View Full Version : TM3 Times #12- July 2009

08-07-2009, 07:47 PM
TM3 Times July

Welcome all to TM3 Times July edition. Or should it more rightly be called “The Peter Pang Edition” of the TM3 Times. This month we have seen great things from NextMod as they had their grand opening of their retail store. And of course it’s only fitting that NextMod be our Sponsor of the Month!

On with the show:

Next Mod Grand Opening


On June 14, 2009 many of our TorontoMazda3 members made the trip out to Markham ON onto a small road called Yorktech Drive. Many were skeptical at first, then as you got closer you started to hear the music pound and the people gathered. A very nice sight to see and the music wasn’t too shabby either!



Many other car clubs and their members showed up to the day’s events to support Peter in his new adventure as he supported them (and us) in later days. Now, his store is a one stop shop for all of your car part needs – custom or replica.


The day included a free barbecue sponsored by NextMod as a thank you for their loyal patrons who made the dream become a reality. Without any of us buying Peter’s bodykits over the years, or the items he managed to get discounts on to make us happy, none of this could have happened for NextMod.


In stock Peter has rims, intakes, HID kits, bodykits, lowering springs- among a variety of other merchandise for your buying pleasure. Come into his store and you will be greeted by the friendly smiles of Peter or Rachel who will help you in any way or form.


If you missed out on the day’s events, not to fear. You can always visit Peter at his store located at 290 Yorktech Dr. Unit 27 during his store hours which can be found in the NextMod section of our Sponsors Thread.

Thank you Peter for your ongoing support and we wish you all the best with the future of NextMod.

Photos contributed by 3GFX and Spyder01

Next on the list: Blue Jays anyone?

Take Me Out To The…. TM3 Meet?

Friday June 26, 2009 several TorontoMazda3 members trekked out to downtown Toronto to the Rogers Centre to watch the Toronto Blue Jays take on the Philadelphia Phillies on their home soil. Unfortunately, Ami (S.F.W.) who organized this event was unable to attend as he had a prior engagement to attend. Those who did, however had a lot of fun.


After a change of seating- first by Claudio and Phil- then the rest followed we all sat comfortably, semi dispersed through section 140 of the Rogers Centre. We were in the outfield but that did not stop us from having a good time. A couple people in the section over were heckling John Mayberry, an outfielder for the Phillies as well as our own Claudio caught one of the outfielders scratching their butt which led to him screaming out “Buttsratcher!” :chuckle


In the upper bowl of the stadium it was clear why the people chose the cheaper seats as they had a hot dog tally going on throughout the night. Which just kept getting bigger and bigger:





At $5 a hot dog these people managed to spend over $1000 during the game on hotdogs alone. Lets hope they saved some of their money for drinks… and laxatives.

Toronto ended up winning that game 6-1. Unfortunately, after this game it led to a horrible losing streak for the team. But all in all the members of TM3 and their significant others had a wonderful night out at the ball game.


Next is a new segment from jaimie08mazda3 to replace the Thoughts From the Pulpit for this edition of the Times. We call it Jaimie’s Monthly Complaint

Jaimie08mazda3's Monthly Complaint

So I have a complaint. And this is the complaint that everyone has and everyone is guilty (myself included). People who are stupid drivers. And im talking about the ones that dont pay attention to the road, talk on their cellphone while driving, drafting, weaving in and out of lanes, and going about 240 on the 401 when there are other lifes at stake unlike your own. Now I'm not gonna say I haven't done any of these things because I have however what annoys me is people that CONSTANTLY DO IT. Example a week ago coming from work some guy coming out of a tim hortons saw me going down the road, he looked right at me, he pulled right out and went like 20 in a 60 *im doing 70 ish* I honked and he gave me the finger thinking he didn't do anything wrong. I got mad but I had thought okay whatever maybe he will speed up... but does he NO instead he decides im gonna piss him off and then turn at the next freaking intersection. I almost lost it... but I was in a good mood so i honked and went on my way. Now just about two days later I had gotten off work and was going home when i leave the work parking lot *i work at sobeys in Acton so its a big lot* and I have the right of way. Same guy again. he looked and saw me and kept on going as I was going up to the intersection. At this point I had just lost it and put my car right up to his and said learn how to drive thats the second time you have done that. The guy looks at me and says shutup you punk kid, it doesnt matter what you think because im older and more mature and have more experience driving. I told him that someone like him should be aware that karma happens and that you need to realize what you had just said. Today I drove by his van and he was doing 50 KM over apparently. Car was towed away. Needless to say I was happy with that result. Another example of Idiot drivers was when i was coming home from work, I had just gotten off the 401 onto Guelph line and i was behind two cars. I was not worried I was just enjoying my music and a transport truck was riding my ass so much that if I had put on my brakes he would have more or less killed me. So i open my window and wave my hand back telling him to move *I'm in a mazda3 he is in a transport truck, no way am I living in an accident* and he doesnt. I keep trying to get him off and finally he does. Now we are about 10 km down the road and the people in front of me turned off and im doing 100 KM/HR, This truck goes right up my ass once again and I finally lost it. We get to the stop light and I stopped my car, got out of it and went up to the truck and told the guy, do you not understand back off, he said F off I'm in a hurry i gotta get this to Guelph by 12 AM. I told him you may not have a job for long. He asked why, I had told him that I am taking his plates down and informing the police of this matter. He got mad and sweared at me while i left. He tried to throw something at my car but i was gone before he could. I ended up calling the police later on that day about this and the police called the company about this matter. What was funny was the company called me and told me he got suspended for two weeks. I felt great justice in this. It is karma for doing this. Now the worst thing drivers do *and sorry and not to be sexist but its true, this is mainly females* are driving on cellphones. I had one woman in guelph talking on her cellphone while driving at a busy time of day, and i was in the right lane and she was in the left lane and she had seen a car turning and she didnt want to wait for it so she started going into my lane. I had to slam the brakes and honk the horn, she kept driving as if nothing happened. Later down the road she went into the other lane and i drove by her and she didnt even acknowledge me. She was still talking on her cellphone. It's people like this that annoys me. Ive done stupid stuff but I felt bad about it. What I hate is the people that know they did something wrong and try to turn it around on you. My girlfriend is possibly the worst for this. She calls me a horrible driver and yet she is the one who talks on her cellphone while driving while running red lights while speeding and weaving in and out of traffic without signalling. I was driving with her the other day and I literally had my hand on the "holy shit" handle the entire time. She tells me that she drove perfectly. And then to top it all off, while I am driving she sits there and is like DON'T DO THIS DON'T DO THAT. I don't want someone else telling me how to drive especially coming from someone who has issues driving themselves. Another style of drivers I can't stand are the nervous driver. My good friend Dakota is one of these. He drives a 1997 Chevy 1500 5 spd (yea i wondered why he didnt buy a dakota lol.. A little off topic he drive's his sister technically... his sister's name is Sierra lmao.) anyway back on topic. Me my friend Andrew who drives a 2002 Honda Civic SI and Dakota drive down to toronto. We are going with the flow of traffic 120-130 anywhere in that area. Dakota is behind both of us and starts to get lost because he cant figure out the flow of traffic. So anyway we all end up somehow making it to Dufferin St. in Toronto, and Dakota is behind me and I am behind andrew. We see the traffic ahead so we slow down. However Dakota does not see this traffic. He is going about 50 while im at a dead stop. He finally sees my car and almost rear ends me but ends up going into the ditch. This is the last time we ever went to Toronto with him. We decided when we got to our destination that I was going to drive his truck and he was going to drive my 3. So we ended up doing this and he was in the middle of us, and we all turn on to the 401 West towards London but he decides to go straight. He got lost in my car for about 2 hours and my car has friggin GPS. GOD some drivers suck. Anyway this is my rant for this month. Join me next month (If Cardinal Fang will let me) As I discuss an even better topic. Untill next time

Now onto the Sponsor of the Month: NextMod

Title- Peter and Nextmod


A Small Paragraph about your services: Basically we can get you parts for Mazda 3. From anything to everything. Especially exterior products. We also do insurance claims and paint.

How long have you been a sponsor on TM3? Around 2.5 years

Why did you choose to become a sponsor on TM3? Because we needed to open up a new market besides just doing Civics and Integras =)

Your most memorable TM3 moment? I remember everything actually, from the first meet where everyone was looking at me funny cause I drove a Mercedes there with lips inside my car, to now where almost every member knows me. Good times. I am glad I sponsored the site. =)

I’ve dealt with Peter on several occasions since becoming a member on TM3 and he is always a joy to do business with. He is very patient, very kind and always is good for a chat. He always tries to get the best deals possible when he can for any member. Peter worked very hard for NextMod and now he is a great success! Congratulations Peter :)

Finally for the Member of the Month: Cardinal Fang

Member of the Month July 2009- Cardinal Fang


Name:Calvin, Arnold, Rene, Donald, Ignatius, Norman, Allan, Leopold, Fiona, Amanda, Nigel, Gordon or Cardinal Fang for short. :loco

Location: Trapped in a Hell of my own making.

Age: That's a rather personal question and besides, it's all wasted on the young!

Educational Institutes: Ryerson Polytechnic University and the University of Michigan.

Work/ Career: Part time Cleric and full time Architectural Consultant.

Why did you choose Mazda? Someone told me the chicks dig it. But no one told me the wives make fun of it.

What previous rides have you owned? 1983 Cutless Supreme, 1980 Mazda 626, 1976 Honda Civic, Red Sled and 1974 Big Wheel with dropped suspension. I was balling even in my youth.

Current/Future Modifications? Almost all of my modifications are cosmetic with the exception of the PRM intake and RX8 wheels. As for the future I'm thinking about getting some liposuction or a nose job done.

Do you have any hobbies? Trying to find Amish Midget Porn on the internet.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In the same place I've been for the last five. Planet Earth.
Describe yourself in 3 words. That's rather difficult.
*Looks up*

Ok, lets go with that.

Name 3 goals you have yet to achieve. Getting a date with Catherine Z. Jones. Having the restraining order against me by Meghan Fox dropped and Getting permission from my wife to date Catherine Z. Jones.

Any last words? Yes

Well that's it for the Times people. Stay tuned for August's edition!

08-07-2009, 08:20 PM
LMAO...Cardinals is the best part XD

08-07-2009, 08:24 PM
LMAO...Cardinals is the best part XD

As it always is!

08-12-2009, 12:24 PM
wow thats wicked

08-12-2009, 12:45 PM
Not bad at all! lol made me laugh haha

08-12-2009, 01:03 PM
Cardinals peice was hilarious - good stuff