View Full Version : Getting the most out of the coin-op

12-30-2009, 03:35 PM
I find when I wash my car at the coin-op (just water) it comes out looking filmy/hazy when it dries. I try to dry it after washing but it sometimes is just too cold and I let it try itself. I'm not sure how I can soap the car since I don't use a bucket at the coin-op and the other option for cleaning is the brush which I would never use. I was thinking about doing 1 round with the high-pressure soap wand ($2) and then a rinse with regular high pressure water. Would this stop the salt/dirt from drying to a haze after I just hose it off?

12-30-2009, 04:14 PM
I find when I wash my car at the coin-op (just water) it comes out looking filmy/hazy when it dries. I try to dry it after washing but it sometimes is just too cold and I let it try itself. I'm not sure how I can soap the car since I don't use a bucket at the coin-op and the other option for cleaning is the brush which I would never use. I was thinking about doing 1 round with the high-pressure soap wand ($2) and then a rinse with regular high pressure water. Would this stop the salt/dirt from drying to a haze after I just hose it off?

It wouldn't prevent all hazing as you aren't going to get the best wash... you'll get gas station car wash quality that way. Which will still be better than just using water.

Just bring a bucket and soap with ya! The coin op near my place is $3 each time, so I use $3 to rinse the car down, soap it up while it's off, and use $3 to rinse the soap off! $6 total isn't horrible. Although I guess when you think about it $6 just for water is pretty crazy :chuckle

12-30-2009, 04:26 PM
+1 on a bucket, 'nough said.

12-30-2009, 09:49 PM
+1 on a bucket, 'nough said.

Yup. An ice cream pail (with lid!) with warm soapy water always goes on the floor board.
Rinse with soap, blast off most of the crap.
Wipe with my soapy water and mitt.
Rinse off.
If you don't do it this way you will always have that haze.
Its really bad if they are using calcium chloride to melt the ice.

02-06-2010, 09:58 PM
First off, don't ever dry your car after coin-op/automatic car wash.

Second, the Home Depot 5gallon pails are watertight.

02-06-2010, 10:05 PM
That's exactly what I ran into. Sometimes it's just too cold to use a bucket outside so I've been taking it to the car wash instead. What's $5/6 bucks difference when you have zero streaks and the car actually looks clean. It's totally worth it in my eyes considering its winter and I only wash it once or twice during a week.

02-11-2010, 10:27 PM
512ml of water in a Rave cost $5, i think your getting more in the car wash. lol kidding aside. the car wash i go to here in winnipeg have air hoses
so i use that to "dry" the car, but then again...i pay per minute so $11 to $13 depending on how fast i clean the car. i don't wipe the car at all.

02-11-2010, 10:36 PM
The point of a winter wash is just to get the salt off, not make it look great. I just use the hose setting and wash the salt off, then I dry the windows only, and drive home.

It's winter. Car's gonna look like shit no matter what.

02-11-2010, 11:25 PM
I agree it is winter but we can make the best of it especially if you drive it often. My car is washed once/twice per week so it's always gotta look good...kinda like me but I shower daily :P

02-12-2010, 01:30 AM
Im so lazy I dont even wash my car anymore lol. I just take it to the gas stations for washing. But I would take it to coin op on warmer days. Like MB said, $3 to spray off salt, underbody spray, then soap on. Scrub with mitt and bucket, then 3 to spray off and even apply that wax if they have it.

On summers, at the end of the 2nd $3, i apply the triple coloured foam conditioner thing. Then i leave it on my car to soak in for like 2 minutes and I rinse off. Im not sure if that stuff can stay on the car long because in gas stations they spray it on and rinse it off almost immediately which i dont see the point in having. In the end, i get a really nice shine to the car

02-12-2010, 03:04 AM
Like many said before....the point for washing in winter is not for maintaining a clean look but simply getting rid of the salt build up. I wash my car once a week and I go through the gas station if I'm lazy. Coin-Op is good for a $6-$7, I use the hose to do everything from wash, rinse then finish up with a waxing coat. No need to freeze my ass off wiping and drying off the car since in 10 mins the car will most likely get some sorta dirt smeared on it somewhere....I live in a somewhat new area so parts of the neighborhood has mud like crazy....I hate whenever I have to go in those parts...

Bottom line is don't overspend too wash you ride in winter, just get the salt off and get a somewhat clean look for as low as you possibly can. Come springtime she's gonna get the 5 hour treatment clay bar and all!

02-14-2010, 11:18 PM
Petro car wash pass $150 for 90 days of car washes. i wash my car pretty much 2-3times a week. either that or my family members can use the pass to clean off there car/trucks. cant get easier than this.

02-27-2010, 07:18 PM
Where do you guys go for these coin op washes? The one I went to has a big sign saying "no buckets" :(

02-27-2010, 08:03 PM
Where do you guys go for these coin op washes? The one I went to has a big sign saying "no buckets" :(

If you go at night time they don't tell you anything since at night time their not busy

03-04-2010, 07:27 PM
Just wanted to add my 2 cents in... Blast the foaming brush before using it, it usually has tons of stones and sh*t in it, no need to rub that into your paint.

03-04-2010, 08:25 PM
Just wanted to add my 2 cents in... Blast the foaming brush before using it, it usually has tons of stones and sh*t in it, no need to rub that into your paint.

I never use that brush they have...it's full of crap