View Full Version : to avoid scratches...
01-15-2009, 07:09 PM
Keep the hard bristle snow brushes OFF YOUR PAINT!
Just clean the windows all around, when it comes to removing snow from the hood/roof/trunk just take off the heavy snow, I usually leave like 1/2" of snow on the car so the snow brush doesn't touch the paint
I know many of you have nice and soft snow brushes, but for my anything rubbing up on the paint can cause fine scratches
i just use a broom when i am at home or at work...
01-15-2009, 11:55 PM
^ ^ ^ yeah anything soft just to whisk the snow away is good
I saw this lady at work that was determined to remove every peice of snow on her car, she was even using the ice scraper to remove the hard packed ice and snow from her trunk lid HAHA
01-16-2009, 12:00 AM
does anyone know how to fix the scratches on the door portion errr I can't explain it but the black plastic portion has scratches due to my hard snow brush i used (luckily i went and bought a oxo snow feather brush and that solved the problem). I want it fixed in the spring!!
01-16-2009, 12:09 AM
i leave the snow on the roof and it blows off when i drive..i just use the brush to clean the windows thats about it
i leave the snow on the roof and it blows off when i drive..i just use the brush to clean the windows thats about it
and how many times has the snow fell on your windsheild when you go to slow down:chuckle
This has happened to me to many times and for this reason i alway remove snow off of my roof:chuckle
01-16-2009, 12:17 AM
and how many times has the snow fell on your windsheild when you go to slow down:chuckle
This has happened to me to many times and for this reason i alway remove snow off of my roof:chuckle
how does snow end up on my windshield if im going FORWARD:chuckle
u mean my back window..thats what the defroster is for:)
how does snow end up on my windshield if im going FORWARD:chuckle
u mean my back window..thats what the defroster is for:)
no i mean always happened to me and i see it happen to other people..i would leave the snow on the roof of car and when i went to stop or slow down real quick all the snow from the roof would slide on my windsheild and i wouldn't be able to see where i am going:complain
01-16-2009, 12:26 AM
no i mean always happened to me and i see it happen to other people..i would leave the snow on the roof of car and when i went to stop or slow down real quick all the snow from the roof would slide on my windsheild and i wouldn't be able to see where i am going:complain
i never had that happen to me..maybe i didnt have enough on my roof..
i never had that happen to me..maybe i didnt have enough on my roof..
its happened to me many times...everytime i see a car with snow on its roof i laugh cause i know it willprobaly go on their windsheild when they go to stop or slow
01-16-2009, 12:29 AM
well ur hopefully taller than your car just take the snow off lol:chuckle
01-16-2009, 12:58 AM
Rear window wiper ftw. =)
Good advice form the OP, I see so many people completely raking their paint with their snow brushes. The same thing or worse happens if you use the brush at a car wash.
I'm one of those people I'm sure other people despise because I also just brush my windows off and let the snow fly off my roof creating a flurry behind my car. But really it lasts only a few seconds and alot of the snow falls off before I'm out of my neighborhood.
This past weekend, I was up on Cypress Mountain in Vancouver and everyone's car got buried by 2 feet of snow. I winced as I watched this guy try to use the ice scraper on his girlfriend's car trunk despite her trying to instruct him how to brush snow properly off the car. She kept trying to tell him to use his arm instead to brush snow off the body but I guess he didn't want to get his army dirty. :chuckle
01-16-2009, 03:38 PM
People should really learn to completely clean their cars of snow. It can be pretty dangerous if you are driving on the highway, and the wind finally has enough force to blow teh pile of snow off your car, and onto the windshield of the car behind you.
Nay nay to that, brush off the windows, thats it, I refuse to touch a brush to my paint. You arent a tractor trailer or a big van, its those SHEETS of ice of the top which are most dangerous, snow is minor.
01-16-2009, 04:01 PM
I just brush the snow off the windsheild rear glass, front side windows and maybe just brush the side mirrors a bit if there is alot of snow.. Otherwise i dont touch the paint..
01-18-2009, 07:07 PM
People should really learn to completely clean their cars of snow. It can be pretty dangerous if you are driving on the highway, and the wind finally has enough force to blow teh pile of snow off your car, and onto the windshield of the car behind you.
Also it is a traffic violation to deposit snow on the highway ie. let it blow from the roof of your car. I know people who have been pulled over for not clearing snow from their roof.
01-18-2009, 10:37 PM
I had an Oskar snow brush scratch the heck out of my old VW Jetta's windshield - new brush, just snow - lots of little scratches - soft glass or something - luckily it cracked from road debris and had it replaced, no problems after that!
I gave my car a mowhawk today for fun! Didn't get pics though - next big dump of snow though...
01-19-2009, 10:07 AM
People should really learn to completely clean their cars of snow. It can be pretty dangerous if you are driving on the highway, and the wind finally has enough force to blow teh pile of snow off your car, and onto the windshield of the car behind you.
I HATE getting scratches/swirls on my car, and found last year that my snow brush had done exactly that. However, just because a car isn't a huge tractor trailer doesn't mean that you don't create a blizzard for the person driving behind you on the highway. I've driven behind cars like this. I always do my best to clear off most of the snow without brushing directly on the paint.
I also find that if I leave much on the roof it blows onto the rear window, and the defroster is pretty inefficient at clearing that off. So you're still losing visibility.
What i do is when im leaving i accelerate and then break fast to get all the snow off the roof ;) THEN i clean it all off.
02-11-2009, 04:46 PM
Make sure to remove all snow from the top of your car. I have seen endless cars leave it on, then the surface that touches the car melts and when they brake a little bit, the entire amount of snow on their rough slides over their windshield blocking their view.
02-13-2009, 05:57 PM
Make sure to remove all snow from the top of your car. I have seen endless cars leave it on, then the surface that touches the car melts and when they brake a little bit, the entire amount of snow on their rough slides over their windshield blocking their view.
this happend to me in the highway, good thing I dident panick, U can actually kill ur self or someone , take the extra 30 seconds and wipe of the top of the car,
mazda lover
02-14-2009, 06:14 PM
Also it is a traffic violation to deposit snow on the highway ie. let it blow from the roof of your car. I know people who have been pulled over for not clearing snow from their roof.
what about tractor trailers when snow and ice blow off the roof of the trailer, nab them, more of a hazard than snow from the roofs of our cars...
02-14-2009, 07:41 PM
To Avoid Scratches:
Pray when you enter a Mall Parking Lot that you don't get nicked by some retard who is backing up and hits your front bumper, yet doesn't realize and takes off leaving a wonderful surprise for you when you come back.
Happened to me last night.
02-17-2009, 09:28 AM
^ ^ ^ ^
ouch, sorry to hear of your misfortune man - that sucks rooster big time =(
02-17-2009, 12:14 PM
I use something called a Sno-Pro, it's kindof a foam piece I guess, I just take off the bulk snow like the OP said and let the rest melt or blow away.
02-17-2009, 12:45 PM
Don't be lazy, brush it all off and stop creating hazards for the other drivers out there, just to make sure your car looks pretty in the spring. Nothing erks me more than cars driving down the highway with a mountain of snow on top of the car, spraying it everywhere and dropping ice bombs on people's windshield behind them! Hell, I even clear off the roof of my SUV!!
Besides, you scratch your paint, bug deal. That keeps guys like Kaval busy and employed! Support your economy, stop being selfish! :chuckle
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