View Full Version : LTFT in v1.05

09-11-2009, 04:17 PM
Hey guys,

I bit the bullet and upgraded to v1.05 the other day. I've noticed that my LTFT range is between -8% and 3%... I don't seem to recall this figure being a percentage in v1.03, but it appears to be the case now. My fuel trim used to be like 6 before in the previous map...

I've gone through an entire tank of gas, driving very gently while the map takes...

I haven't calibrated my MAF sensor yet, didn't need to do it in the previous version... Do you guys think that's my problem? Or are my values normal?

09-11-2009, 04:23 PM
the increased difference between the 1.03 and 1.04 was minimal, and same thing for 1.04 to 1.05 for me...so I don't think that helps you.

what I think MAY help you is the fact that the 1.04's and 1.05's have some tweaks in them for summer temp boosting...whatever that means. But with our CDN weather this yr (rather mild), I don't know if it's even called for. Having said that tho, there's no harm to calibrate your MAF...esp since you seem to be gearing up for a wknd project of logging, etc.

anything between -8%/+8% is within range....so I wouldn't be too worried.

for reference, changing from the Cobb SRI oiled filter to the AEM dry-flow filter increased my LTFT's by +2% immediately. After 1 tank, it went back to -2/+4.

09-11-2009, 04:31 PM
Ahh okay, so it's within spec. I've never seen this figure be a negative number, so I was worried. Maybe I'll save some gas now? ;) Car was running pretty rich before in 103...

My project this weekend (which doesn't look like it'll happen since I didn't get my cable :( isn't performance related unfortunately... I don't want to reveal much in case it flops lol, but if I succeed you guys will be the first to know. =)

09-11-2009, 04:34 PM
Ahh okay, so it's within spec. I've never seen this figure be a negative number, so I was worried. Maybe I'll save some gas now? ;) Car was running pretty rich before in 103...

My project this weekend (which doesn't look like it'll happen since I didn't get my cable :( isn't performance related unfortunately... I don't want to reveal much in case it flops lol, but if I succeed you guys will be the first to know. =)

btw...I have an OBD2 splitter that you can borrow if that helps...it will increase latency, but it might help you run both the AP and whatever else at the same time.

09-11-2009, 05:40 PM
Thanks man, much appreciated. I'll let you know!