View Full Version : Detailing

11-28-2009, 11:13 AM
I wanted to get my car clay bared and waxed and some swirl marks removed before winter really hits. I was going to go see Kaval at makeitshine and get the exclusive pakage done but he hasnt answered my emails.. Is he still on here? and if not does anyone know of a really good detailer that can do as good of a job as he did. Thanks

11-28-2009, 12:26 PM
I wanted to get my car clay bared and waxed and some swirl marks removed before winter really hits. I was going to go see Kaval at makeitshine and get the exclusive pakage done but he hasnt answered my emails.. Is he still on here? and if not does anyone know of a really good detailer that can do as good of a job as he did. Thanks

At this time, Kaval has elected not to renew his sponsorship. As for other people or places that detail cars, I recently had my car done at Agincourt Mazda(Platinum package) and was very pleased with the work.

11-29-2009, 09:03 AM
At this time, Kaval has elected not to renew his sponsorship. As for other people or places that detail cars, I recently had my car done at Agincourt Mazda(Platinum package) and was very pleased with the work.

I spoke to their detailer and I was told they only claybar the bottom portion and not the top as they use a "high speed gloss finish" at the top since a claybar is not nessesary. I don't know if I want my car to be done like that since claybarring is an ESSENTIAL in detailng.

11-29-2009, 10:00 AM
I spoke to their detailer and I was told they only claybar the bottom portion and not the top as they use a "high speed gloss finish" at the top since a claybar is not nessesary. I don't know if I want my car to be done like that since claybarring is an ESSENTIAL in detailng.

Fair enough. Though usually the entire car does not need claybarring, only certain sections. You can easily check yourself, and if a spot needs it, and you request, I'm sure they would facilitate.

11-29-2009, 09:19 PM
I spoke to their detailer and I was told they only claybar the bottom portion and not the top as they use a "high speed gloss finish" at the top since a claybar is not nessesary. I don't know if I want my car to be done like that since claybarring is an ESSENTIAL in detailng.

Ask them to do it complete or clay it yourself before you bring it in!! Claying the top "flat surfaces" is paramount as they will pick-up much more fall-out then the sides, so thier method draws some questions...IMHO, all painted services should be clayed... whats the use of applying wax over a dirty/contaminated service?


11-29-2009, 10:22 PM
True! Anyone know of any other shops?

11-30-2009, 08:09 PM
Yeah, your garage or driveway :)
I've tried a few reputable detailing places, but they are never as good as when I do it myself. How old is your car?

12-01-2009, 12:52 AM
Yeah, your garage or driveway :)
I've tried a few reputable detailing places, but they are never as good as when I do it myself. How old is your car?

I agree that it will never be as good/detailed relative to doing it yourself, but I know that at least in my case I have no idea how to detail and what's necessary, so until someone can show me the ropes I'm limited to washing and that's it.

Anyone have any good sites or advice on this stuff or maybe someone wants to show me? :P

12-01-2009, 02:45 PM
try one of our sponsor's website. It shows you how to do it properly. It is pretty easy to do it yourself. http://www.eshine.ca/