View Full Version : AT shift boot

02-02-2009, 12:42 AM
Hey guys i have a AT mazda 3 and im wondering if i can install a boot/knob on my shifter. I seen some people do it but i dont know where to buy the boot/knob. I tried pacific mall -_-" they only have momo = expensive and MT boots only. Help please ! thanks =)

02-02-2009, 03:07 AM

I did it =)

02-02-2009, 01:16 PM
where can i find a boot/knob that will fit my AT?!

02-26-2009, 03:21 AM
pretty much any boot/knob will fit. they're pretty much screw in and done. and you have to take some parts off starting with the center arm rest and cup holders to get where you need to, to put on the boot. theres instructions on this website, just gotta look for it. cheers, good luck im going to do mine in the spring.