View Full Version : First CEL inlet pipe?

05-04-2009, 11:57 PM
I just had my cp-e inlet pipe installed about 2 weeks ago. Just the other day, I was cruising around and my CEL came on. I wasn't sure why because the car felt no different than it always ran. I checked the basics like the fuel cap and any loose caps or wires in the engine bay. There was nothing. Then i parked the car for the night. The next morning the CEL was gone and I was happy to see that for the moment but later that day it had come on again. I don't know why this is happening? Can anyone maybe shed some light on this situation? Thanks.

05-05-2009, 01:14 AM
i would start by scanning the code to see whats throwing the cel. if you live in mississauga and wont mind drivin at winston churchill/hwy 403 area, pm me and i will scan it for you.

05-05-2009, 01:51 AM
For some reason I can't pm you so I will just ask you if you are free tomorrow morning I could swing by as long as the CEL is still on!! Let me know how I can get in contact with you. Thanks.

05-05-2009, 06:56 AM
pm sent.

05-05-2009, 08:59 AM
might be a loose clamp...chk to see if CEL is for "Overboost" or something like that...

05-06-2009, 10:33 PM
my mechanic got the code but there was no message with the code...does anyone know what 2188 is?

05-07-2009, 12:30 AM
...actually I was looking around some mazda sites and came across the code P2188 which means (Fuel system too rich at idle). Does anyone know how this might happen? Do I have an air leak or something? Please help!

05-07-2009, 07:09 PM
Until now, I don't know the exact meaning of this error.
Manual says "if the LTFT or LTFT+STFT exceed preprogrammed criteria" , but doesn't say in which direction.
There is only one tip, the possible cause for DTC2187 (too lean) is the clogged fuel filter.
So, I suppose, the error 2188 means that the engine really works too rich, and you have too low the Long Term Fuel Trim.
I’d like to remind, when PCM registers an emission error, there is stored the “freeze frame” with veeery helpful parameters.
With this error only, I think it's the MAF.
From MAF readings PCM determines the engine load parameter.
What to do? It’s difficult and early to say.
You need in more logging data to understand what going on.
How is changing the LTFT, amount of air and engine load at IDLE and under loads.

Maybe, these numbers can help.
Specification for stock intake:
2.0L-2.3L warm engine
Air at IDLE 1.5 g/s ~1.3V on MAF
Engine Load ~ 19%

Turboed 2.3L engine
Air at IDLE 2.72 - 2.94 g/s ~1.3V on MAF
Air at 2500 rpm 8.0 - 8.66 g/s
Engine load at IDLE 17.1 -18.5 %
Engine load at 2500 14.2 -15.2 %

Air amount may to be quite different in real life, better to look the average LTFT.
The stock LTFT ,usually, floating somewhere under zero -7% ~ +3%(note,average is -2%), STFT in ranges -10% ~ +10%.
Theoretically, if your CAI gives an improvement the LTFT should be higher then stock on 4-8%.
The straighter LTFT line under different revs, the better linear calibration of MAF.
The nearer LTFT volume to zero, the better offset calibration of the MAF.
The engine load is very controversial parameter. It's calculated from MAF and throttle position sensor. At small loads and low revs, the fuel map is very un-linear and it's very easy that the PCM takes the fuel data for load with absolutely different time for injectors.

To throw such error the PCM must to have a serious reason:
The very low average LTFT, less then -7% ~ -10%, or the stock LTFT and ,occasionally, too low STFT less then -20% ~ -25%.
First of all, do restore and re-learn the PCM and look how MAF is installed. Harness, cracks, direction. Do check the harness of throttle position sensor.
MAF sensor is calibrated for shape and size of stock intake, and even place and air streams where sensor is installed are important. If LTFT is too low, try to change position of MAF inside intake to raise LTFT at idle.
Or you can use an electronic solution like COBB. It’s another song, Fobio knows more about it.
Uhh, I’m looking what I have written, probably it sounds too complex.
Maybe this picture can help to understand what about I'm speaking.

05-07-2009, 09:09 PM
how do I go about restoring and re-learning the PCM? Is it just as simple as disconnecting the battery to reset the system? Sorry for all the questions I'm really new to this and don't know a whole lot of in depth about the car...i just got worried that if I were to bring the car in to Mazda to get the CEL serviced, they might say something about the inlet pipe being there and maybe just blame it on that...i thought it might be as simple as an air leak from one of the hoses not being properly re-installed...

I also noticed that when the engine light is on I lose boost pressure about 5psi to be exact...almost like the car is holding back when I try to push it...but again the light comes off sometimes too and everything is back to normal(full boost no problems)

05-08-2009, 07:15 AM
Yes. Restoring is the disconnecting of the battery with waiting approximately 15-30min.
Re-learning is the quiet riding at different speeds with often stops .
Warm the engine 4-5 min, then ride 30-45 min. Switch off the engine after trip. Or it could be a few, more short,trips with warmed engine.
This error for IDLE,therefore I don't think that problem in boost,more like that the PCM lowering boost because there is error. Though, if your boost disapearing when you are decelerating to stop you might get this error too.
The inlet pipe shouldn't change much. Do check visually that all is ideal.
Hoses,connectors,that there are no any strained wires(take into account that engine slightly moving ). Pay attention to MAF sensor,MAP/BOOST sensor, throttle body(position sensor), air bypass valve.
If you need in manual to know where the all this stuff installed, you can download it here:
Look Engine whith TC. There are bookmarks,open the Air Intake System.
Of course , if I was a dealer, my first question would to be about modification.
I'm thinking now, if someone installed this pipe on your car,probably you have some kind of warranty from them.
And there remains the big hope on the restored PCM. Probably, the thrown error doesn't allow to PCM to correct this part of the fuel map.

05-08-2009, 06:46 PM
well...I will definitely try this tomorrow when I'm free and I spoke with my mechanic and he told me just to double check any loose hoses around the inlet pipe as well as the MAF/MAP sensors. If nothing works out he told me to bring it in to him to check before the last resort of bringing it to the dealer.
Thank you very much for your help sas. You have been very informative and helpful. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks again.

05-16-2009, 12:13 PM
I figured out the problem. It was the mass air flow sensor that had to be replaced. Once they replaced it, the CEL was still there. They found a loose wire to the MAF. All is well now. Thanks again for your help

05-16-2009, 12:20 PM
sorry...haven't been keeping up with this thread...

sas: I agree restoring the ECU was prolly the best advise too after installing new parts.

dragospeed13: how did you figure this out? esp something like the MAF? I ask because I heard of several other guys who had problems, chk'd the MAF, and it wasn't it.

05-16-2009, 04:27 PM
basically..long story short, after my mechanic installed the gauges and inlet pipe in my car, the car ran fine for about 2 weeks. Then came the CEL out of nowhere so I got my mechanic to verify there are no leaking hoses or any cracked parts or sensors. After all that was checked and was said to be fine, I took it to Mazda and got them to look at it. They ran a diagnostics test on the CEL and found that the fuel was running too rich at idle (code P2188) and determined that the problem was the MAF. When they changed the MAF, the CEL was still on. They took a few more minutes to look into it and found that one of the wires going in to the MAF was loose and just fixed it. Since then, I've had no more cut out problems with my boost and no CEL's.