View Full Version : ONR in the Winter

12-11-2009, 11:14 AM
Hey Guys,

I plan on using Optimum No Rinse to wash my car this winter, I keep my car in the garage so I might just use a spaceheater and wash my car this way. Is there anything I should be worried about to prevent swirl marks? I know it is supposed to be safe against marring but I am worried about the salt/grime we get in the winter. Also has anyone else experienced any issues by doing it this way in the winter? (freezing doors/door locks?)


12-11-2009, 12:19 PM
I think you are going to scratch the paint up very quickly this way. When a car gets all that silt/salt on it you should be flooding the surface before you wash and after to rinse.

12-11-2009, 05:08 PM
I second the motion of spraying down the car at a local coin-op if going this route.

I don't advocate ONR'ing in the winter, mainly because I'm a sane person--Yes, it will be very clean, but one drive out on the roads, and its back to square one--not worth it at all for the health of my mental state.

I would suggest getting the garage nice and cozy first.. I recall ONR'ing one winter, and despite using warm water, I had water freezing while working on the same door that I was working on. That in itself was a huge headache.

So tips:
- work in very small panels
- DO NOT try to apply or clean the vinyl dash (GINORMOUS PITA when the water freezes on that)
- hope your space heater works well! :D

And just an FYI: The corrosive properties of salt don't start working until the temperature is above freezing--so those who wash because they think the car is rusting every moment, you can relax. Wash it a few times before we break freezing consistently, and you'll be A-ok!)

12-17-2009, 06:31 PM
And just an FYI: The corrosive properties of salt don't start working until the temperature is above freezing--so those who wash because they think the car is rusting every moment, you can relax. Wash it a few times before we break freezing consistently, and you'll be A-ok!)

so if you're someone who parks indoors (heated) during most days and nights, but drives in the salt-slush-shit during the day...........

12-18-2009, 01:23 AM
here's a review:

"2010 MazdaSpeed3 Optimum No-Rinse Washing Your Car In Your Garage"

my previous car was a Black FJ Cruiser... and I will probably never get a black car again. so hard to keep it clean looking, even for a day http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/images/icons/icon8.gif

12-18-2009, 02:32 PM
that video was so epic haha...but I have done two ONR washes this winter and I must say it does an amazing job, i use two buckets and the rinse bucket shows how well the ONR works..the bubbles and suds actually trap all the dirt and grime. I was a little hesitant at first especially since i'm so paranoid about swirls on my black mica, but I trust this method over any auto or coinop wash. My drying towel is white and everytime i swiped a panel to dry I checked it for any marks from left over dirt or grime...and nothing!!!

12-20-2009, 12:00 AM
And just an FYI: The corrosive properties of salt don't start working until the temperature is above freezing--so those who wash because they think the car is rusting every moment, you can relax. Wash it a few times before we break freezing consistently, and you'll be A-ok!)

hmm didn't know that. usually try to wash my car after each storm has cleared or when car gets build up of salt on it to wash salt off.

12-20-2009, 12:33 AM
I agree no ONR's in the winter, just spray it off when you can. And wash it by hand when the sun is shining, that's what I do anyway.

12-21-2009, 10:34 PM
here's a review:

"2010 MazdaSpeed3 Optimum No-Rinse Washing Your Car In Your Garage"

my previous car was a Black FJ Cruiser... and I will probably never get a black car again. so hard to keep it clean looking, even for a day http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/images/icons/icon8.gif

Nice review/tutorial. Music was great, knew I had heard that from somewhere, but couldn't pin it down, until I read the info.

12-25-2009, 03:42 PM
here's a review:

my previous car was a Black FJ Cruiser... and I will probably never get a black car again. so hard to keep it clean looking, even for a day http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/images/icons/icon8.gif

I had a black Xterra. Last black vehicle I will ever own. To hard to keep clean and scratch free.

01-25-2010, 10:21 PM
i use ONR for clay lube =)

02-25-2010, 12:29 PM
I would not recommend ONR unless you can get the solids off first. Salt or sand on a surface needs to come off first. ONR is great for a mildly dirty car but not on a vehicle that just drove on a salted/snowed road.

Chris Pace
eShine Car Care Inc.