View Full Version : RANT to the Inconsiderate.........

09-13-2009, 09:57 PM
Let me start off by saying that I have partied quite hard in my current life so I do not have any qualms against those who do so EXCEPT to those inbred crotch-droppings in my neighbourhood last night. From approximately 11PM to 2AM I had to listen to your:
a) drunken loud conversations
b) pathetic exhaust NOISE from those riced-out Hondas
c) really bad taste in music blaring out of cheap speakers
You all really looked cool wearing those NBA-sized jerseys on your 5ft nothing frames with the jean crotches down to your knees and the askewed baseball caps with the sales tags still on??!!! Worse of all you were kindly enough to leave your left-over chicken chow mein ( 2/3 not finished ) all over my boulevard to feed the racoons. And the female company you had in your presence.......chez Lancaster rejects are classier but whatever turns your crank...in this case I hope you had protection or at least a prenupt agreement.

:flaming get off my front lawn punks

now back to our mild mannered forum OK?BYE

09-13-2009, 10:03 PM

09-13-2009, 10:04 PM
sound like you cold have used some fart bombs to get rid of the punks :chuckle

09-13-2009, 10:07 PM
If you have a quality sound system that can sustain broadcasting at loud volumes, look up the ultra-high frequency noise. It affects youth ears, as adults lose the ability to hear it later in life. If it doesn't bother you anymore, put it on "looping" and crank up the speakers near a window... And watch them scatter.

09-13-2009, 10:10 PM
sound like you cold have used some fart bombs to get rid of the punks :chuckle
Trust me, I would have released the skunk on them if I knew where that beast was that night

mazda lover
09-13-2009, 10:12 PM
call the police...

09-13-2009, 10:13 PM

Teeny-bopper p0rn I refuse to post. Those spinners were not worth tapping

09-13-2009, 10:15 PM
call the police...
I was hoping one of the neighbours would like last time. However they dispersed just as I was fumbling with the phone to call in a complaint

09-13-2009, 10:19 PM
If you have a quality sound system that can sustain broadcasting at loud volumes, look up the ultra-high frequency noise. It affects youth ears, as adults lose the ability to hear it later in life. If it doesn't bother you anymore, put it on "looping" and crank up the speakers near a window... And watch them scatter.
Nice but the neighbours would not be too happy with that. In-ground sprinkler system will be just as effective

Zoom Zoom Boy
09-14-2009, 10:15 AM
Go watch Gran Torino, do your best Clint impersonation and then go have a chat with them next time. :)

09-14-2009, 10:43 AM
Gran Torino = Awesomeness!

I felt it depicted our current society of up and coming "youth" very very well!

who do you call when this happens? I have the same issues in my townhouse complex sometimes...

1. loud talking/yapping
2. loud bass
3. loud exhaust
4. leftover mcdonalds trash bags everywhere

but my problem is
i'm worried that
- by the time i call the cops and they arrive.. the punks will have gone
- do i call 911? or is there a different #?
- will i get in trouble if i make a call and by the time cops arrive there's NOTHING??

09-14-2009, 10:51 AM
call your local dispatch rather than 911 since it's more of a disturbance than a real emergency. you won't get in trouble.

HOWEVER, depending on your location police might be reluctant coming down there. i.e. my backyard faces a park where often young kids tend to sit, drink, scream, laugh, play music and set things on fire. once after calling police @3am regarding the noise we were told that since this park does not have a paved access and 9the cruisers cant drive in there - they just wont go....

09-14-2009, 10:54 AM
SirWanker, I feel your pain... I used to deal with the same kind of people back when I used to live in Ajax... Shouting out "SHUT THE F*** UP, PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO F****** SLEEP !" from my window at 3 in the morning obviously didn't help at all LOL

I'm glad we moved back to Markham but I really miss Durham Region mainly because at least a good population of the town of Ajax know how to drive properly.

09-14-2009, 11:15 AM
speedbaby: how do i know/get the number for my local dispatch?

09-14-2009, 11:18 AM
It would be nice to go all Eastwood on them but they are not worthy of such treatment.
I know better that to call 911 for these issues but as it was touched on earlier, I did not know if they would still be around in all their obnoxious glory when the police arrive. Worse thing was they would be noisy for 10-15 minutes then taper off for 20 and start up all over again.

It did not help that my car was parked in the driveway, less than 10 meters from where these poopy-pants were prancing. Yes I'm one of those garage-as-another-storage-room people and this is the first time in 4 years that I've lived here, where I had such a problem.

09-14-2009, 11:25 AM
speedbaby: how do i know/get the number for my local dispatch?
If you're in Mississauga, it is the Peel police 905-453-3311 (http://www.peelpolice.on.ca/)

09-14-2009, 11:35 AM
oohhh gotcha!
thanks wanker!
i mean SIRwanker =)

09-14-2009, 06:12 PM
call your local dispatch rather than 911 since it's more of a disturbance than a real emergency. you won't get in trouble.

HOWEVER, depending on your location police might be reluctant coming down there. i.e. my backyard faces a park where often young kids tend to sit, drink, scream, laugh, play music and set things on fire. once after calling police @3am regarding the noise we were told that since this park does not have a paved access and 9the cruisers cant drive in there - they just wont go....

reminds me of a time at my old neighborhood where some of the high school kids go hang out/drink/drugs etc at the park. 4 cruisers just jumps the curb and chases the kids down the park and into the valley where they would go on foot. If the cops use the excuse of "no paved access" then they are just being pussies, pathetic excuse

09-14-2009, 06:56 PM
I know of guys who were "chilling" behind a school late at night, the cruisers came into the lot quietly...then the helicopter showed up over head...once they ran, the cops were all waiting in the lot...

THEN the helicopter also landed onto the field behind the school...lol...

If they want them bad enough, they'd do anything they could...

09-14-2009, 10:02 PM
gotta love how bad as all these little punks are.... like honestly... when I was 17 I didnt mouth off to people who were older that was just asking for an ass kicking.... but no respect and a thought that every hood is "ghetto" makes these kids think they tough....

LIke the little sh*t I had to deal with last week... little punk comes up to me asking if he can have a smoke.. he looked 12 and was drunk as a skunk and I asked him like what are you twelve... and hes like nah im 17 yo... im like ok.. no u can't have a smoke 12 year old... and hes like yo im 17 I still get chicks to ride on my dick.... now im not sure what the relevance was of that comment at all. The fact that he did it as he was looking at my gf... kind of irritated me.. so i told him to get lost.. and he walks away like hes a badass with his sunglasses on... truthfully this whole parents cant discipline is bs!!!!!