View Full Version : should you fight that ticket?

10-11-2009, 09:04 PM
I know there's a lot of people saying that for some tickets that if there isn't points involved it's not worth fighting the ticket. Well I'm not sure about all insurance companies but I just heard something and if it's accurate ( I think it should be considering the source) you may want to fight every ticket.

Ok so I heard this on CP24 on the safety first segment with Cam Wooley. According to him insurance companies look at convictions and not just points, so don't think that your insurance is safe just because the ticket doesn't have points attached to it! I'm not exactly sure what the etiquette is to approaching your insurance company about this, but just to let you know

10-11-2009, 09:19 PM
i thought this was a known fact?

points only relate to you losing your license.

10-11-2009, 09:47 PM
Always worth it to fight. Even if your planning on pleading guilty. If the cop doesnt show, you are good to go. If he does bother to show up, your still good cause the crown will most likely offer you a deal and/or by admitting guilt and as long as you dont have like a crazy amount of prior convictions (like its your first or first in a long time) the judge will reduce it.

10-11-2009, 09:50 PM
yeppers its worth taking every ticket to court. Insurance companies look for every excuse to raise your insurance i have gotten a couple of tickets from 10 over to 35 over,I have fought everyone and won, Well with the help of mybrother he is a paralegal.Never plead either.

10-11-2009, 10:54 PM
Always worth it to fight. Even if your planning on pleading guilty. If the cop doesnt show, you are good to go. If he does bother to show up, your still good cause the crown will most likely offer you a deal and/or by admitting guilt and as long as you dont have like a crazy amount of prior convictions (like its your first or first in a long time) the judge will reduce it.

Cops are now required to show up.

Even if they just finished a night shift and have to show up for a 9AM Court session. Just hope he or she is stressed, tired, and grumpy and forgets their notes, reports or fumble......

Depending on your insurance company, when I was young and stupid, I had been pulled over 6 times with two tickets, both minor. My insurance company said 3 minors = 1 Major and 1 Major is bad news.

My first one was a 14km/h over, which I was slowing down from doing 110km/h in an 80km/h, after passing a ridiculously powerful minivan (Chev Venture, 240hp and tons of torque).

Second one I was really lucky because I was moving preschool sports equipment from one community centre to another. My car was loaded with toys and the officer had to give me something because he was new and his boss was with him in the cruiser. I did a 90 in a 50 but reduced to 10km/h over.

I paid all my tickets, insurance said nothing and no raises. Since then I've slowed down and done nothing stupid.

10-11-2009, 11:09 PM
Didn't know that they are required to show up now. I haven't got any tickets in years *knocks on wood* so that is good to know.

10-11-2009, 11:26 PM
Didn't know that they are required to show up now. I haven't got any tickets in years *knocks on wood* so that is good to know.

Even if its on their day off, they still have to unless they have a really really really good excuse to tell their bosses...

Son of Zartan
10-12-2009, 11:08 PM
as far as "reporting" tickets to your insurance company ... i think its a dont ask, dont tell kinda thing. Ive called my IC for reason X, and my tickets came up in conversation. I asked him how much longer do i have until they are off my record? his reply: i only see 1 on your account. when infact, there should have been 3. my lucky day? or in fact that it is true that tickets that dont carry points dont get reported .....

the mystery of the dance.

10-13-2009, 01:06 AM
I just took 2 tickets to court a week ago, No front plate and expired validation sticker. On the mazda at the time..

One ticket was removed before i spoke to the judge, pleaded guilty with explanation, explained the plate would not fit inside the holes anymore and i was getting a new car.. ticket removed. NO FINE.

Fight your tickets, even though you may not win with the judge, the justice of the peace lady or whatever will remove one ticket at least or reduce the 1 ticket you have..

10-13-2009, 03:03 AM
i plan of fighting every ticket no matter the fine

it could hitting a police car with a dash cam id still fight it, hey if he does show up its +1 for me!

10-13-2009, 09:57 AM
as far as "reporting" tickets to your insurance company ... i think its a dont ask, dont tell kinda thing. Ive called my IC for reason X, and my tickets came up in conversation. I asked him how much longer do i have until they are off my record? his reply: i only see 1 on your account. when infact, there should have been 3. my lucky day? or in fact that it is true that tickets that dont carry points dont get reported .....

the mystery of the dance.

What I think it is, is that the insurance companies do count every conviction; but not all convictions get forwarded to them right away, only those with points. So basically If the ticket does not carry points then, the insurance company won't be told right away, they'll have to look up your abstract to see it but a ticket with points they are told about it right away? I think that a situation like this is the only way that "Son of Zartan's" situation could occur?

10-13-2009, 11:54 AM
What I think it is, is that the insurance companies do count every conviction; but not all convictions get forwarded to them right away, only those with points. So basically If the ticket does not carry points then, the insurance company won't be told right away, they'll have to look up your abstract to see it but a ticket with points they are told about it right away? I think that a situation like this is the only way that "Son of Zartan's" situation could occur?

They are never told about the tickets. They find out when you renew and they pull up your abstract. And it doesn't matter how many points, it's based on minor/major convictions.

10-13-2009, 12:13 PM
Yes everyone, fight your tickets, clog up the court systems and cost the taxpayers (me) more money. I appreciate you want to break the law and expect to have no consequences for it.
If you are TRULY innocent, by all means fight it. If you were actually speeding... well, you should have thought about that BEFORE. You know your insurance will go up, then don't do it! Its not rocket science people!
/end rant

10-13-2009, 12:25 PM
Yes everyone, fight your tickets, clog up the court systems and cost the taxpayers (me) more money. I appreciate you want to break the law and expect to have no consequences for it.
If you are TRULY innocent, by all means fight it. If you were actually speeding... well, you should have thought about that BEFORE. You know your insurance will go up, then don't do it! Its not rocket science people!
/end rant

To respond to your rant, and bear in mind that I support your right to your rant and your opinion wholeheartedly.

First of all I/we are not responsible for purposely setup inneficient court systems that are meant to frustrate people out of challenging their tickets.

secondly we are not responsible for the agreements with the unions and the police services which pay the police officers to show up to do their jobs

Thirdly I'm glad that I live in a society where I have the right to defend myself against accusations. Imagine what would happen in a society where you didn't have that right. Police officer gives you a ticket and that's the end of it.

Lastly I agree with you when it comes to breaking the law there should be consequences, but unless your talking about seriously weaving in and out of traffic while speeding, running red lights and talking on your cell phone. giving someone a ticket for going a little bit faster than antiquated and arbritraty speed limits, but is otherwise not doing anything wrong is nothing but a cash grab plain and simple! I'd rather the cops get on the street and stop drug dealers and rapists. then sitting on the side of a highway pestering people who want to get to work on time. end of rebutal rant

10-13-2009, 12:41 PM
To respond to your rant, and bear in mind that I support your right to your rant and your opinion wholeheartedly.

First of all I/we are not responsible for purposely setup inneficient court systems that are meant to frustrate people out of challenging their tickets.

secondly we are not responsible for the agreements with the unions and the police services which pay the police officers to show up to do their jobs

Thirdly I'm glad that I live in a society where I have the right to defend myself against accusations. Imagine what would happen in a society where you didn't have that right. Police officer gives you a ticket and that's the end of it.

Lastly I agree with you when it comes to breaking the law there should be consequences, but unless your talking about seriously weaving in and out of traffic while speeding, running red lights and talking on your cell phone. giving someone a ticket for going a little bit faster than antiquated and arbritraty speed limits, but is otherwise not doing anything wrong is nothing but a cash grab plain and simple! I'd rather the cops get on the street and stop drug dealers and rapists. then sitting on the side of a highway pestering people who want to get to work on time. end of rebutal rant

I admire you rebuttal rant! lol Wasn't what I was expecting, as it did not attck my opinion directly, and I appreciate that!

My only rebuttle rebuttle is about the highlighted area.... Speed limits are in place for a reason. Whether or not you agree with it matters not. Its like saying "I see the price is $50.00, but I'm only going to pay you $40.00 because I feel thats all its worth". Rules are in place to keep society manageable. Would you rather we have no rules or structure on our roads?
I agree in that I'd like to see more done about drugs and weapons, but you can't blame them for upholding the laws. We can't decide what we speed we feel like driving at just because we feel its safe. Be we also can't ignore the rules and then not accept the consequences of our actions.
Would I like to see higher speed limits on certain roads? Hell yes! But, thats doesn't change my view on this.
/end rebuttle rebuttle rant

10-13-2009, 02:26 PM
you know, i would agree that if you commit a crime be prepared for the consequences.

i dont even mind the cash grab for the city from tickets.

but really the way insurance rates are i feel justifies me fighting every ticket no matter what.

it just doesnt seem fair to me that you could be speeding 20 over on a street (provided you are doing it safely) and then get hammered with terrible insurance rates that are not proportionate to your "crime" or risk of accident.

if there was strict regulations on insurance companies or they were government run i would likely feel different.

Noisy Crow
10-13-2009, 07:21 PM
it just doesnt seem fair to me that you could be speeding 20 over on a street (provided you are doing it safely) and then get hammered with terrible insurance rates that are not proportionate to your "crime" or risk of accident.

20 over on the 403, I agree with you. 20 over through a 40 km/h school zone.... should be instant licence suspension. IMHO the penalties should be based on % over the limit.

In regards to the insurance argument about unsafe driving.... unfortunately on the 403 where everyone goes 120 the, er, driver merging on to the highway at 80 km/h is somehow supposed to be the safer driver....

10-13-2009, 11:31 PM
I admire you rebuttal rant! lol Wasn't what I was expecting, as it did not attck my opinion directly, and I appreciate that!

My only rebuttle rebuttle is about the highlighted area.... Speed limits are in place for a reason. Whether or not you agree with it matters not. Its like saying "I see the price is $50.00, but I'm only going to pay you $40.00 because I feel thats all its worth". Rules are in place to keep society manageable. Would you rather we have no rules or structure on our roads?
I agree in that I'd like to see more done about drugs and weapons, but you can't blame them for upholding the laws. We can't decide what we speed we feel like driving at just because we feel its safe. Be we also can't ignore the rules and then not accept the consequences of our actions.
Would I like to see higher speed limits on certain roads? Hell yes! But, thats doesn't change my view on this.
/end rebuttle rebuttle rant

i don't attack peoples ideas i just highlight my own ideas and opinions about a certain subject that may be different then mine. I don't feel that rules shouldn't exist, I just feel that there should be justification and logic behind rules and behind limits; not just an it's that way because that's the way it's always been and because i said so, that is not a reason. Also to your penultimate point, this is just a little bit of fun ( or maybe it isn't :chuckle) in the immortal words of Al Bundy when he fakes being a senior citizen to win the seniors olympics "it's only cheating when you get caught". Oh and also just in case anyone is really serious about changing things there are only 3 ways to enact social change, social upheaval (organized revolt), money, or blackmail/extortion/threatening the people who have the power to enact change.

10-13-2009, 11:37 PM
Also to your other comment about only paying $40 for something that should be $50 I do that all the time, it's called haggling. I don't know what your ethnic upbringing is/was but where I come from the price is never the price there is always room for negotiation. Don't get me wrong a great many things are suitably priced, they almost have to be if you want to survive in a free market economy. But if I'm getting a steak and they're charging me $20 for it and it's tough and chewy you'd have to pry the wallet out of my cold dead hands to get me to pay full price for it. If this wasn't true here also we'd wouldn't have police reducing tickets, or making deals in the dealership for better than the advertised price.

10-14-2009, 12:03 AM
ive faught one ticket and i got off with a 79 in a 50 instead of 85 in a 50. WTF. but anyhow yea fight it... you have the legal right too you have to pay it you may as well see what happens... i do anyway unless there is no point

10-14-2009, 09:55 PM
You pay taxes, might as do what your tax dollars fund which is the court system.