View Full Version : TM3 Chat Idea

08-31-2009, 05:55 PM

Just out of curiosity if this would be an option for the TM3 website. I have had many PM's with people stating this would be a good idea. Now I know there will be positive and negative feedback on this but like always everyone has opinions.

The reason why TM3 should have a chat room
(for arguments sake I will put my two cents for the positive and negative please feel free to add)


-Allows people to use this at work and to speak/chat with many members at once and allow to individuals to get to know each other. Rather than PM's

-Reduces post "whoring"

- Allows people at work to use the chat feature to talk to their friends online due to restrictions to MSN and other chat programs.

- TM3 has always been a family site and has never been racial and by far this is the only site I've been a proud member of which I can state those two points!

- Helps members from out of town get to know other members

- Provides entertainment at work (well it already does but needed another pros lol )


- Why have the need to have a Chat section.... we already have the Friday thread.

-Save your chatting for MSN/text

- I see these people at meets I don't need to talk to them all the time :chuckle

- Cost money and having to redesign the site :complain

- Conversations would get confusing following topics due to numerous conversations going on at once.

- What would be the point of PM's than?

I am not a MOD/Admin and do not know the extent of creating this feature. It's just an idea some of us have thought of out of curiosity and to see if there is interest. We all know we have MSN/ICQ blah blah blah :chuckle But thought it would be an idea or upgrade for the site.

Again I am proud to say I am a part of this site and truly do like how NO one is judged for the colour of their skin, their occupation and no one is truly insulted due to slander towards their car or strictly making fun. Not everyone will appreciate others opinions but people do apologize and make things civil on here. I'm not saying WE MUST DO THIS OR ELSE , just kinda an idea ... or future ideas of tm3. Or if there is any other ideas the mods want to tell us what they have in store in the near future for the site.

Thanks for listening and we do appreciate your thoughts and the mods/admins do need to get more credit for making this site possible (no I'm not kissing ass just saying how it is :chuckle) Now let's hear some feedback. Remember I'm not making this possible just pitching an idea most of us have talked about lol ,if nothing happens it's all good ... we always have Friday lol

- Greg

08-31-2009, 05:58 PM

08-31-2009, 06:13 PM
:lock and delete lol

08-31-2009, 06:17 PM
suckerrrrr!!! search more next time:chuckle