View Full Version : ntx generation tech wax

04-25-2009, 10:28 AM
Well I just washed (x3 in 1.5 week of ownership) my car and wax for the first time using ntx generation tech wax. I wan't in the shade but it was early morning so I think I am ok. I worked really fast.

can someone tell me why it is bad to wash and especially wax your car in the sun.

was my early morning wax ok to do?

"Roamer" (my baby's name) is very sparklin'

btw the absorber synthetic chamious is fabulous.

04-25-2009, 10:40 AM
It's not bad thing..it's just way easier to wash and wax in the shade...the sun drys the car fast and then you get spots..

I can wash my car faster when it's in the shade then when it's in the sun...

When it's in the shade i can rinse my whole car then start washing from top tp bottom and then i rinse the car off after and dry...but if i were washing it in the sun then i can only wash sections at a time which makes it take longer

04-25-2009, 10:44 AM

04-25-2009, 11:28 AM
Washing in the sun is not only bad on the paint but a pain in the ass, as it dries faster then you can move lol.

But I think you were asking more about the wax part, which the reason waxing in the sun used to be a no-no was because it would also dry to fast and made it extremely hard to get the wax off, leaving streaks and driving you nuts.

Some of the 'New" waxes such as NXT and Turtle-Wax ice say you can wax in the sun.I haven't tried doing so, so I can't comment on whether it's true or not....I still prefer waxing in the shade.


04-25-2009, 10:41 PM
Meguiars NXT is not a wax, more of a sealant. The term Wax is used very loosely in auto products.

Great product tho. Sealants are just as effective and NXT wax does wonders on dark colored vehicles.

04-26-2009, 07:25 AM
Meguiars NXT is not a wax, more of a sealant. The term Wax is used very loosely in auto products.

Great product tho. Sealants are just as effective and NXT wax does wonders on dark colored vehicles.

People call it wax because it is the same step as a traditional carnauba wax.
In addition, the NXT bottle says wax on it.
People in the industry typically know what you mean when you say synthetic wax or sealant.

04-26-2009, 12:04 PM
People call it wax because it is the same step as a traditional carnauba wax.
In addition, the NXT bottle says wax on it.
People in the industry typically know what you mean when you say synthetic wax or sealant.

NXT is for the typical consumer buyer who will wash their car in their garage and apply a coat of wax.

They don't market it as a sealant because the average person does not know the difference between the two - even tho they both have the same purpose to put a protective layer your vehicles paint system. A typical person might think a wax is a better product so they will turn to their competitors because they label it as a "wax"

NXT Wax 2.0 is the same as their professional line of Mirror Glaze Synthetic Sealant 2.0. The only difference is they tweaked the formula for the Professional line to allow the product to work in the correct manner with a D.A. and a rotary buffer. But notice how for the consumer line they call it a wax? Just marketing purposes.

Mike Phillips (Meguiars Online Admin) states this:

They are similar products, the Professional version is formulated so that it can be applied using a rotary buffer. Meguiar's doesn't recommend applying waxes with rotary buffers as it tends to leave the paint with swirls in it, but remember which line M21 2.0 is in...

The Professional Line

This means it is distributed to and used in the Detailing industry and it doesn't take too much reading on any forum to understand there are a lot of "Hack Detailers" that put more emphasis on making paint shiny fast, not created swirl free finishes.

Besides that, we're not sure there are any difference since the formulas for both products have been updated.

For me, when working on my own cars I use NXT 2.0 and for my customers I use NXT 2.0, mostly because my customers can find it just about at any auto parts stores. Most people, (customers), don't know how to find a PBE store which is where our Professional line is predominantly distributed through.

Link to Quote (http://meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20633&highlight=nxt+wax+sealant)

and my final proof:

The difference between a wax and a paint sealant
The difference or the distinction between what is a wax and what is a paint sealant, (according to forum consensus), is that a "Car Wax" contains some type of natural waxy type substance. A paint sealant contains no natural wax but instead is made from man-made or synthetic materials with the the catch-all term of polymers being the most common word used to describe what's in the can or bottle. There are currently no "Wax Police" so companies can pretty much use any word or term they choose to label their products.

According to the forum consensus definition of a paint sealant, NXT Tech Wax 2.0 is an all synthetic paint sealant but the word "wax" was chosen as the descriptive word for the label because the majority of enthusiasts in the world understand what a car wax is and when and how to use it. When the average do-it-yourselfer walks into an auto parts store to purchase products to wash and wax their car, they are looking for a Car Wash and a Car Wax. (Simple words that tell them what it is they are buying).

When you start using words like paint sealant or paint protectant on the label of a retail product on the shelf of you local auto parts stores, you can confuse the customer. That's bad marketing and you can lose market share but you can also keep a potential customer from using a top notch product because they don't understand what it is and when to use it.

So from a marketing and sales point of view you want to use the KISS system, that is Keep it Simple Simon.

We know in the "Discussion Forum World", people can get extremely AR about words and terms but at the end of the day what's most important is that you know what the product is that you're using and you're happy with the results it's producing in all it's dimensions which include, application, removal, appearance, protection, longevity, protection, cost and availability.

For the record...
NXT Tech Wax and M21 Synthetic Sealant are both paint sealants as both are made from all synthetic or man-made ingredients. NXT Tech Wax uses the word "wax" on the front label and is marketed and sold through normal consumer channels where the primary intended user is an enthusiast do-it-yourselfer. M21 uses the word sealant on the front label and is marketed and sold through professional channels where the primary intended user is is a professional.

All the rest of Meguiar's waxes are "Blended Waxes in that they include a blend of both naturally occurring protection ingredients found in nature and a synthetic or man-made ingredients created in a laboratory. Meguiar's chemists have the expertise to blend multiple ingredients which results in paint protection products that provide multiple benefits and features versus only benefits and features based upon a single ingredient. Even our Deep Crystal Carnauba Wax while it states right on the label Carnauba Wax, if you turn the bottle over and read the back label it states that Carnauba Wax is blended with silicones, polymers and resins. Thus it is a blended wax.
Link to quote (http://meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28676)

04-26-2009, 12:43 PM
Meguiars NXT is not a wax, more of a sealant. The term Wax is used very loosely in auto products.

Great product tho. Sealants are just as effective and NXT wax does wonders on dark colored vehicles.

So does the Turtle Wax Ice~Synthetic Paste Polish~ :chuckle as it's labelled.

Polish, sealant, wax, they all do the same thing, just different formula...One being natural and the others synthetic.

Back to the OP's point, synthetics are advertised as being able to be applied in the sun, you would never even try to do so with natural waxes.I have read on some forums that the synthetics still have problems when applied in the sun....like I mentioned before I always wax in the shade, so no worries and it's more comfortable.:)


04-26-2009, 08:35 PM
Washing car under the sun is pretty bad because the water puddles or drops acts like a magnified glass which might cause it to burn through your clearcoat or paint. I read this somewhere on another forum.

04-27-2009, 01:08 PM
So does the Turtle Wax Ice~Synthetic Paste Polish~ :chuckle as it's labelled.

Polish, sealant, wax, they all do the same thing, just different formula...One being natural and the others synthetic.

Here's where confusion arises when blending in terms for various products.
Polish and wax are different terms where polish usually implies that there is an abrasive in the formula that requires break down and will remove paint.
Wax is non-abrasive and you just apply and wipe off.

People call it wax because it is the same step as a traditional carnauba wax.
In addition, the NXT bottle says wax on it.
People in the industry typically know what you mean when you say synthetic wax or sealant.

According to the forum consensus definition of a paint sealant, NXT Tech Wax 2.0 is an all synthetic paint sealant but the word "wax" was chosen as the descriptive word for the label because the majority of enthusiasts in the world understand what a car wax is and when and how to use it. When the average do-it-yourselfer walks into an auto parts store to purchase products to wash and wax their car, they are looking for a Car Wash and a Car Wax. (Simple words that tell them what it is they are buying).

So in other words, when you say NXT is not a wax, it's a sealant, you're just splitting hairs.
As mentioned, it's a LSP, so it's marketted as a wax.

04-27-2009, 02:37 PM
Drop all that crap.. and buy proper detailing products for your car.
I use Poorboy's Natty's Paste Wax and it's safe to use in the sun.

06-03-2009, 09:55 AM
Are we supposed to use car polish first and then use car wax ? Is waxing always the last step ??

Nova 3 GT
06-03-2009, 10:07 AM
Polish is an optional but highly recommended step. Waxing is almost always the last step. Personally, I do this routine after the winter season:

Clay, M07, AIO, SG, CG, NXT 2.0 ( and M26 if I'm going to a really big meet)

Between washes, I use UQD to maintain gloss and slickness. I also carry in my glovebox a bottle of M34 in case of a seagull makes #2 on my paintjob.:flaming

06-03-2009, 10:08 AM
Polish is an optional but highly recommended step but waxing is always the last step. Personally, I do this routine after the winter season:

Clay, M07, AIO, SG, CG, NXT 2.0 ( and M26 if I'm going to a really big meet)

Between washes, I use UQD to maintain gloss and slickness. I also carry in my glovebox a bottle of M34 in case of a seagull makes #2 on my paintjob.:flaming

Nova, thanks for the reply but I don't know what these abbreviations mean... :blush I think the only one I got from there is AIO (which I'm assuming is Klasse All In One) and NXT 2.0...

Nova 3 GT
06-03-2009, 10:16 AM
Yep, AIO is the Klasse I'm refering to. Here are the others:

M07 = Meguiar's #7 Show Car Glaze
M26 = Meguiar's #26 Hi-Tech Yellow Wax
M34 = Meguiar's Final Inspection
UQD = Meguiar's Ultimate Quik Detailer (essentially it's a very diluted NXT2.0 wax. It's smells exactly like the NXT stuff:))

SG = Klasse Sealant Glaze
CG = Crystal-Glo Paint Treament

06-03-2009, 10:18 AM
Yep, AIO is the Klasse I'm refering to. Here are the others:

M07 = Meguiar's #7 Show Car Glaze
M26 = Meguiar's #26 Hi-Tech Yellow Wax
M34 = Meguiar's Final Inspection
UQD = Meguiar's Ultimate Quik Detailer (essentially it's a very diluted NXT2.0 wax. It's smells exactly like the NXT stuff:))

SG = Klasse Sealant Glaze
CG = Crystal-Glo Paint Treament

Thank you, Nova :bana2

Now, have you got any pics of the car after your multiple-step treatments ? :)

Nova 3 GT
06-03-2009, 10:21 AM
Not really because my car still looks new and you won't notice it in the pics. After 3 years of ownership, it only has 20 500km. :blush However, feeling the body with your hand is even better than pics! :chuckle Smooth as a baby's bum:bana

06-03-2009, 10:23 AM
Not really because my car still looks new and you won't notice it in the pics. After 2.75 years of ownership, it only has 20 500km. :blush However, feeling the body with your hand is even better than pics! :chuckle Smooth as a baby's bum:bana

Ahhhh ok ok. So these products are most likely from eshine.ca and not Canadian Tire then ? Cuz I personally havent seen AIO at Canadian Tire stores..

20 500km ? You make my car seem ancients old compared to your mileage LOL !

Nova 3 GT
06-03-2009, 10:27 AM
Yeah hehe!

The M07, UQD and M26 can be found at Canadian Tire (Shop around, not all CT stores carry them)

The AIO and SG is found at eshine.ca like you said. I'd recommend buying the 32oz AIO. You'll use it a lot I garantee it! :)

The CG can be found at Home Hardware but I've order directly from the company since our HH stores in Quebec sucks.:flaming

06-03-2009, 10:31 AM
Yeah hehe!

The M07, UQD and M26 can be found at Canadian Tire (Shop around, not all CT stores carry them)

The AIO and SG is found at eshine.ca like you said. I'd recommend buying the 32oz AIO. You'll use it a lot I garantee it! :)

The CG is found at Home Hardware but I've order online since our HH stores in Quebec sucks.:flaming

Thanks for the help and information, Nova. I will have to track down these products hehehe

I personally havent seen a Home Hardware store in awhile here in Toronto lol I might have to look them up on google or something hahaha

Nova 3 GT
06-03-2009, 10:34 AM
Here's a head start:


06-03-2009, 12:10 PM
nxt is suppose to have cleaners that strips previous waxes, polishes, etc. So if you layer with klasse it's going to be counter productive to all your effort.

Nova 3 GT
06-03-2009, 05:15 PM
The NXT cleaning ability is not strong enough to strip off the Klasse layers. I've done this since winter of 2007 without a problem.:)