View Full Version : fume smell in car in cold

10-23-2009, 05:45 AM
Hi all,
whenever i start my car in the cold weather.I smell strong gas fume inside my car cabin but when the car is warmed up there is no smell. i asked my mechanic and he said that it happens in cold weather so nothing to worry about. i just want your opinion that is it true. I Googled this issue but couldn't find a proper solution.Thanks in advance for your help.

10-26-2009, 04:15 AM
MODS please close this thread as no body seems to bother to post a solution for this issue

10-26-2009, 05:12 AM
MODS please close this thread as no body seems to bother to post a solution for this issue

Probably because your mechanic gave you the right answer and no one could add to it...Anyways if it makes you feel better to hear it from someone else.....It's normal, as your engine runs rich when starting it cold so it is inevitable raw gas fumes will enter into the cabin. :)
