View Full Version : GT-E package locking the door

05-18-2009, 04:11 AM
So i recently purchased the 2010 MZ3 with the GT-E package.
One thing i realized is, when you car is still on and your oustide of the car you cannot lock it with the keyless entry. So i was just wondering is there a way to activate this feature, so u can have your car on and lock your car while you are inside Timmies getting coffee or something?

mazda lover
05-18-2009, 08:02 AM
So i recently purchased the 2010 MZ3 with the GT-E package.
One thing i realized is, when you car is still on and your oustide of the car you cannot lock it with the keyless entry. So i was just wondering is there a way to activate this feature, so u can have your car on and lock your car while you are inside Timmies getting coffee or something?

Why do you want to have your car running while you are in Timmies?
There is a No idling after a certain time law...

05-18-2009, 11:29 AM
Don't you already have a backup key? While the vechicle is running lock it from outside and run into timmies.

05-18-2009, 11:50 AM
Why do you want to have your car running while you are in Timmies?
There is a No idling after a certain time law...

I never understand why people leave their car running. Do you have a kid in the back and looking to get the car jacked or something?

05-18-2009, 11:53 AM
Maybe Mazda has the idea of stopping you from excessive idling... and I don't blame them, there is no need for it.

05-18-2009, 02:19 PM
that would be a crazy situation...well just walking away from ur car. cause doesn't the responder beep constantly like in the video that gioneburnz posted?

05-18-2009, 04:49 PM
its not that i want to put my car idling. Its a feature that most cars with the keyless entry carries and seem like the new Mazda 3 does not include. Its more conveinient to have, lets say u forgot a file inside the house, u just run in get it and come back and go. You save a couple of seconds and steps.... im lazy what can i say.. haha

Or lets say during winter, u can warm up ur car while ur inside ur house waiting for it rdy to go. Or summer waiting for the AC to be rdy and then go...

its more of a luxury then a need... and thats what the GT-E package is ...

05-18-2009, 06:20 PM
Its to stop you from locking yourself out with the car running...try this.

1. Open the driver's door.
2. Lock the car with the power lock button.
3. Close the door, while holding the outside door handle open.
4. Let go of handle once door is shut.

Should do it.

06-14-2009, 01:21 PM
its not that i want to put my car idling. Its a feature that most cars with the keyless entry carries and seem like the new Mazda 3 does not include. Its more conveinient to have, lets say u forgot a file inside the house, u just run in get it and come back and go. You save a couple of seconds and steps.... im lazy what can i say.. haha

Or lets say during winter, u can warm up ur car while ur inside ur house waiting for it rdy to go. Or summer waiting for the AC to be rdy and then go...

its more of a luxury then a need... and thats what the GT-E package is ...

Modern cars do not that that long to warm up, and the mazda 3 warms up just fine. The air conditioning reacts quite quickly as well. The few times I do use the air conditioning it has taken no more then a few seconds for it to engage effectively. Honestly there is no need to let the car idle. With the pushbutton it takes all of a second to start up again.

06-14-2009, 01:54 PM
The 08.5 GT Luxury is the same way. Can't use the remote to lock the car when it is running... Sadly, I have tried at Timmies too, in the winter of course. For the 2 minutes it takes to run in and grab your coffee, it's annoying to have to re-start, turn on your defroster again, and take that extra time to warm up. I used to do it with my old car every now and then.

06-18-2009, 10:27 PM
just use the drive through lol -problem solved