View Full Version : TM3 Times #10 - May 2009

05-01-2009, 08:29 PM
Welcome again to the May Edition of the TM3 Times. I have finally stepped up the level of my reporting and I will be offering a “Featured Member of the Month” as well as a “Featured Sponsor of a Month” Section. Any further nominations for either can be sent to me through a PM.

And we suck TM3! I didn’t get any donations for the food drive. The only donations came from Oakville members at a meet at the end of March, therefore the few donations will be given to a local food bank in Oakville.

Moving on, we had an interesting month here at TM3….

First AA Meet of the Season- April 23, 2009


Wow, is all I can say…


April brought back the AA Meets for our Toronto Mazda 3 members to attend. The meet was posted almost two months in advance which gave our members plenty of time to decide if they were attending. The decision time was apparently needed as we had our best showing so far of 96 members and their cars! Sorry S.F.W. we didn’t make it to 100, but pretty darn close!

And I know you were there in spirit Alex! :chuckle

As the list got larger and larger it gave people more incentive to come up. The list went up by the dozens in the last few days before the meet of people committing themselves to the AA meeting. It even managed to get two of our renowned sponsors out for the evening- Allen from SimplyTire and Peter from NextMod.



Many other people were enticed out to pick up their flashlight from YearoftheRat’s group buy. I picked mine up and I absolutely love it. Anyone who does not have one go get one in his round two group buy!!

This meet gave our club members ample opportunity to meet one another, sell and buy products from one another, smoke up a storm (yeah I saw all you smokers), and check out new mods and think of future mods for their 3’s. We even had a few of our new 2010 members come out with their new rides. And of course, our one “old” member who has upgraded. Yes I am talking about you Dan :).

Even though the police showed up to “check up” on us (and make sure Phil wasn’t stealing rims :chuckle) we had a wonderful night and a few members made it a Friday morning meet by staying past midnight.


Hopefully we can get past 100 at a future meet! See you guys there!

Photos contributed by Tokyo Drift, -RJ3-, and cyberscorpi0

Anyone up for joining forces??

Combined TM3/TM6 Meet


April 15, 2009 brought our west end members to a new location for the typical Oakville meet on Thursday nights. Andrew (Pereira11) suggested that we combine forces with the TorontoMazda6 group for an evening meet.


Members met at the SilverCity in Mississauga on Vega Blvd, despite of a carnival going on the same night at the meet. There was a fair showing from both clubs and many people got to meet one another and co-mingle within groups.


Some of the “usual” TM6 members showed up as well. We always are happy to see them and their cars. I am partial to the Speed6’s myself, but will not complain either way.

We shall see if another one of these will happen in the near future. Thanks again to Andrew for organizing this for our west end members!


Photos contributed by Iceman_F1

Broli is going to be smashing some heads me thinks….

Return of the MASIV Mondays


Sorry Alex!

April also brought the return of the MASIV Monday meets, and yes without our beloved Broli. These meets happen in the parking lot of Staples in Mississauga at Dixie and Amico. On the same night is also a Focus Club meet at the same meet. It honestly looked like a showdown of Focus owners and Mazda owners!

Mazda on one side, and Focus on the other!! :chuckle



It was a slow night for the return of MASIV but the meet brought out a few familiar faces and some new ones for everyone to meet. It was good to meet the Focus boys, and particularly for –RJ3-, as he joined the Focus group :chuckle.


The meets continued to the final Monday of April as well so it looks like MASIV is back into the regular swing of things!

Now if I could just decipher what happened at last Monday’s meet from the thread… :)

Photos contributed by -RJ3-

Now for the Sponsor of the Month: I proudly present to you: SecheMedia.ca


As written by Mathieu:

First off I would like to thank TorontoMazda3.ca for supporting Sechemedia.ca. Thanks to a couple caliper sticker group by's that got us started creating Mazda 3 specific products. Now one year later we offer caliper decals in more colors and shapes/logos, have our famous MPS stripes as well as the Mazda 3 sport stripes, sedan 3rd brake light, low cost hatch vinyl eyelids and more available on our website.

We're always ready for your custom creations. Big or small we can tackle your creative ideas to make your 3 extra special. We also have lot's more coming. Currently working on sedan eyelids, sedan stripes, back reflector overlays, lamin-x fogs and more. Maybe even start new products for the second generation of Mazda 3's.

I would like to conclude by thanking all TM3 members for their support and hope to see you at the annual Bubba-Q where we will be giving away decals and stripes.

Mathieu Leblond

Being a customer myself of Mathieu’s I can vouch for the quality of his work. The price and the product are fantastic and he’s a wonderful person to deal with. I am very proud to make him my first Sponsor of the Month. I look forward to seeing what he has in store for our club in the future.

Thanks again Mathieu!

05-01-2009, 08:30 PM
Need two posts again!! Too many pictures :)

And of course: Our first Member Spotlight!

Member Spotlight May 2009
user name/ real name
Username = Iceman_F1
Real Name = Derek

Location: Earth...Oakville to be more specific...

Age: Physically 25...Mentally, that depends on the situation :chuckle

Educational Institutes: Chisholm School - Grade 3 to 5, E.J. James - Grade 6-8, Oakville Trafalgar High Scool - 9-OAC(13 one of the last years doing 13), Sheridan College - 2 years (Information Technology Support Services)

Work/ Career: Frendel Kitchens - a little over 2 years doing IT support and programming

Why did you choose Mazda?

I test drove other cars but none felt as fun to drive as the 3. I had driven my moms 2008 GT Sedan and loved it but knew I wanted a hatch. All the extra features of the 2008.5 for the same price as the 2008...SWEET DEAL! Also the fact that it's a hatch and I go on trips with friends so it helps taking luggage and stuff.

What previous rides have you owned?

Owned? 1998 Toyota Corolla (lowest model you can get) and then 1998 Toyota Camry. Both hand-me-downs from family. But I drove a 1997 Honda Accord that my sister wrote off...

Current/Future Modifications?

- TINT 35% all around
- BSA 345 RIMS


Want better speakers. Hopefully get chrome dipped turn signals soon. Slight different style fog lights and high beams. Maybe a 5zigen exhaust. Not much more to do...

Do you have any hobbies?

Starting to take an interest in digital photography. Before that, had an interest in doing video editing. I still sometimes enjoy web programming. Mostly, interests lie in hanging out, video games and random stuff like that.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Hope married. Better job and/or more money. Still driving my current car. Just enjoying life hopefully.

Describe yourself in 3 words.


Name 3 goals you have yet to achieve.

Go on a road trip to the east coast with friends.
Find a job with co-workers I can fit in with.
Move out of the house.

Any last words?

Leave off with a quote I like.

"Don’t walk in front of me I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend"


The Car:

The Driver: :)


More Pictures:

Angel Eyes

Aftermarket Tails

Interior Lighting

Aftermarket In Dash System

Navigation in the In Dash System

Finally, to wrap up the Times, The Thoughts From The Pulpit by our beloved Cardinal Fang (who I got the chance to meet at AA- awesome guy!)

http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/3503/biblexk6.gif Thoughts from the Pulpithttp://img227.imageshack.us/img227/3503/biblexk6.gif

The thoughts of Cardinal Fang are not reflective of those of TorontoMazda3.ca but can be likened however to those of a lesbian trapped in a very skinny man’s body.

" To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting elected President should on no account be allowed to do the job. To summarize the summary of the summary: Men are the problem. " — Douglas Adams

After reading with interest the 10 reasons why Women are bad drivers it slowly became apparent why I really didn’t laugh all that much. You see I couldn’t in good conscience appreciate the gist of the humor when I had a chorus of estrogen-laden voices in my head yelling “POT, KETTLE, BLACK!” So in the interests of fair play and brownie points with my significant other I present to you my reasons why men behave the way the do around cars. Or as my wife would refer to it, “Men and Cars, WTF?”

Men don’t look after themselves like they do their Cars.

Men will labor for hours to ensure their cars are so meticulously clean only an obsessive compulsive could understand. Yet they’ll walk out of the house with the same underwear for a week straight. They’ll put money down for only the best products for their car’s performance. Yet, have no problem complaining about a $20.00 hair cut. Men can gawk at their cars for hours. Yet our tolerance for making sure we use a mirror properly in the morning before going to work is only 10 seconds. My wife’s favorite comment “did you bother to see what you looked like before leaving?”

Men Equate Cars with Sex.

Men believe that chicks dig men in flashy cars. No word on penis size though. Men love sex because it’s a natural desire we are all born with. So naturally, men look at cars as a… now brace yourself for this amazing yet cleaver pun….men look at cars as the “VEHICLE” by which they’ll get women. Guys will sit in cars with the seat so far back they can’t see over the steering wheel in order to give women the impression they look good. They’ll rev the cars engines in order to get a women’s attention not realizing that most women believe penis size is inversely proportional to engine displacement. And then there’s that awesome stereo system. Nothing says “he baby” more than a middle-aged guy in a car with ONTZ…ONTZ…ONTZ…..ONTZ…..ONTZ coming from behind the glass.

Men take pictures of their cars like it was their children.

Just as a child is growing up men too will take pictures of their cars at every stage of their development. There’s the “I just bought my car picture” (Home from the Hospital Stage). The “check out my cars new rims picture” (Baby’s First Steps Picture). The “I have a dent the size of the Grand Canyon picture” (Baby’s First Fall). The “check out my new grille picture” (Boy Gets Braces). And of course the “check out my dyno sheet or tracking day pictures” (Boy becomes a Man Stage).

Men have no sense of direction.

We don’t really. We like to think we do but we actually don’t. Most believe that GPS was invented by the United States Department of Defense and Dr. Ivan Getting. Truth is it was Mrs. Getting who became so annoyed at her husbands in ability to formulate the words “I have no clue where I’m going” that she thought to herself why doesn’t he invent something that well tell him where he is at any given time in any given place. Moreover, why doesn’t he come up with a neat interface that tells him where he is. Say like a voice. And then give him the option of choosing which type of voice, male or female, he would like to ignore.

Cars Test Men.

Men need to be tested. Its part of their DNA or as my wife likes to put it “that’s what’s wrong with your type!” From the dawn of the first time when man left the cave with a club they instinctively knew they were going to do battle with the beast for survival. There’s only one beast still around that we can test ourselves against and I don’t mean our wives. I’m talking about the combustion engine. It’s baffling, humbling and amazing all at the same time. By driving the car in the aggressive and ridiculous way we’ve become accustomed to we are “taming the beast.” We are risking our lives in taming that beast. I would like to see that “option” to check off on the back of the speeding ticket by the way.

Men invented NASCAR

Enough said. Seriously, I really don’t need to get into this do I? I mean loud cars that only turn left, an oval, booze and red necks. Come on!!!!

Men Name their Cars.

I’ll never understand this but I think it has to do with Men forming personal relationships with their cars. Their cars become their friends. So much so that they feel the need to give them a name. A name that identifies the car to its owner. A name that will make the relationship between man and car much more personal. The car will now answer to its rightful owner. Let’s not get into the fact that the car is about as loose as a hooker and will answer to anyone who puts the key into the ignition and fills it up with gas.

Men love to talk about their cars.

A study revealed that cars feed into the mans need for possession and the sense of belongingness and acceptance. If you'll observe, men are very confident when it comes to cars topic. They can speak and talk confidently to other men openly about their cars. It is that topic that engages men into conversation and gives them a basis to decide who’s stronger. Whereas in the animal kingdom the guy with the biggest penis usually wins. If you’ve ever been around guys talking about cars you would think it’s a forgone conclusion that the pants will drop at any time. I call it the Auto-Penii Theory.

Men are bigger versions of Boys around Cars.

Men are children, they never grow up. It is an open secret that a man is just a grown-up kid. Little girls play dolls in their childhood, while boys play toy cars. As girls grow up, they get married and have children, who become a substitute for childish games. As for boys, they keep on playing toy cars even when they grow into serious adult men. Men always compare their toys in an attempt to find out whose toy is better or bigger (see Auto-Penii theory).

It's been fun guys! Until next month....

05-01-2009, 08:42 PM
LMAO...LOVE the Thoughts from the Pulpit section. SO GREAT. Nice photos :chuckle

Noisy Crow
05-01-2009, 08:51 PM
Damn that was a huge meet! I wish I could have been there!

Excellent job as always Angela!

05-01-2009, 09:03 PM
Thanks Rick!

It's a lot of work, but someone has to do it :)

05-01-2009, 09:13 PM
Awesome! Thanks Angela.

05-01-2009, 09:18 PM
Thanks JD! And thanks for the pictures too :)

05-01-2009, 10:26 PM
good job!!!!!

05-01-2009, 11:53 PM
like the write up as well, very nice :)

05-01-2009, 11:54 PM
yes my car finally made into the times! nice job angela:)

05-02-2009, 09:38 AM
Thank you everyone! Another month, another Times :)

05-02-2009, 10:38 AM
Great Job that was soo professional, i like the added members section

05-02-2009, 04:27 PM
well done! thanks! :) 'til next month...

05-02-2009, 04:39 PM
Thanks guys!

05-03-2009, 01:18 AM
Awesome stuff Angela!

Kudos to you for writing that up and kudos to Fang for that wonderful article.

05-03-2009, 05:28 PM
great job angela

the new additions are great

05-04-2009, 10:24 AM
great job angela

the new additions are great

Thanks Alex! And thanks Steely!

I wanted to take a new route with the Times just a bit. Hope you didn't mind :)

05-04-2009, 10:29 AM
I already have my Sponsor and Member of the Month picked out for next month so stay tuned....

05-04-2009, 10:41 AM
great write up, somehow i think we should input how guys with $500 cars seem to find it ok to then install a $5000 stereo system that rattles every piece of loose plastic and metal on their car haha. Nearly 5 pontiac sunflowers riding around midland with ridiculous sound systems that seem to bottom out their rear suspension, i cant help but laugh as i drive by them.

05-04-2009, 10:42 AM
great write up, somehow i think we should input how guys with $500 cars seem to find it ok to then install a $5000 stereo system that rattles every piece of loose plastic and metal on their car haha. Nearly 5 pontiac sunflowers riding around midland with ridiculous sound systems that seem to bottom out their rear suspension, i cant help but laugh as i drive by them.

Maybe you can do a Rant and Rave article similar to Cardinal Fangs? As long as he doesn't punch you in the balls.

Cardinal Fang
05-04-2009, 11:08 AM
*Eye twitch*

05-04-2009, 09:18 PM
oh dear! It seems another month has gone by and my girlfriend has run-a-muck gathering information for "The Times".... you know... if she spent HALF the effort she did with this as she did in our relationship...*shakes fist*

I digress... the above comments do not express true feelings and are in no way of "serious" content... *bangs head on desk*

Great write-up yet again Angela (no, im not just saying that) :)

Cardinal_Fang... dood... you DA MAN!
Never have i read something and agreed so much... you are quite an insightful guy, props!

how did there end up being 2 meets i attended this month with a combined EIGHT pics in this thread and cant really see my car at all in ANY of them.... hmmmmm.... is there a TM3 Times conspiracy?! *lol*

05-04-2009, 09:28 PM
oh dear! It seems another month has gone by and my girlfriend has run-a-muck gathering information for "The Times".... you know... if she spent HALF the effort she did with this as she did in our relationship...*shakes fist*

I digress... the above comments do not express true feelings and are in no way of "serious" content... *bangs head on desk*

Great write-up yet again Angela (no, im not just saying that) :)

Cardinal_Fang... dood... you DA MAN!
Never have i read something and agreed so much... you are quite an insightful guy, props!

how did there end up being 2 meets i attended this month with a combined EIGHT pics in this thread and cant really see my car at all in ANY of them.... hmmmmm.... is there a TM3 Times conspiracy?! *lol*

I don't put any effort into our relationship?? I shall remember that! :chuckle

The reason your car isn't featured in any of the pictures it's because I put "no effort" into it! :) Plus other cars are prettier! And I can't be too biased of a reporter.

As for you Mr. Fang, no worries... hopefully the twitching has stopped. The Pulpit is and forever will be yours. No one can replace that genius messed-up mind of yours!

05-04-2009, 10:15 PM
Wow what a great read. Very encompassing and captured a lot of different things going on pertaining to TM3 in all corners of the city. Nice and to the point.

It's great to see a member go above and beyond to keep this community alive and kicking through means such as this. Big kudos to you Angela for taking the time to do this just because! Keep up the good work. Looking forward for next month's edition.

AA meet was terrific. Looking forward to more events like that. Safe to assume similar turnout at that bbq in Cambridge later this month?

05-04-2009, 10:19 PM
Wow what a great read. Very encompassing and captured a lot of different things going on pertaining to TM3 in all corners of the city. Nice and to the point.

It's great to see a member go above and beyond to keep this community alive and kicking through means such as this. Big kudos to you Angela for taking the time to do this just because! Keep up the good work. Looking forward for next month's edition.

AA meet was terrific. Looking forward to more events like that. Safe to assume similar turnout at that bbq in Cambridge later this month?

Wow, that is so nice of you! Thanks so much. I will admit this takes a lot of work, but it's once a month and it's a small amount of my time spent to do something good for a community that has been really awesome to me!

There's other back issues you can read at your leisure too. I just took this over from Broli since February.

And yeah I think we should expect a similar turnout for the Bubba-Q! Just another thing I have to report on :)

05-04-2009, 10:23 PM
o yes..thanks angela for giving everyone the impression that they should watch their car while im around to make sure that their rims stay on the cars :(

05-04-2009, 10:27 PM
Thank you Angela :chuckle

05-04-2009, 10:32 PM
o yes..thanks angela for giving everyone the impression that they should watch their car while im around to make sure that their rims stay on the cars :(

I was kidding of course Phil! Do you want me to ask a mod to delete that line?

05-04-2009, 10:34 PM
I was kidding of course Phil! Do you want me to ask a mod to delete that line?

lol no im kidding :chuckle

05-05-2009, 10:57 AM
Fantastic. Lovely pictures.

05-05-2009, 01:22 PM
Fantastic. Lovely pictures.

thanks Val! Although I cannot take credit for the pictures. Thanks again to everyone who contributed pictures!

05-05-2009, 11:55 PM
Awesome pics Angela... it's cool how our truck made it in there !!!

05-07-2009, 05:04 PM
Awesome pics Angela... it's cool how our truck made it in there !!!

Thanks Allen :)

I mentioned that you were at the meet so it was only fitting to "prove it" :chuckle

Thanks for everything on Tuesday again! You and your crew are awesome!

05-07-2009, 09:29 PM
Nice write up angela!!! Cardi, also nice write up.. you're hilarious, that was golden... :chuckle

05-12-2009, 10:32 AM
okay next month i wanna make a thread on there :D

05-13-2009, 03:34 PM
Just tell me what story you want to write and it's all yours Jaimie!

06-24-2009, 07:17 PM
Great stuff Angela...

06-24-2009, 08:53 PM
Thanks Kurt. I'm so behind on these though! I still
owe you guys a June one and a July one is fast approaching.

I'll probably be releasing both on the same day.

06-28-2009, 06:38 PM
Well Angela never met you , but amazing work on the TM3 well written and entertaining :)