View Full Version : My Accident.

07-16-2009, 11:16 PM
Hello everyone.

I feel I should tell you all the story of my recent accident. This happened before I started to post on the forums, on April the 15th, 2009. My car has since been fixed, but I think it's an interesting story to tell anyway.

I'll be posting some pics of the damage in my user profile shortly (I haven't quite figured out how to embed pics within a thread yet). Also, I'm copying and pasting most of the story from a facebook note, so hopefully the context still makes sense.

Here's how it all went down.

I was on my way to school this morning, taking a nice leisurely drive on a slightly chilly morning. The sun was shining, the birds were mating, and all seemed well. I came to the intersection of Derry Road and Highway 25 in Milton and turned left onto highway 25, Soutbound. For those of you who are not familiar with the area:


Hopefully that link works.

Now on the corner of this intersection is an Esso station which also includes a Tim Hortons drive-through (I suppose the Tim Hortons that was kitty corner to the gas station did not suffice). This drive-through has a lot of early morning traffic, and thus there was a line up of cars which extened all the way out of the gas station parking lot and onto southbound highway 25 itself. This section of highway 25 has two lanes going in both directions, so I was driving in the left-hand southbound lane while the line up was in the right-hand lane.

While I was passing this line-up of cars, there was a lady who was attempting to leave the gas station from the same 'entrance' that the drive-through line was using. She was trying to make a left hand turn to go Northbound on Highway 25, so she needed to cross my lane of traffic in order to do this. Due to the line up of cars, we were unable to see eachother. She poked her nose out into my lane.....I slammed on the brakes......but it was too late. I got out of my car, and walked over to her drivers door to make sure that she was okay. Thankfully, she was fine.

My next thought was to phone the police. But before I could get my cell phone out of my pocket, a gentlemen who I would guess was in his late 40s, rolled down his window; this man was sitting in one of the drive-through cars. He the proceded to tell me that the accident was my fault, and that I should have stopped because "she was there first". Now consider that this happened less than 30 seconds after the accident, and I still had adreneline pumping through my veins......I went ape shit.

I must have called this guy every name in the book within the span of 10 seconds. I told him to shut the **** up, to mind his own ****in buisness, and a bunch of other mean-spirited things. I'm glad there were no kids around.

The man then got out of his car and walked straight up to me.
"What did you just say to me?", he asked?
"You heard what I ****in said to you. This is none of your damn business. Now get back in your ****in car and shut the **** up!", I replied.

At this point, I was a little afraid that the man was gonna try and start a fight with me. He went on to talk about how he witnesed the whole thing and would be giving his account to the cops. I then noticed that the lady who I had hit had her hand on her forehead, as if she had a headache. I realized that this was scaring her, so I calmly told the man to back off and get back in his car. He walked away and got in his car; he never ended up giving that report to the police.

Eventually the police showed up, took down our information and statments. My insurance company sent me a tow truck, and set me up with a rental car. Later that day, they called and told me that after investigation, I was not at fault for the accident; thankfully they'll pay the cost of any repairs. The damage was minor enough so I won't need to write the vehicle off.

But wait! There's More! I was scheduled to write an exam at 9:00, but due to the accident I was unable to attend. The faculty will let me write this exam at a later date (some time in June), however, this means that they will not be able to grant me my degree until the Fall convocation. So yeah, instead of graduating June, I"ll have to wait until November. But I won't lose my spot in the Master's Program I recently accepted, which starts in September.

I guess if that's the worst part of this whole story is that I have to post-pone my graduation, then I should consider myself to be very lucky. I hope that you enjoyed my story, and hopefully you can avoid a similar type of accident in the future!

So yeah, that's the story! Like I said, pics will be uploaded to my user profile! There are also some pics in another album of my non-damaged car. These were taken after the accident, so you can see the difference.


07-16-2009, 11:22 PM
Hello everyone.

I feel I should tell you all the story of my recent accident. This happened before I started to post on the forums, on April the 15th, 2009. My car has since been fixed, but I think it's an interesting story to tell anyway.

I'll be posting some pics of the damage in my user profile shortly (I haven't quite figured out how to embed pics within a thread yet). Also, I'm copying and pasting most of the story from a facebook note, so hopefully the context still makes sense.

Here's how it all went down.

I was on my way to school this morning, taking a nice leisurely drive on a slightly chilly morning. The sun was shining, the birds were mating, and all seemed well. I came to the intersection of Derry Road and Highway 25 in Milton and turned left onto highway 25, Soutbound. For those of you who are not familiar with the area:


Hopefully that link works.

Now on the corner of this intersection is an Esso station which also includes a Tim Hortons drive-through (I suppose the Tim Hortons that was kitty corner to the gas station did not suffice). This drive-through has a lot of early morning traffic, and thus there was a line up of cars which extened all the way out of the gas station parking lot and onto southbound highway 25 itself. This section of highway 25 has two lanes going in both directions, so I was driving in the left-hand southbound lane while the line up was in the right-hand lane.

While I was passing this line-up of cars, there was a lady who was attempting to leave the gas station from the same 'entrance' that the drive-through line was using. She was trying to make a left hand turn to go Northbound on Highway 25, so she needed to cross my lane of traffic in order to do this. Due to the line up of cars, we were unable to see eachother. She poked her nose out into my lane.....I slammed on the brakes......but it was too late. I got out of my car, and walked over to her drivers door to make sure that she was okay. Thankfully, she was fine.

My next thought was to phone the police. But before I could get my cell phone out of my pocket, a gentlemen who I would guess was in his late 40s, rolled down his window; this man was sitting in one of the drive-through cars. He the proceded to tell me that the accident was my fault, and that I should have stopped because "she was there first". Now consider that this happened less than 30 seconds after the accident, and I still had adreneline pumping through my veins......I went ape shit.

I must have called this guy every name in the book within the span of 10 seconds. I told him to shut the **** up, to mind his own ****in buisness, and a bunch of other mean-spirited things. I'm glad there were no kids around.

The man then got out of his car and walked straight up to me.
"What did you just say to me?", he asked?
"You heard what I ****in said to you. This is none of your damn business. Now get back in your ****in car and shut the **** up!", I replied.

At this point, I was a little afraid that the man was gonna try and start a fight with me. He went on to talk about how he witnesed the whole thing and would be giving his account to the cops. I then noticed that the lady who I had hit had her hand on her forehead, as if she had a headache. I realized that this was scaring her, so I calmly told the man to back off and get back in his car. He walked away and got in his car; he never ended up giving that report to the police.

Eventually the police showed up, took down our information and statments. My insurance company sent me a tow truck, and set me up with a rental car. Later that day, they called and told me that after investigation, I was not at fault for the accident; thankfully they'll pay the cost of any repairs. The damage was minor enough so I won't need to write the vehicle off.

But wait! There's More! I was scheduled to write an exam at 9:00, but due to the accident I was unable to attend. The faculty will let me write this exam at a later date (some time in June), however, this means that they will not be able to grant me my degree until the Fall convocation. So yeah, instead of graduating June, I"ll have to wait until November. But I won't lose my spot in the Master's Program I recently accepted, which starts in September.

I guess if that's the worst part of this whole story is that I have to post-pone my graduation, then I should consider myself to be very lucky. I hope that you enjoyed my story, and hopefully you can avoid a similar type of accident in the future!

So yeah, that's the story! Like I said, pics will be uploaded to my user profile! There are also some pics in another album of my non-damaged car. These were taken after the accident, so you can see the difference.


Sorry to hear about the accident and the inconvenience it has caused you. I really think under the circumstances if you went up against the faculty and presented everything that happened, they should have not postponed your graduation. They should have let you write the exam shortly after under extenuating circumstances and allow you to graduate when you were supposed to. Times wasted is often the worst. It is up to you if you want to push this point further but if it was me I WOULD GO APE SHIT in regards to this.

In regards to the accident, definitely her fault, that other dude should sit on a 10 foot pole and spin counter clockwise. Hope he gets hit at the same spot you did the same way he was and lets see who is at fault then.

Don't mind those douches that think they know things. Sheesh!

07-16-2009, 11:27 PM
Yeah, I tried to get the faculty to let me pass the course even without the exam...but they wouldn't budge. At the end of the day, it all it meant was that I recieve my degree in November and not June....and I was busy with a lot of other stuff to really put much effort into getting them to change their mind.

I think I forgot to mention, but I was found to be not at fault for the accident. I didn't have to pay a cent (not even the cost of a rental car); the damage ended up over $5000.

07-16-2009, 11:27 PM
In regards to the accident, definitely her fault, that other dude should sit on a 10 foot pole and spin counter clockwise. Hope he gets hit at the same spot you did the same way he was and lets see who is at fault then.


wow that guy sounds like a tool... I love his logic... you're on a highway and are expected to slam on your brakes for someone who doesn't want to wait/be more cautious when entering traffic? lol, even if he did stay to be a witness the cops would have done an investigation and figured it out anyway.

Glad to hear it worked out for ya.

07-16-2009, 11:28 PM
Oh wait...I did mention that. :)

07-16-2009, 11:30 PM
wow what a douche clown..maybe he wanted to be a superhero and get the lady some money..but he lucked out

07-17-2009, 12:08 AM
"She was there first"? That's only for a 4-way stop.

07-17-2009, 12:28 AM
Oh wait...I did mention that. :)

Yeah you did, I wanted to reinforce that obviously you were not and the guy was a douche.

Cheers to guys like that for adding some amusement to our dull days!

07-17-2009, 01:31 AM
Ryan, good for you to be able to cool yourself down in such a situation.

on the brighter side of things:
1) you are okay (based on your post)
2) the lady is okay
3) You have to wait for convocation before they grant you your degree? (WTF??)
4) You are still in your Master's program!

07-17-2009, 03:10 AM
LoL! This sounds like the exact same accident i had a few months after i bought my car. 2007 @ Duncan Mill Road @ Leslie and 401.

Some lady poked her nose out in between traffic, some guy came from nowhere saying it was my fault, and then i got off 100% NOT-AT-FAULT.

The point is - If someone pulls out from private property onto a street and gets hit, it's THEIR fault.

Glad everyone is OK.

Welcome to TM3 :)

Cardinal Fang
07-17-2009, 08:33 AM
"She was there first"? That's only for a 4-way stop.

I had to scratch my head on that one too. The driver making a turn is responsible to make sure the way is clear before and during the turn. The same rule applies for a lane change. The driver must make sure that the spot is clear before turning.

Every morning when driving to work I'm at an intersection facing another car. We are both trying to make left handed turns on the light. And we both stretch our necks to see around each other. I know perfectly well that if my nose sticks out just enough to clip the car in the on coming traffic I'm at fault.

07-17-2009, 08:52 AM
wow what a douche clown..maybe he wanted to be a superhero and get the lady some money..but he lucked out

Or wanted ASS from her for saving her.

07-17-2009, 08:59 AM
I would've gone ape shit too! Tell that ass raider to go to driving school to learn his shit. Like Fang stated, whenever you make a turn you need to make sure the way is clear. The douche was trying to "white knight" to get that golden poon

07-17-2009, 10:32 AM
the douche was trying to "white knight" to get that golden poon
