View Full Version : TM3 Times #6 - January 2009

01-01-2009, 03:57 PM
TM3 Times – January 2009


I am sorry that it has been a year since our last issue. I was very busy at school finishing up my Ph.D. and there were no takers for the position of TM3 newscaster. Fortunately I have some free time this month to re-launch the TM3 times. It is good to be back!

I am also happy to announce that starting with the February issue we will have a new newscaster. Angela (She_Prime) has offered her services and will, I am sure, do a fantastic job. In that sprit, I would ask that if you have any thoughts or recommendations please don't PM me, PM her.

To all those who agreed to write an article and forgot, if you still want to send it to me I will include it!

2008 in Review

This has been a truly great year for TM3. I am sad to say that I missed a great deal of it shut away with my nose in the school books. Nonetheless, my ear was to the ground and I have heard many great things from many great people about many great events. Luckily we have eager members who are interested in sharing their thoughts about the various events that have occurred over the previous year.

2008 Events

8th Annual Meeting of the Mazdas – July 20, 2008

This year’s 8th annual Meeting of the Mazdas was held on July 20, 2008 at Centennial Park in Etobicoke. Despite the rain, mazda3 drivers from London, western GTA and eastern GTA each cruised to the meet location. In total, close to 30 TM3 members showed up throughout the day to greet their fellow comrades. TheBiz even brought a brand new never-been-seen 2009 Mazda6 GT to treat everyone’s eyes. Members got to put names to faces and rekindle old friendships. New car modifications were appreciated, while old car modifications were re-appreciated. Tents were set up for shelter, as members enjoyed food and refreshments. Even though several pre-planned activities were called off due to the weather, it was another great experience to remember. Thanks to all the members that attended. You made the day possible.

For the TorontoMazda3 club, awards were given as follows:
Best of Show: SpeedBaby/Tamara

Best Mazdaspeed: SpeedBaby/Tamara
Runner up: mleblond/Mathieu

Best Mazda 3: Pimpin_29y/Gabe
Runner up: Videcak/Chris

(Picture courtesy of dsichewski)

Click for more pictures. (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=26489)

Hopefully next year brings more positive memories as we continue to grow as a club of mazda3 enthusiasts.

- Belinda (Mit-Gee-Mui)

3rd Annual Holiday Dinner – December 14, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008 marked this year’s annual holiday dinner for our Toronto Mazda 3 members. Approximately 25 of our members (plus guests) met at Boston Pizza (400 and Hwy-7) to dine, talk cars, and to make some noise while watching Wheel of Fortune.

After dinner, Ami (S.F.W.) introduced our friend Jeff, from Audio Heaven to present some prizes which he graciously donated for the night. Our prizes and winners include:

2- $20 cash prize- Marco (Effin_Itai) and Chuckie (Chuckie)

1- CompuStar Remote Starter- Brian (Tokic_o)

1- Viper Two-Way Car Alarm and Starter- John (Xerox)

After dinner, we went down the road to the Tim Horton’s in the Colossus Plaza. Our drinks were graciously covered by the club and we all sat and talked for several more hours. Three different tables, of chatters, briscola players, and penny hockey players took up a good corner of Tim Horton’s and as the night grew longer, we slowly started to disseminate. In the end of things, Marco won Briscola and Alex (Broli) owned all others in Penny Hockey, as expected. He also turned Schwarzenegger on us and started attacking Scott (1flycdnM3) with random copper projectiles.
It was a very fun night, and personally, it was my first meet out with the club. I look forward to attending many more events with you guys in the 2009 season!

(Pictures courtesy of Xerox)

click to see more pictures (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=29547)

- Angela (She_Prime)

Other events that took place this year include:

TASR Show n’ Shine
(photo courtesy of KenYork)

Season Kick-off BBQ
(photo courtesy of 3GFX)

C7 Fall Tour
(photo courtesy of 3GFX)

2008 Meets Recap

TM3 tradition is to have more meets than there are days of the week. This is what makes the club so great, friendly people available always to lend a helping hand or to make new members feel welcome.

Hutch’s Meets

We have a growing number of westside members on TM3 and I found a nice location at Hutch's where some locals like to hangout. After a few of us TM3'ers checked out the spot, we decided it would be a great addition for intermittent meets throughout the summer months. Hutch’s is a very retro "old-school" diner with burgers, fries, onion rings and a pretty good ice cream parlor in the back. Even after the first meet, it seemed everyone was taking an interest and enjoying this scenic spot-by-the-lake. Hence, we decided to make this a monthly event. This is a great location where we see not only 3’s at the meet but other cars too (although we know we are still the best). It has been great fun, and I look forward to these meets being even bigger in 2009


-Scott (1flycdnM3)


The Monday meets started out strong but with the high gas prices our bi-weekly meets came to a stop, nevertheless it’s still a great place to get together & starting in the New Year we plan to get the meets back up in running for some Scopa & Brisk; indoors until the weather gets back to double digits. BOD would like to thank the MASIV crew for allowing us to host the Monday meets throughout the summer. We were able to add new members to our crew and make many great friends. Make sure to also take advantage of the La Paloma Wednesdays & Oakville Thursday which have been getting stronger over the year, even Starbucks welcomes us with open arms.

(Picture courtesy of dj_chinaman2097)

-Gary (sicsol)

Other Meets

La Paloma meets, Oakville Meets, AA Thursdays, this was another year where you had more meet options than a Korean bbq! Weather-wise the summer didn’t treat us all that well, nonetheless many of us still braved the rain and attended these meets. The few times I went there were great turnouts and great times.

Looking forward to the meets of 2009!

-Alex (Broli)

January 2009 Preview

Jan 11-25 – North American International Auto Show in Detroit (http://www.naias.com/)

Every year a few TM3ers make the trek to Motown and come back raving of how much a better show this is than the one we get in February. If you get the chance go, and don’t forget to post pictures.

It seems that there will be another Blood Donation meet in January. If you have the chance this is a nice thing to do, and was buckets of fun to do it as a group last time. Keep an eye on this thread for details… (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?p=371039#post371039)

It is still winter, so be safe out there, be aware of driving conditions and be aware of others. Remember, when you drive with a TM3 decal or license plate you do not only represent yourself, you represent all of us.

It has been a blast assembling the TM3 Times for you guys. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed articles and pictures; it has been a tremendous help for me. I was happy to get the opportunity release one last issue of the Times. I would like to give my personal thanks to Angela for taking over the reigns and I wish her good luck.

I am off to do some traveling, I will see you guys in May!

- Alex (Broli)