too bad about the smash up...hopefully no one was injured.
12-25-2008, 03:15 AM
Sadly that poor speed belong to me. Believe it or not the day of the accident it wasn't snowing. It had snowed a few days before, and the idiot that hit me felt it was somehow wise to drive his tank around that morning with all the snow and ice still covering his windshield. His windshield had ZERO visibility and he rammed me going ~20+mph at a red light. He is essentially an :AH
Spoke to the idiots insurance today, and they going to pay to fix it. I suppose that's good, but i was really hoping that with the location of the damage it would be written off. The estimate is $8,500 before teardown. So i suppose more damage could be uncovered when they begin the actual repair. As for the frame, i have no idea right now if it is damaged. The collision center hasn't really looked at it yet. I am keeping a lawyers phone number with me when i find out more about the condition of the car, if the frame is messed up and his insurance wont write it off i plan to bring up a lawsuit against the kid for the depreciation of my soon to be worthless car.
More pics if you would like:
12-25-2008, 10:08 AM
Sadly that poor speed belong to me. Believe it or not the day of the accident it wasn't snowing. It had snowed a few days before, and the idiot that hit me felt it was somehow wise to drive his tank around that morning with all the snow and ice still covering his windshield. His windshield had ZERO visibility and he rammed me going ~20+mph at a red light. He is essentially an :AH
Spoke to the idiots insurance today, and they going to pay to fix it. I suppose that's good, but i was really hoping that with the location of the damage it would be written off. The estimate is $8,500 before teardown. So i suppose more damage could be uncovered when they begin the actual repair. As for the frame, i have no idea right now if it is damaged. The collision center hasn't really looked at it yet. I am keeping a lawyers phone number with me when i find out more about the condition of the car, if the frame is messed up and his insurance wont write it off i plan to bring up a lawsuit against the kid for the depreciation of my soon to be worthless car.
Not the best way to join a group - but welcome man! Let us know how it turns out.
12-25-2008, 03:14 PM
Not the best way to join a group - but welcome man! Let us know how it turns out.
Very true. Thanks for the welcome! I will keep you all in formed on how things go.
12-26-2008, 12:00 AM
Indeed, the black one reminds me of knight rider! Looks sweet tho!
12-26-2008, 12:20 AM
Welcome to the club. I hope that it all works out for the best for you.
12-26-2008, 01:35 AM
omg i almost cried. but thinkinga bout it. your not the only one. since the beginning of december 11 of us have been involved in accidents *myself included, my car being involved in a hit and run then wrote off a rental mazda3 hitting black ice* but wow thats unreal. if it gets fixed then that would be good. but bad at the same time cuz itts not gonna be the same anymore lol. good luck man. btw im assuming either you know the guy that hit you*kyle i assume* and i guess he was a young kid? what was he driving, mustve been a huuge truck or suv.
12-26-2008, 09:59 PM
Welcome to the club. I hope that it all works out for the best for you.
Thanks. I hope in the end all is well.
omg i almost cried. but thinkinga bout it. your not the only one. since the beginning of december 11 of us have been involved in accidents *myself included, my car being involved in a hit and run then wrote off a rental mazda3 hitting black ice* but wow thats unreal. if it gets fixed then that would be good. but bad at the same time cuz itts not gonna be the same anymore lol. good luck man. btw im assuming either you know the guy that hit you*kyle i assume* and i guess he was a young kid? what was he driving, mustve been a huuge truck or suv.
I remember MSMitch telling me on the photo forums about the misfortunes of a handful of Mazda owner in the Toronto area this winter alone. Sorry to hear you are one of them.
At first i was confused how you knew the name of the idiot who hit me, but then realized the names of some of the photos i uploaded to pb. Gave me a good laugh. I do not know the idiot, only know his name from the police report. Both of us are 20 actually. I may have used the word "kid" in previous replies, but i only use "kid" because it takes the common sense of a child to think driving around with a windshield full of ice is safe. He was driving a '99 Ford Tank Explorer; solid American steele.
12-27-2008, 04:29 PM
ahhh yes the infamous ford explorer. im betting that the explorer had maybe a scratch or needed a new bumper and that was it. shame though that your beloved mazdaspeed3 gets like this way. nobody needs this especially in the holiday season. worst for me is i was starting a new job and this happened to both cars.. now im laid off grrr. anyway whoever thinks driving around in a ford exploder with the windshield full of ice is a retard for sure. he should be charged with careless driving bahh.
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