View Full Version : re: expired warranties options

04-03-2009, 12:24 PM
My bumper to bumper warranty expired recently, and I am considering my options for further protection as I plan to keep this car for a long time. (i have a 06 sport AT)

The powertrain warranty, as you should know lasts 5 years.
So i discussed the options with my local Mazda dealership, and this is what I found out
If I want a bumper to bumper warranty, it can be bought, at ANYTIME i own the car. the rates are higher if I decided to buy one after the original has expired. (which it has) and is considered a "used car", getting a used car rate.

options: 2 years $1455
3 years $1666
4 years $1817
needless to say, this particular individual took a "salesman approach" when discussing the options, which turned me off.

I did not get numbers for power train only (this would be in effect after the 5 year mark), as he was being a ....jackass. the answer was " maybe 2-300 dollars less, but at this price, you might as well...."
Apparently, there is a seperate OEM program as well, that the warranty is through another company, similar if any of you financed your car through a bank.

I figure it may be a good idea to buy a 4 year bumper to bumper option after my 5 years of powertrain expires. This wont protect me, if some idiot destroys my car in that time though...

What I want to know, is your opinions about what you plan to do when your powertrain, and or (if you bought bumper to bumper in the first place) expires. If you happen to get any price quotes, and finally, if what is your best economical opinion on this subject.


04-03-2009, 01:03 PM
Not sure where you went, but you have been misled.

My bumper to bumper warranty expired recently, and I am considering my options for further protection as I plan to keep this car for a long time. (i have a 06 sport AT)

The powertrain warranty, as you should know lasts 5 years.
So i discussed the options with my local Mazda dealership, and this is what I found out
If I want a bumper to bumper warranty, it can be bought, at ANYTIME i own the car.

Not the case.

Mazda Added Protection COMPREHENSIVE Warranty can only be added while the existing Comp is in place, which means, if you are outside of your 3/80, you cannot purchase Comprehensive warranty.

the rates are higher if I decided to buy one after the original has expired. (which it has) and is considered a "used car", getting a used car rate.

options: 2 years $1455
3 years $1666
4 years $1817
needless to say, this particular individual took a "salesman approach" when discussing the options, which turned me off.

Wasn't me.. :)

As for USED or Preowned M.A.P. is not the same as Comprehensive and it can only be added when a used Mazda is purchased from a Mazda Dealership.

I did not get numbers for power train only (this would be in effect after the 5 year mark), as he was being a ....jackass. the answer was " maybe 2-300 dollars less, but at this price, you might as well...."
Apparently, there is a seperate OEM program as well, that the warranty is through another company, similar if any of you financed your car through a bank.

Not sure what this meant... :whoa

What I want to know, is your opinions about what you plan to do when your powertrain, and or (if you bought bumper to bumper in the first place) expires. If you happen to get any price quotes, and finally, if what is your best economical opinion on this subject.


If you wait until the end of your existing warranty, it is cheaper to cross your fingers and hope for the best.

04-03-2009, 06:44 PM
I paid $1800 and change for 6 year 160,000 km bumper to bumper at signing for my '08 MS3. Shouldn't have to pay as much as that for a regular 3.