View Full Version : Putting in Windshield Washer Fluid

01-09-2009, 04:28 PM
Not sure if this was discussed already but I was putting in my windshield washer fluid today and I missed the tube which goes into very slightly though I started with a few caps first and then I just chugged it down into the tube. I noticed there are some wirings near my highbeams and I'm not sure if I hit them. Is it ok as windsheild fluid is flammable? Thoughts / Opinions?

01-09-2009, 04:33 PM
Not sure if this was discussed already but I was putting in my windshield washer fluid today and I missed the tube which goes into very slightly though I started with a few caps first and then I just chugged it down into the tube. I noticed there are some wirings near my highbeams and I'm not sure if I hit them. Is it ok as windsheild fluid is flammable? Thoughts / Opinions?

ive spilled a lil but of washer fluid on some wires and nothing happened

01-09-2009, 08:13 PM
I spilled a shit load of washer fluid while i was trying to refill the tank... It was in the middle of a storm lol..

So far nothing happened, dont think it should cause too many problems..

I went out and bought a small funnel no more spilling!

I do notice how ever, when the washer fluid is low, sometimes the light on the dash comes on, then suddenly goes off.. i guess it just means there's still fluid in there just being moved around messing with the sensor /shrug

01-09-2009, 08:17 PM
Not sure if this was discussed already but I was putting in my windshield washer fluid today and I missed the tube which goes into very slightly though I started with a few caps first and then I just chugged it down into the tube. I noticed there are some wirings near my highbeams and I'm not sure if I hit them. Is it ok as windsheild fluid is flammable? Thoughts / Opinions?

I never thought about the potential danger of spilling windshield washer fluid on other parts of your engine compartment but I really doubt anything would happen. I mean everyone at some point has spilled some windshield washer fluid while refilling the tank and I don't think anyone's car has ever caught fire or exploded or anything like that!

01-09-2009, 08:42 PM
I never thought about the potential danger of spilling windshield washer fluid on other parts of your engine compartment but I really doubt anything would happen. I mean everyone at some point has spilled some windshield washer fluid while refilling the tank and I don't think anyone's car has ever caught fire or exploded or anything like that!

worst case scenario....:complain

I spilled a shit load of washer fluid while i was trying to refill the tank... It was in the middle of a storm lol..

So far nothing happened, dont think it should cause too many problems..

I went out and bought a small funnel no more spilling!

I do notice how ever, when the washer fluid is low, sometimes the light on the dash comes on, then suddenly goes off.. i guess it just means there's still fluid in there just being moved around messing with the sensor /shrug

NICE IDEA!! I would have never thought about getting a funnel...hmmm..

01-09-2009, 08:58 PM
I used to spill a little but have started turning the jug on its side when it's full. It makes it easier to pour and therefore less spillage. :)

Noisy Crow
01-09-2009, 09:53 PM
The pointy water cooler cups from work make great funnels. Just cut the point off, and voila! Excellent for oil top-ups, windshield washer fluid.....

01-10-2009, 01:40 PM
nope nothing will happen windshield washer wont freeze so it will just drip untill whatever you spilled is out

01-10-2009, 03:13 PM
The pointy water cooler cups from work make great funnels. Just cut the point off, and voila! Excellent for oil top-ups, windshield washer fluid.....

hey that's a great idea and it's free lol.

I just wouldn't use the same funnel to fill up different fluids as the paper cups would get contaminated by absorbing the various liquids...I guess you would need to "borrow" 1 cup from work per fluid you need to pour. :chuckle

01-10-2009, 07:50 PM

Noisy Crow
01-10-2009, 08:20 PM
hey that's a great idea and it's free lol.

I just wouldn't use the same funnel to fill up different fluids as the paper cups would get contaminated by absorbing the various liquids...I guess you would need to "borrow" 1 cup from work per fluid you need to pour. :chuckle

Yeah.... I used to keep them in the car for oil, mostly, as the car I was driving burned enough oil that I needed to top it up periodially. So I would keep a couple of litres of oil and the paper funnels in the car. The nice thing about the paper is I can just toss the funnel.... keeping a plastic one dripping oil all over the place never appealed to me....

01-11-2009, 08:29 AM
The pointy water cooler cups from work make great funnels. Just cut the point off, and voila! Excellent for oil top-ups, windshield washer fluid.....


I know gas stations (particularily Esso and Petro Canada..... but I'm sure others should as well) provide paper funnels. You just have to ask for it. I have a bunch of paper funnel's from the gas station.

01-12-2009, 07:16 AM
I bought a pack of 3 funnel from dollarama... cheap, and useful.