View Full Version : Jim Kenzie's top 10 driving peeves

06-30-2009, 04:51 PM
Jim Kenzie
Special to the Star

1. Left- and middle-lane bandits

"Drive Right'' not only means "drive correctly,'' it also means move the heck over. When you're on a multi-lane highway, you should be in the right lane unless you're passing someone. It's efficient, it's safe, it's polite – it's the law.

2. Tailgaters

They're invariably angry, especially towards the slow-poke "idiots'' they're tailgating. Hey – if the driver in front is such an idiot, why would the tailgater want to get that close to them? Guess you can't expect these fools to think that far ahead. Leave yourself at least two seconds between you and the car ahead.

3. Lane-crashers

These people wouldn't barge in to a lineup at a movie theatre or the grocery store check-out counter. Why do they feel no compunction about doing so when a lane on the highway merges to an end? The guys who leave the driving lane and dive into the on-ramp to squeeze by two or three more cars are especially irritating – what makes their timetables so much more important than those of the rest of us?

4. Stealth drivers

These type of drivers are especially annoying – and downright dangerous – in poor weather. These people don't realize that their daytime running lights probably don't turn on the taillights (most cars do not do this automatically: shame on the car companies that do it that way; shame on Transport Canada for not requiring it). Think about it: Especially on highways where the vast majority of our kilometres are driven, it's actually more important to have the rear lights on than the fronts.

A related issue: People who don't realize that ONLY the Daytime Running Lights are on after dark. Again, no taillights.

The solution? Manually switch on all your lights, all the time.

5. Snow-blind drivers

These jerks don't clear all the snow off their car before driving away. This includes the roof – the accumulation can, and usually does, slide down to obscure the rear window. Ditto all lights, front and rear.

6. Greedy parkers

People who take up two parking spaces. I had to park two blocks away. Thanks a lot, you selfish creep.

While we're at it – I wish everyone would learn to back into their parking spots. It is so much safer when they leave.

7. The Idle Masses

Running a car at idle is the worst thing you can do – for the engine (raw gasoline can wash lubricating oil right off the cylinder walls), for your budget (your gas consumption rating is infinitely poor litres per 100 km) and for the environment (how can you justify spewing carbon dioxide into the air when you're not going anywhere?)

Switching off and back on again 30 times a minute – about as fast as it is possible to do – uses less fuel than idling for a minute. Even just a few seconds' idling is a bad idea.

Special places in hell are being reserved for big-rig truck drivers who know better – their engine manufacturers have been telling them not to do this for decades – and for people who have remote starters, the absolute worst accessory you can put on a car. Come on – it's Canada, of course your car will be cold first thing in the morning. Suck it up.

8. The four-wheel luge operators

Winter tires are designed for winter. We are in Canada; we have winter. Figure it out.

All-season tires should be called no-season tires: they're no good in summer (the compound wears quickly in the summer heat), they're no good in winter (the compound isn't grippy enough below 7 C). So far ,Quebec is the only province that mandates winter tires, but we shouldn't need our governments telling us to do the right things.

Oh, the worst thing you can do? Winter tires on the driving wheels, normal tires on the non-driving wheels. This makes the car virtually undriveable.

9. Know-it-alls

Those who have not updated their driving skills at an advanced driving school. You can tell these guys – they're the one in the guardrail in the first snowfall of the season. I've taken (or taught at) one or more advanced driving schools every year for 25 years, and never failed to learn something new every time. Okay, maybe I had more to learn. But most drivers out there have never EVER taken a lesson.

Scary stuff, kids.

10. Impaired drivers

Whether its from drugs, alcohol fatigue or other distractions, like the cellphone or programming a sat-nav system. I left this to last because surely we don't have to harp on this again?

06-30-2009, 05:36 PM
Number 3 never ceases to amaze and annoy me. Like he says, in few other situations would someone dare to cut in line in our society, yet when it comes to the road, it seems to be prefectly acceptable for some. Mind boggling!

06-30-2009, 05:45 PM
Tailgaters should be number one. They are the worst. On my way down to Toronto I was stuck between an RV going slow and an SUV going fast.

06-30-2009, 05:53 PM
Tailgaters should be number one. They are the worst. On my way down to Toronto I was stuck between an RV going slow and an SUV going fast.

The current number one is right...left and middle lane bandits are just as bad as or worse than lane cutters...you wouldn't stand in front of someone on the street or at work, if you know they're trying to get by you...why do you think you can just park you lazy oblivious ass in the left lane?! and look at ppl pass you on the right like it's your fricking lane?! :flaming

06-30-2009, 06:00 PM
The current number one is right...left and middle lane bandits are just as bad as or worse than lane cutters...you wouldn't stand in front of someone on the street or at work, if you know they're trying to get by you...why do you think you can just park you lazy oblivious ass in the left lane?! and look at ppl pass you on the right like it's your fricking lane?! :flaming

Well, I don't do a lot of highway driving so I guess my perception is skewered.

But for the lane cutters, I find them really annoying around construction zones. Once everyone has merged nicely, they'll drive up to the front and just barge in. Especially when they don't wait to be let in and just stick their nose in front of you.

06-30-2009, 06:11 PM
Well, I don't do a lot of highway driving so I guess my perception is skewered.

But for the lane cutters, I find them really annoying around construction zones. Once everyone has merged nicely, they'll drive up to the front and just barge in. Especially when they don't wait to be let in and just stick their nose in front of you.

That I agree with...Jim McKenzie has always fumed about guys who wait til the very last moment to merge in...get a clue, all those "suckers" that you zipped by, now you gotta beg for them to let you in...and all those ppl fuming about that watched you go by...Karma is a bitch...

I have a strong opinion about traffic...I commute everyday and literally put up with stupid drivers day in and day out...:bang

06-30-2009, 06:34 PM
just honk and don't give them the space to merge,
so if they are merging from your right. Move a bit to the left, and deny them the space.
It's their fault if they hit you.

I've seen people trying to pass me from a lane that is ending (right side), I've 5-6 car spaces behind me, and 1 in front.

06-30-2009, 07:03 PM
Jim Kenzie

7. The Idle Masses

Special places in hell are being reserved for big-rig truck drivers who know better – their engine manufacturers have been telling them not to do this for decades.

I agree with this one. Stupid a$$holes leaving their buses, garbage trucks, 18 wheelers or whatever other oversized rig with the engine running while they go have lunch somewhere for an hour.

May you burn in hell!! :flaming

LOL, ok or just get a mild case of pneumonia or something. :chuckle

06-30-2009, 07:28 PM
1 and 3 irritate the hell out of me, as do people who don't signal.

06-30-2009, 07:29 PM
Well, I don't do a lot of highway driving so I guess my perception is skewered.

But for the lane cutters, I find them really annoying around construction zones. Once everyone has merged nicely, they'll drive up to the front and just barge in. Especially when they don't wait to be let in and just stick their nose in front of you.

And if you are nice enough to let them in, they don't wave to say thanks....what a bunch of asshats.

06-30-2009, 07:34 PM
Good post, Jim hits the nail on the head.

I'm trying to relax my driving, but seeing these things boils my blood sometimes.:flaming

06-30-2009, 07:58 PM
I'll admit, I do 1 & 2 a bit. I like to keep in the middle or left lane. However, I'm usually passing people and if I see someone coming up faster behind me, I move over. And I do sometimes get close to the person in front of me. However #4 is what irritates me. I see it a lot on the 407. People not realizing that the spray in even a bit of wet weather is enough to not let others see their cars very well.

06-30-2009, 08:01 PM
There's a couple he missed.

11. People who race you from the light, just to get in front of you and turn into the next driveway, usually a Tim's. Way to almost kill me, just so you can buy a coffee.

12. Drivers who swing really wide into the next lane when turning into said Tim's. Civic drivers especially. Why do the little cars turn wider than the 18 wheelers?

07-02-2009, 12:32 AM
And if you are nice enough to let them in, they don't wave to say thanks....what a bunch of asshats.

It's far safer to let them in, even if it puts your nose out of joint, than it is to block them into that lane...but it still gets my goat too.

#4 irks me to no end; at least lane bandits can usually be seen..unless they're forgetting to turn their lights on!

There's a couple he missed.

11. People who race you from the light, just to get in front of you and turn into the next driveway, usually a Tim's. Way to almost kill me, just so you can buy a coffee.

12. Drivers who swing really wide into the next lane when turning into said Tim's. Civic drivers especially. Why do the little cars turn wider than the 18 wheelers?

agreed on both of those; and for 12 especially...because those dingbats don't have a friggin clue how to drive.

07-02-2009, 01:36 AM
this pretty much sums up my daily driving irritations ... all except for this one:

Special places in hell are being reserved for big-rig truck drivers who know better – their engine manufacturers have been telling them not to do this for decades – and for people who have remote starters, the absolute worst accessory you can put on a car. Come on – it's Canada, of course your car will be cold first thing in the morning. Suck it up. i'm sorry, i don't know if it's the lack of body fat or just my outright refusal to 'suck it up' but i CAN'T spend half of my commute shivering - it's bad for my teeth, bad for my concentration and just plain cruel. you can call me ignorant, selfish or w/e else, but i firmly believe that the remote starter and winter tires are the absolute best investments you can do for your car living in this climate.

07-02-2009, 02:08 AM
i'm sorry, i don't know if it's the lack of body fat
it's your lack of body fat, i'm in the same boat.

07-03-2009, 05:55 PM
part of the reason why we can't have things like an autobahn is the majority of people think the left lane is the "fast lane" and the middle lane is the "faster lane." but the sheer amount of traffic on the 401 during rush makes these points moot anyway.

and i understand the point about turing off engines in the summer but i guess jim hasn't tried starting a big diesel in -20.

07-03-2009, 06:24 PM
this pretty much sums up my daily driving irritations ... all except for this one:

i'm sorry, i don't know if it's the lack of body fat or just my outright refusal to 'suck it up' but i CAN'T spend half of my commute shivering - it's bad for my teeth, bad for my concentration and just plain cruel. you can call me ignorant, selfish or w/e else, but i firmly believe that the remote starter and winter tires are the absolute best investments you can do for your car living in this climate.

I'll have to dissagree, just idling your vehicle, it would take 10 minutes to get any substantial heat coming from the vents, and that's using almost raw fuel...very bad for the enviroment, whilst by driving the vehicle and since it is under load, you cut that down to about 3 minutes.
Winter tires yes but maybe seat heaters would be better choices for best investments. :)

I'm amazed, cell phone users didn't make the top 10....He's always bitching about that, LOL.


Noisy Crow
07-03-2009, 07:10 PM
But for the lane cutters, I find them really annoying around construction zones. Once everyone has merged nicely, they'll drive up to the front and just barge in. Especially when they don't wait to be let in and just stick their nose in front of you.

Food for thought:


07-03-2009, 09:52 PM
Food for thought:


Interesting read!

I, myself, am somewhat of an early merger or when the lane's open, that's when I jump in. I tend to not like to go to the very end of the merge lane for some reason, but I only go to the very end when no one allows me to merge.

07-03-2009, 10:04 PM
Interesting read!

I, myself, am somewhat of an early merger or when the lane's open, that's when I jump in. I tend to not like to go to the very end of the merge lane for some reason, but I only go to the very end when no one allows me to merge.

I'm the exact same. I try to read traffic and adjust my speed up or down to find the best spot to come in with the least amount of trouble. However that's not always the case and then I use the full lane as needed.