View Full Version : someone hit my door!!! help!!
04-11-2009, 04:06 PM
haven't even had it for 2 months and some ass already clipped my door with his. :flaming
it's not a bad ding, barely dented, just barely but it has some black marks with a red streak from his paint where it hit
the red is pretty good into my paint
anyway i can get this fixed cheap??
if not, what am i looking at??
04-11-2009, 04:28 PM
you may be able to buff it out. I've seen friends cars who were involved in accidents where all they had to do was buff out the marks.
I cant tell unless you upload some pics. If theirs any dents you may need to call the dent guy.
04-14-2009, 11:22 PM
scartch X, it works no bull
scartch X, it works no bull
Where do they sell it?
04-14-2009, 11:39 PM
aww man i feel your pain. where did this happen?
i feel paranoid too when parking my car in a public lot...
scratch X, it works no bull
Canadian works to a degree, doesn't perform miracles though.
Give it a shot. If not you might be able to get away with a professional such a Kaval cleaning and rebuffing.
04-15-2009, 12:26 AM
that real bites!!! that is one of my biggest fears. I think I will park at the farthest part of the parking lol
04-15-2009, 01:47 AM
haven't even had it for 2 months and some ass already clipped my door with his. :flaming
it's not a bad ding, barely dented, just barely but it has some black marks with a red streak from his paint where it hit
the red is pretty good into my paint
anyway i can get this fixed cheap??
if not, what am i looking at??
If You could post a picture im sure we could get a better idea of how to deal with it....& this just truly angers me, some people truly have no morals :bang
Not trying to be inconsiderate by saying this but the first dent is the one that's going to hurt the most and the ones that come after, you just shake your head and move on with life. I came to the realization that you cannot escape these dings from the parking lot unless you don't drive your car out. Try out those items other members have mentioned here. It might work. GL
04-15-2009, 12:16 PM
canadian tire, I was going under the little parking thing that lifts up and lets u pass but it closed on my roof.... there was a paint on paint scratch about 4 inches across and 3 inches in height, i used an eraser and the paint was gone, very minor scrtached were their and i used scratch x and it worked great, theres a dent on the roof about 0.2 cm deep , trying to find how to get rid of that.
04-15-2009, 03:05 PM
canadian tire, I was going under the little parking thing that lifts up and lets u pass but it closed on my roof.... there was a paint on paint scratch about 4 inches across and 3 inches in height, i used an eraser and the paint was gone, very minor scrtached were their and i used scratch x and it worked great, theres a dent on the roof about 0.2 cm deep , trying to find how to get rid of that.
wow that sucks
well it's good to know scratch x has worked
looks like i'll be picking it up as the dent is so tiny, you wouldn't notice it without the mark
04-15-2009, 05:15 PM
that real bites!!! that is one of my biggest fears. I think I will park at the farthest part of the parking lol
and then the :AH also looks for a space and found one beside you and hit you with his door :chuckle
04-15-2009, 08:31 PM
let me know how it turns out, u might need to apply it several times for perfection
04-16-2009, 12:03 AM
I know how it feels when its a new car i.e just a couple of months old. I have a small dent on my rear right door since the first 3-4 months of owning my new its been 2.5 years and its still there. Its not that noticable so its fine but it really pissed me off when I first saw it. Seems like people in the parking lot just dont give a damn.
04-16-2009, 01:17 PM
and then the :AH also looks for a space and found one beside you and hit you with his door :chuckle
That's not funny. I got 2 dents and its only been 2 years now. If I'm planning on keeping my car for over 6+ years, i'm pretty sure I'll have at least one dent for each car panel:flaming
paintless dent removal - if it really bothers you
the red and black marks will come off for sure - its just his paint on top of yours
you just may not be able to remove marks by hand - might need a high speed buffer - so take it to a pro and it will take them 10 minutes to buff it out
04-16-2009, 09:48 PM
eraser will do the trick if not u can use a claybar
scartch X, it works no bull
NO it does not work
04-18-2009, 12:31 PM
Mr clean magic eraser will fix it right up!!!
not :)
Let us know how some of the other suggestions work out for you, I am curious.
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