07-30-2009, 03:50 PM
Hopefully this wasn't posted....
I know this is a Mazda board but anyone heading out to this?
Its August 9th at downsview park.
Last year there was over 500 cars or something crazy and it is right near Grand Prix Kartways.
I a probably heading out to take pictures for my blog.
Full details:
This meet has been a long time in the making but Teknotik.com and JDMRides.ca is pleased to announce the H-T Meet 2009 - Canada's largest Honda and Acura gathering of the year on August 9th, at Grand Prix Kartways, Downsview Park Toronto Ontario. This is once again a FREE Event!
Last year was an amazing turnout with over 550 cars and this year will be even better with the anticipation that has been building for this event once again. We already have crews heading in from all over Canada to attend and once again show Honda-Tech some of Canada's finest!
If you missed it last year, this year is only going to be bigger and better so be sure to make plans to be there!
We are fortunate enough to have the support of Grand Prix Kartways for use if their amazing facility for this event. They have unlimited space (backing onto the runways) and one of the nicest karting facilities in Canada. Come enjoy the day, BBQ, take some pics, meet other Honda/Acura enthusiasts and try your heavy foot on the state of the art Karts (discounted karting rates for all cars registered at the meet).
Any questions about this event or those looking to make arrangements for large groups or out of town guests feel free to contact me directly at 416-907-3851 or eric@teknotik.com
Again, thanks to everyone for their support and I look forward to seeing you there
I know this is a Mazda board but anyone heading out to this?
Its August 9th at downsview park.
Last year there was over 500 cars or something crazy and it is right near Grand Prix Kartways.
I a probably heading out to take pictures for my blog.
Full details:
This meet has been a long time in the making but Teknotik.com and JDMRides.ca is pleased to announce the H-T Meet 2009 - Canada's largest Honda and Acura gathering of the year on August 9th, at Grand Prix Kartways, Downsview Park Toronto Ontario. This is once again a FREE Event!
Last year was an amazing turnout with over 550 cars and this year will be even better with the anticipation that has been building for this event once again. We already have crews heading in from all over Canada to attend and once again show Honda-Tech some of Canada's finest!
If you missed it last year, this year is only going to be bigger and better so be sure to make plans to be there!
We are fortunate enough to have the support of Grand Prix Kartways for use if their amazing facility for this event. They have unlimited space (backing onto the runways) and one of the nicest karting facilities in Canada. Come enjoy the day, BBQ, take some pics, meet other Honda/Acura enthusiasts and try your heavy foot on the state of the art Karts (discounted karting rates for all cars registered at the meet).
Any questions about this event or those looking to make arrangements for large groups or out of town guests feel free to contact me directly at 416-907-3851 or eric@teknotik.com
Again, thanks to everyone for their support and I look forward to seeing you there