View Full Version : Royal Purple Synchromax

12-20-2009, 05:34 PM
I just wanted to share my experience changing the manual transmission fluid in my car. It has 170K on it, and my best guess is that its still on stock fluids.

When I first bought the car, I didn't really notice anything special about the transmission. After I installed a short shift kit, I started to notice that it felt extremely stiff and very notchy. Sometimes the synchros won't engage properly, and I have use a combination of adjusting the RPMs, double clutching, or just going back to neutral and trying again when downshifting. I decided that hopefully switching to a full synthetic transmission oil will fix the problem.

Originally, I wanted to go with the Redline MT-90, as that seems to be the popular choice from M3F. I looked for a local seller that carried it, and could only find 1 place, with 3 quarts left in stock, charging $19/quart. Instead, I ended up buying 4 quarts of Royal Purple Synchromax for $15/quart.

After switching out the fluid, the difference was huge. Shifts are now much smoother and require less effort. I haven't noticed any problems with the synchros not matching.

I was skeptical that switching to synthetics would be such a drastic difference in our transmissions. Also, another interesting note is that the oil that came out of my transmission (which I assume is the original that came from the factory) still looked relatively clean.

My recommendation: Definitely do this, as it will make your transmission last longer, and your driving experience better.

12-20-2009, 06:32 PM
so you did your first transmission flush at 170,000KM?

12-20-2009, 06:48 PM
manual transmission fluid will always look clean. system is sealed so it not as prone to getting stuff in it like auto fluid. hard to tell the condition of fluid by looking at it, just go with recommended intervals

12-20-2009, 07:08 PM
As far as I'm aware of, there is no recommended schedule for changing the manual transmission fluid. Plus, I bought my car with 168k on it, so I really have no idea when it was last changed. It's only my guess.

12-20-2009, 10:02 PM
As far as I'm aware of, there is no recommended schedule for changing the manual transmission fluid. Plus, I bought my car with 168k on it, so I really have no idea when it was last changed. It's only my guess.
i was wondering if your experience was soley due to RP, or just that you needed a transmission flush. anyway, it doesn't matter, just happy for you that your car drives smoothly

12-20-2009, 10:12 PM
Haha, I was so happy when I first drove it after doing the work.

I think the smoothness was in large part due to the RP (or probably any high end synthetic fluid), and in small part being how old my fluid was.
I was talking to a mechanic, and he said technically, in newer cars like ours, we shouldn't really ever need to change our transmission fluid.

12-20-2009, 11:04 PM
you realize crappy tire sells redline right?

12-21-2009, 10:37 AM
They do sell Redline products, but do not stock the MT-90. That was the first place I checked. Proof (http://www.canadiantire.ca/search/search_results.jsp?bmForm=form_endeca_search&bmFormID=1261406193316&bmUID=1261406193316&bmIsForm=true&bmPrevTemplate=/search/search_results.jsp&bmHidden=OMNITURE_FROM&OMNITURE_FROM=Search&bmText=quick_search_term&quick_search_term=Redline&bmSubmit=quick_search&quick_search=Search&bmHidden=FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=1408474396672077)

I checked with PartSource, and although they did not sell MT-90, they said they could order some in, charging $21-22/quart.

12-30-2009, 09:37 PM
I want to do this ASAP but finding MT-90 is a real pain up here in Barrie. I do work in the GTA everyday. Where is the best place to find MT-90 in Toronto, I know a couple of site sponsors can get it but I haven't really looked into it. Any ideas?

Any thoughts on MT-90(GL4) vs 75W90NS (GL5)? I am going to make the investment ASAP I just am not sure which to go with LOL.

Royal Purple is really easy to find...is it any less awesome than Redline LOL.

12-30-2009, 10:22 PM
I think Royal Purple is probably just as good. When I was doing my research initially, everyone online recommended the MT90 because it's significantly cheaper than RP. For me, since the RP was pretty much the same price as MT90, I decided to go with the Synchromax.

12-30-2009, 11:06 PM
I want to do this ASAP but finding MT-90 is a real pain up here in Barrie. I do work in the GTA everyday. Where is the best place to find MT-90 in Toronto, I know a couple of site sponsors can get it but I haven't really looked into it. Any ideas?

Any thoughts on MT-90(GL4) vs 75W90NS (GL5)? I am going to make the investment ASAP I just am not sure which to go with LOL.

Royal Purple is really easy to find...is it any less awesome than Redline LOL.

What area do you work in? West end hit up CTAPat; east end try Nextmod. If Peter is closed or doesn't have it in stock call Speedtech in Markham (Bullock and 16).

12-30-2009, 11:28 PM
What area do you work in? West end hit up CTAPat; east end try Nextmod. If Peter is closed or doesn't have it in stock call Speedtech in Markham (Bullock and 16).

Hmm...I didn't realize Peter carried it. I work all over southern Ontario really, I don't usually know where I will end up working from day to day. Perhaps I'll give Peter at NextMod a call to see if he has some MT-90 in stock. I am in the City Shopping with the wifey tomorrow anyhow.

Thanks for the tips!

01-04-2010, 10:20 AM
Since you live in Barrie I suspect you take the 400 south.
Go to a place called Precision tuning.
They are at Keele/Steeles.

They carry a full line of the stuff and then some. Very reasonable prices too.

01-18-2010, 11:04 AM
Since you live in Barrie I suspect you take the 400 south.
Go to a place called Precision tuning.
They are at Keele/Steeles.

They carry a full line of the stuff and then some. Very reasonable prices too.

Thanks for this tip! After not getting to Rick's garage beofre their closing, or the oil not being at the shop in the morning when we had planned, I remembered this post, looked it up on my Blackberry, and found this place, open till 6pm on Fridays, had 4 bottles of MT-90 in stock.

Had engine oil and gear oil replaced this past Saturday, and MT-90 is worth to coin!! Great stuff!

01-24-2010, 12:33 AM
Haha, I was so happy when I first drove it after doing the work.

I think the smoothness was in large part due to the RP (or probably any high end synthetic fluid), and in small part being how old my fluid was.
I was talking to a mechanic, and he said technically, in newer cars like ours, we shouldn't really ever need to change our transmission fluid.

I don't think its the newer cars, some old trannies were more solid than new ones are. My granpa was telling me how they used to change gears without clutch or tranny fluid in big trucks :P I would just do MT every 10 years or so, unless you are learning to drive stick and grind gears often, or want to upgrade to syntethic :D

01-24-2010, 12:09 PM
I'm a recent convert as well. Had my oil changed last Friday to Synthetic and decided to switch tranny fluid over at the same time to MT90. Right off the gate when I left Jimmy's, there was a huge difference. I even have a short shifter and thought that was great until it was matched up with some MT90. Totally worth the $$.