View Full Version : Would a MZR Valvecover swap onto a MZ3 head?

Mty Mous
08-27-2009, 02:04 PM
I was sooo excited when I got the Red Mazdaspeed3 Oil filler cap, but was quickly let down when I realized its not gonna work due to the MZ3 valvecover not having the threads for the oil filler cap.

So I'm wondering if the MS3's Valvecover is a direct swap onto the M3's head?

Anyone know?

Yes I know ... I'm really :loco for going to all this trouble for a stupid oil filler cap! :blush


08-27-2009, 02:20 PM
its not and ill give you $5 for that cap :)

08-27-2009, 02:27 PM
Its different... I would love the cap too lol.

Streetunit makes a nice red one :)

Mty Mous
08-27-2009, 03:35 PM
No? Dammit! :bang

Well, if you guys are serious about buying it, gimme a serious offer.

Its literally brand new, I ripped open the bubble wrap to notice that it has the threads on it and was like "F me!" :complain

Worse case scenario I'd just use it on the Miata, should go nicely with the powdercoated valve cover too.

Its a shame too, its a nice solid piece with some weight to it! :(

StreetUnit eh? hmmm ... gotta look em up and see what they got for the MZ3.

08-27-2009, 04:45 PM
holly FACK $80 USD
MOT has them for a fraction of the price :chuckle
but i got like 4 of them here haha
they make nice paper weights :)

Mty Mous
08-27-2009, 05:05 PM
Yup ... I didn't pay anywhere near that ... but I was like :whoa when I saw that on the StreetUnit website.

I picked mine up at Scarboro Mazda when they had their Mazdaspeed day last weekend.

08-27-2009, 06:10 PM
I saw someone who did it on an 04-05 on the US board... it fits but he had to do some grinding and stuff to make it work

but for an 06-09, it should go on easier since it uses the same coil packs

oh and ALL of the engines in the 3 are MZRs

Mty Mous
08-28-2009, 09:41 AM
All engines are MZR's? Serious? Damn ... wonder why I was thinking MZ3 and MZR for the M3 and MS3? :blush

Okay, I'm gonna try this swap and see ... my next mission is to find a used Valve cover. Anybody got a blown MS3 engine lying around and wanna sell me their valvecover?

This may sound strange, but does anyone have pics of their Mazdaspeed3 with the plastic engine cover ON and OFF the valvecover? I wanna see what the differences are from mine ('07 GT) ... atleast in overall appearance.

All this for a dumb lil Oil Cap ... gawd ... why couldn't I be into an easier hobby like collecting cards or something? :bang
It'll sure look nice when its done tho. :)

08-28-2009, 09:53 AM

Cheaper and easier... but its not a Mazdaspeed :)

08-28-2009, 10:14 AM
Let me know Thuwa if you want to grab the SU cap. I get a good discount through them.:)

Mty Mous
08-28-2009, 10:14 AM
Hmmm ... that WOULD save me a lotta headaches ... wonder if I can rub that sticker off and put a Mazdaspeed one on? Definitely worth a consideration. :)