View Full Version : chamios real or genuine? what do you prefer
04-23-2009, 01:24 PM
is there a difference between a synthetic and genuine chamios
What do you prefer. Which one works better
I noticed with a genuine chamios that it leaves lint behind. Maybe because it is new? I just bought it and tried it and that is what it did.
I wonder if the synthetic ones will do that too
your thought and opinions are welcome.
04-23-2009, 01:25 PM
is there a difference between a synthetic and genuine chamios
What do you prefer. Which one works better
I noticed with a genuine chamios that it leaves lint behind. Maybe because it is new? I just bought it and tried it and that is what it did.
I wonder if the synthetic ones will do that too
your thought and opinions are welcome.
oh I forgot how do you clean it if it get dirty?
04-23-2009, 02:19 PM
I swear by the Absober synthetic chamois.I've been using the same one for many years; it absorbs 10x the water a genuine chamois will, is much more durable, as in it will not fall apart~I've got thousands of dryings out of mine so far!.It's simpler as in you just squeeze it out and pack it in its case when your finished.You can wash it by simply using warm water and mild soap.But the best part is how smooth and silky it is when wet, making it very easy on your paint finish...and completely lint free!! ....Have I sold you yet? :chuckle
Just remember; no chamois will do a complete job, you should use a couple of clean micro-fiber clothes afterwards to dry/buff the surface properly.
04-23-2009, 02:50 PM
I swear by the Absober synthetic chamois.I've been using the same one for many years; it absorbs 10x the water a genuine chamois will, is much more durable, as in it will not fall apart~I've got thousands of dryings out of mine so far!.It's simpler as in you just squeeze it out and pack it in its case when your finished.You can wash it by simply using warm water and mild soap.But the best part is how smooth and silky it is when wet, making it very easy on your paint finish...and completely lint free!! ....Have I sold you yet? :chuckle
Just remember; no chamois will do a complete job, you should use a couple of clean micro-fiber clothes afterwards to dry/buff the surface properly.
Hmmmm....interesting. Might have to check this out lol.
04-23-2009, 02:57 PM
I swear by the Absober synthetic chamois.
where'd you get that Absober/Absorber??
04-23-2009, 03:01 PM
where'd you get that Absober/Absorber??
Canadian tire sells them. So I'm sure a few other stores in Canada will too.
04-23-2009, 03:01 PM
where'd you get that Absober/Absorber??
Canadian Tire, automotive section (usually hanging behind the desk)
04-23-2009, 03:44 PM
Canadian tire sells them. So I'm sure a few other stores in Canada will too.
wow I need to keep my eyes open! :whoa i thought they're only bought online or something :chuckle
thanks :)
04-23-2009, 03:51 PM
Yah I use a synthetic one now as well. Can't remember the brand name but it's from Canadian Tire... probably around $15.
I bought a sheepskin one at first for $40 and it was CRAP!!!!! It felt like it was sticking to the car it didn't dry one drop of water!!!
As for drying it with other towels afterward, just a once over with a chamios is good enough for my baby! :)
04-23-2009, 04:34 PM
I use a regular chamois but im definatly gonna look for this absorber
04-23-2009, 04:39 PM
I use a regular chamois but im definatly gonna look for this absorber
how do you find it works. does yours leave lint behind
04-23-2009, 05:49 PM
Dehydrator FTW!
04-23-2009, 06:28 PM
Yah I use a synthetic one now as well. Can't remember the brand name but it's from Canadian Tire... probably around $15.
I bought a sheepskin one at first for $40 and it was CRAP!!!!! It felt like it was sticking to the car it didn't dry one drop of water!!!
As for drying it with other towels afterward, just a once over with a chamios is good enough for my baby! :)
Considering you have a black finish, I'd think you would want better!.Using a chamois alone will leave a film of water on the service which can lead to water spots.Thats why I suggest using MF clothes afterwards; it dries the surface to perfection and u don't have to rub hard or anything, just lightly go over the surface...takes just a couple of minutes.
tsaotablem; The Dehydrator has nothing on the absorber, I've used it once and thought it was crap to tell you the truth.
04-23-2009, 06:42 PM
just bought the absorber from wal mart 19.99. Can't wait to try it.
What do people think of the Sham wow (or the knock offs). has anyone used this on their cars
04-23-2009, 06:45 PM
I swear by the Absober synthetic chamois.I've been using the same one for many years; it absorbs 10x the water a genuine chamois will, is much more durable, as in it will not fall apart~I've got thousands of dryings out of mine so far!.It's simpler as in you just squeeze it out and pack it in its case when your finished.You can wash it by simply using warm water and mild soap.But the best part is how smooth and silky it is when wet, making it very easy on your paint finish...and completely lint free!! ....Have I sold you yet? :chuckle
Just remember; no chamois will do a complete job, you should use a couple of clean micro-fiber clothes afterwards to dry/buff the surface properly.
do you use it like a chamious. what I mean just lay it across the car hood or roof and drag it towards you. On the sides do you just use circle motions?
04-23-2009, 07:09 PM
do you use it like a chamious. what I mean just lay it across the car hood or roof and drag it towards you. On the sides do you just use circle motions?
Yup, just lay it and drag it, but on the sides I use straight, very light motions...Circular motions may increase the chance of spider-web scratches.
Soak the Absorber in warm water and wring it out good before doing anything.
04-23-2009, 07:33 PM
Yup, just lay it and drag it, but on the sides I use straight, very light motions...Circular motions may increase the chance of spider-web scratches.
Soak the Absorber in warm water and wring it out good before doing anything.
Thanx. I can't wait to use it. I've already washed my car twice and I have only had the car for 1 week. first wash was by hand second was a touchless car wash. It rainedfor 3 days and had some dirt spots and water marks.
04-23-2009, 08:21 PM
Thanx. I can't wait to use it. I've already washed my car twice and I have only had the car for 1 week. first wash was by hand second was a touchless car wash. It rainedfor 3 days and had some dirt spots and water marks.
Yeah there's a trick to reducing those water spots coming out of the wash... drive stupid slow, like not even moving when under the air dryer... hahaha seems to work fine anyway :P
Considering you have a black finish, I'd think you would want better!.Using a chamois alone will leave a film of water on the service which can lead to water spots.Thats why I suggest using MF clothes afterwards; it dries the surface to perfection and u don't have to rub hard or anything, just lightly go over the surface...takes just a couple of minutes.
Hmm.. maybe it is an absorber of some sort I'm usin then? Cuz I never get any water spots... shines like CRAAAAAZY when I'm done with it!!! But if MF cloths could always make things better/shinier, then bring it onnnn!!!! ;)
04-24-2009, 04:59 AM
I use the Absorber as well.. however, sometimes I will rip out the Gazelle skin chamois (bought it overseas) and go to town.. only on the nice summer nights when the car has been detailed.
04-26-2009, 12:41 PM
I currently have the Genuine. But the problem is it leaves yellow fibres or whatever you call it from the skin. I read someone up here saying it doesnt absorb and it sticks?
Wet the shammy first. Thats the key. Get it soaked and then squeeze out the water and do pass over. It should hug the paint and you will need to tug a bit. Unless your a weakling, its fairly easy.
I think I will be making the switch to synthetic. I used one and it doesnt leave anything behind plus it absorbs pretty good.
04-26-2009, 01:12 PM
I currently have the Genuine. But the problem is it leaves yellow fibres or whatever you call it from the skin. I read someone up here saying it doesnt absorb and it sticks?
Wet the shammy first. Thats the key. Get it soaked and then squeeze out the water and do pass over. It should hug the paint and you will need to tug a bit. Unless your a weakling, its fairly easy.
I think I will be making the switch to synthetic. I used one and it doesnt leave anything behind plus it absorbs pretty good.
I used Genuine Chamois for years before the 'Synthetics' came out and all I have to say is there is no comparison!!...With Genuine chamois there was alot of up-keep to keep them from deteriorating, which they seemed to do right from the start LOL, hense the little fibres left behind....You must soak the shit out of them at first to even think about dragging them across your paint, the synthetics will keep damp aslong as you keep them in thier container and will last for years as I can testify too.....
that's just a couple of reasons to switch to synthetic but, even different brands of synthetics can show huge differences in quality i.e.; smoothness of material, absortion of water, ease of use etc; I've used several different synthetic brands and always go back to my trusty's simply the best, if maintained and used properly.
Off base story but I picked my first Absorber up in the U.S, before it was even sold here in Canada. I was so excited by how well it worked I wrote the manufacturer to attempt to get distributor rights up here in Canada. Unfortunately and only by several days, someone else got there first....Damn that CT!:flaming
mazda lover
04-30-2009, 10:48 PM
I bought the synthetic ones at a car show, Motion 1986 and still have them and use them every car wash since, even put them in the washer when they get a little dirty which is not often, no tears etc...don't remember what they are called, the guy was doing a demo, so what the hell, give me a
would buy again
05-04-2009, 02:49 PM
I use one of those knockoff shamwow things, been working well so far, but if the car is really wet it becomes useless after the hood and one side are done so I normally end up going over it again with a soft towel to get it bone dry.
05-10-2009, 08:39 PM
I bought the absorber... one word ... amazing.!!!!!!
I tried the shamwow cause my absober was in the wash and I just finished washing my car and then it rained, so I pulled out the shamwow. all I can say it does not compare to the Absorber..
this thing does not leave lint, takes up 99% of the water in one swoop, then just wring it out and your ready to go again.
If I feel up to it, i may use a microfiber cloth just to get it bone dry.
I may get another one just to use around the house. way better than shamwow.. shamwow once used is useless for the rest of the car
Great find...thanx for sharing flagrum 3
05-11-2009, 07:36 PM
I think I'm going to pick up an absorber tomorrow. Anyone know where to get it for a good price? I saw it at Crappy tire but wondering if theres any cheaper.
05-11-2009, 07:38 PM
I think I'm going to pick up an absorber tomorrow. Anyone know where to get it for a good price? I saw it at Crappy tire but wondering if theres any cheaper.
I bought mine at walmart for $20. they had a knock off for $10 but I thought it might not be as good so I went for the real thing.
05-11-2009, 07:44 PM
I bought mine at walmart for $20. they had a knock off for $10 but I thought it might not be as good so I went for the real thing.
I will have to check that out tomorrow.
I'm still a bit scared of using a towel other than a MicroFiber towel to dry the vehicle. I usually blot the vehicle down to get the most water out of it and then use a QuikDetailer or Ulitmate Detailer to finalize it.
I learned this was the safest way to keep your paint swirl mark free., one of the sponsors on here also endorses this method.
I don't want to let my laziness get in the way of my paint going to poop!
05-11-2009, 07:50 PM
I will have to check that out tomorrow.
I'm still a bit scared of using a towel other than a MicroFiber towel to dry the vehicle. I usually blot the vehicle down to get the most water out of it and then use a QuikDetailer or Ulitmate Detailer to finalize it.
I learned this was the safest way to keep your paint swirl mark free., one of the sponsors on here also endorses this method.
I don't want to let my laziness get in the way of my paint going to poop!
what I have noticed is that you put the absorber on the car and (ok strong word... don't be scared) drag it toward you. the car will be 99% dry without streak marks. just make sure there are no dirt particle on the absorber.
the absorber is really soft.. I would say the micro clothes could have more potential to scratch your car. just my humble opinion
05-13-2009, 07:44 PM
what I have noticed is that you put the absorber on the car and (ok strong word... don't be scared) drag it toward you. the car will be 99% dry without streak marks. just make sure there are no dirt particle on the absorber.
the absorber is really soft.. I would say the micro clothes could have more potential to scratch your car. just my humble opinion
I picked up the absorber today at walmart... havent used it yet but will when its time to wash the car.
05-13-2009, 08:38 PM
Yeah the absorber works really well, but i've been having trouble getting it clean. It has some rather large grey dirt spots on it which won't come out. I've tried washing it in with my laundry many times and also soaking it in soapy water but the dirt spots are still there. Any suggestions?
05-13-2009, 08:55 PM
Yeah the absorber works really well, but i've been having trouble getting it clean. It has some rather large grey dirt spots on it which won't come out. I've tried washing it in with my laundry many times and also soaking it in soapy water but the dirt spots are still there. Any suggestions?
Unfortunately there is no way. It may just be stained. But theres no going back unless you bleach it lol.
Try oxi clean? I dunno tho...
05-14-2009, 07:11 AM
Yeah the absorber works really well, but i've been having trouble getting it clean. It has some rather large grey dirt spots on it which won't come out. I've tried washing it in with my laundry many times and also soaking it in soapy water but the dirt spots are still there. Any suggestions?
This is how I've cleaned mine if it ever gets heavily soiled; In the sink using luke-warm water and with a simple bar of soap. I rub the bar of soap itself directly on the soiled areas till they are white, then without using the soap bar, continue rubbing the absorber into'll see it becoming white and at that point, rinse it really well till all traces of soap are gone and then ring it out...Simple yet effective!!.
This method has worked well for me for years with my original Absorber.
05-14-2009, 08:58 PM
Cool, i'll try the soap bar method. Thanks for the help!
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