View Full Version : Swirl Marks

06-14-2009, 07:28 PM
did a search ... cant find what im looking for ... so i made this one for future references for people :chuckle....

but ya ok .... so i have alot of swirl marks on my car ... and ALOT!!! of tiny tiny lines/scratches all over the car .... there not deep scratches there just scratches on the clear coat .....

so i went and bout TurtleWax swirl and scratch remover ... 11.99 at canadiantire....

did the hood ... put it in the sun .. checked it out .... every single scratch is still there .. didnt do nothing at all ... .stupid shitty product ....

anyways ... can anyone recommend any scratch/swirl removal product?



Cardinal Fang
06-14-2009, 08:05 PM
It all depends on how long the swirls and scratches were there and if they're deep.

I've used Scratch-X applied with a orbital buffer. Then removed with a clean mirco-fiber towel. It works for about 70% of the scratches and swirls. The more deeper ones will not come out unless I use a cutting compound. But I'm not that sure of my skills to use this just yet. When you get into cutting compounds your talking about getting into the clear coat finish.

06-14-2009, 08:43 PM
If its really bad you should go to professional detailer...

06-14-2009, 08:46 PM
Did you see this one?

06-14-2009, 08:51 PM
did a search ... cant find what im looking for ... so i made this one for future references for people :chuckle....

but ya ok .... so i have alot of swirl marks on my car ... and ALOT!!! of tiny tiny lines/scratches all over the car .... there not deep scratches there just scratches on the clear coat .....

so i went and bout TurtleWax swirl and scratch remover ... 11.99 at canadiantire....

did the hood ... put it in the sun .. checked it out .... every single scratch is still there .. didnt do nothing at all ... .stupid shitty product ....

anyways ... can anyone recommend any scratch/swirl removal product?



Read it carefully... so it did do something?

06-14-2009, 09:03 PM
it didnt do anything ..... every scratch/swirl mark that was there ... is still there .. hmm i wonder how much kaval charges? il msg him