View Full Version : removing oil-based dirt

07-04-2009, 02:49 PM
ugh...only one week after detailing my car, i ran into some problems! :(

was checking my car today and saw these black dots along my front/back side skirt...which i've seen before and was easy to remove with just car wash

the black dots rub off like oil on ur finger...but this time it was different. it left a yellow mark on the paint. I ended up washing my side skirt and along the fender and the yellow mark and it doesn't come off. tried claying one of the marks and still no good.

does anyone know how to remove these without stripping the wax?

Here are some pics of what they look like (left pic: the dirt; right pic: after wash)
http://i613.photobucket.com/albums/tt219/barryau/P1000536.jpg http://i613.photobucket.com/albums/tt219/barryau/P1000535.jpg

07-05-2009, 08:01 AM
Looks like the stains are imbedded into the wax or maybe even the clearcoat!! Don't think you could get them out without stripping the wax.Try a good paint/pre-wax cleaner on the areas affected or even a light compound.....I'm sure a clay bar will do nothing to help in this situation.


07-06-2009, 10:54 AM
I have those on my side skirts as well...

07-06-2009, 10:55 AM
Right at the very end, inside the wheel well part, so it's not too visible...

07-06-2009, 01:08 PM
What kind of claybar are you using? I use ICE products for my car. I had a very stubborn stain (caused by door ding) a few weeks ago. I tried using GooGone but did not do anything. Then I decided to claybar the whole car. Now I can't even see where the mark was ;)


07-06-2009, 01:13 PM
That happens when you clean your car too much :whoa

:chuckle jk

PS YAY for ICE products!!!! hahahha

07-06-2009, 02:54 PM
That happens when you clean your car too much :whoa

:chuckle jk

PS YAY for ICE products!!!! hahahha

LMAO we have our own TWI cheerleader here!! :chuckle

Cyber! Where'd you find that TWI package? I can't find it at any CT's or PartSources around my place....thanks.


07-06-2009, 04:06 PM
i use the meguiar's claybar but will switch to something else after this one goes.

the above was caused by tire sling...good thing i caught it early and was able to remove them using rubbing alcohol, as from what i know, it can stain onto the paint permanently.

need to repolish and wax my side skirt now though.

07-06-2009, 05:38 PM
LMAO we have our own TWI cheerleader here!! :chuckle

Cyber! Where'd you find that TWI package? I can't find it at any CT's or PartSources around my place....thanks.


Hi Ron, I got the picture from Turtle.com (http://www.turtlewax.com/main.taf?p=2,1,1,4)

This is the actual Car Care Kit I have from CT.
http://www.canadiantire.ca/media/images/products/images/Auto/CarWashingCleaning/CarPaintCare/0398220_160_CC_v1_m56577569830937491.jpg (http://reviews.canadiantire.ca/9045/0398220P/reviews.htm) + http://www.canadiantire.ca/media/images/products/images/Auto/CarWashingCleaning/CarPolishers/0392827_160_CC_v1_m56577569830873791.jpg (http://reviews.canadiantire.ca/9045/0392827P/reviews.htm) + http://images.buzzillions.com/images_products/04/21/turtle_wax_ice_liquid_clay_bar_t466_reviews_130009 1_175.jpg
(click for direct link)

07-07-2009, 06:43 AM
Hi Ron, I got the picture from Turtle.com (http://www.turtlewax.com/main.taf?p=2,1,1,4)

This is the actual Car Care Kit I have from CT.
http://www.canadiantire.ca/media/images/products/images/Auto/CarWashingCleaning/CarPaintCare/0398220_160_CC_v1_m56577569830937491.jpg (http://reviews.canadiantire.ca/9045/0398220P/reviews.htm) + http://www.canadiantire.ca/media/images/products/images/Auto/CarWashingCleaning/CarPolishers/0392827_160_CC_v1_m56577569830873791.jpg (http://reviews.canadiantire.ca/9045/0392827P/reviews.htm) + http://images.buzzillions.com/images_products/04/21/turtle_wax_ice_liquid_clay_bar_t466_reviews_130009 1_175.jpg
(click for direct link)

Okay so you didn't actually get the Clay Bar Kit as I assumed...I've contacted TW Inc. by email asking if they have the product up here and where to find it.My TWI product list stands at TWIce liquid clay, liquid polish, Paste polish and Spray detailer LOL.

How do you like the interior gel by the way?

Thanks again.


07-07-2009, 09:43 AM
How do you like the interior gel by the way?

Thanks again.

I've used it a lot in my Mazda (haven't tried it on the "IS" yet). I don't like the way it spits the liquid to the fiber cloth (i can never control it).

I would give it 3.75 out of 5 rating.

07-07-2009, 07:56 PM
i use the meguiar's claybar but will switch to something else after this one goes.

the above was caused by tire sling...good thing i caught it early and was able to remove them using rubbing alcohol, as from what i know, it can stain onto the paint permanently.

need to repolish and wax my side skirt now though.

So rubbing alcohol removed this? I'll have to give that a shot tomorrow...