View Full Version : Help help help please quickly

01-29-2010, 06:26 PM
Ok so two/three weeks ago i had my clutch pedal replaced and at that time the clutch was bled.
last week when i started my car one morning the clutch stuck to the floorboard. i pulled it out with my foot and tried again and it was fine, and felt normal so i thought nothing of it....
This morning it did the same thing, i drove to work it felt fine and thought nothing of it.
Today driving home from work, my clutch felt different, the point where the clutch engaged, was towards the floorboard more, wierd but kept going home. I get into Oshawa (from Markham) and my clutch is engaging and releasing about 1-2 inches from the floorboard, the rest of the clutch travel feels like nothing is there, like the clutch is sticking or something. I stop at a light near my house and my clutch is engaging and releasing, maybe an 1 inch from the floorboards. Then i go to leave from the lights, the clutch is engaged but i can't get the car into gear, i'm reefin on it, but no dice. Finally i get reef it into 2nd, start driving, and go to shift into 3rd, can't do it at first, keep trying then finally struggle to get it into 3rd, i limp home the next km in 3rd pull into my driveway and can't shift into any gear with the clutch pushed in all the way. the car will start fine, but when i push the clutch pedal in and let it go it comes back about 1-2 inches and stops.

CAN ANYONE HELP or provide some insight? I am at this point in time waiting for a phone call back from anyone at againcourt mazda to try and give me any ideas. Cuz at thsi point i can't even get the car in gear.
Or if anyone is a mechanic or has a friend who is one that has an idea, i will pay them to come down to my house (oshawa), so i can at least drive it to whitby mazda.

BTW, i don't ride my clutch, or race, or beat on it. I've just had total shit luck with this car.



01-29-2010, 06:37 PM
your clutch might not have been bled properly, or the master or slave cylinders are gone

01-29-2010, 06:37 PM
Sounds like an air bubble or leak. Check the fluid level.

01-29-2010, 06:43 PM
which container is the clutch fluid,
its a 2.3 07

01-29-2010, 06:47 PM
Little brown/white'ish one at the back, right at the firewall. Left side (looking from the front) of the battery box.
It's brake/clutch fluid.

01-29-2010, 06:50 PM
ok ill check that,

01-29-2010, 06:56 PM
this car has been a frickin lemon

01-29-2010, 07:05 PM
Little brown/white'ish one at the back, right at the firewall. Left side (looking from the front) of the battery box.
It's brake/clutch fluid.

ok so i checked the white resivoir which sits right in front of the firewall and beside the battery box. couldn't see anything in it. i even put the light on it all the way to the bottom, could see any type of anything in there.

needless to say im getting it towed tomorrow morning to agincourt. because even though its empty, why did it become empty.....

but no clutch fluid would explain the clutch slowly getting worse as i drove home.

01-29-2010, 07:12 PM
The indicators are almost impossible to see. I usually shine the light directly into the side of the plastic. The housing will glow and you can see the level.
Here's the indicators.

01-29-2010, 07:56 PM
how did you find that picture.

Anyway, ya i shined a light on every side of the housing. couldn't see anything.....unfortunately

01-29-2010, 08:05 PM
Now how, but where. In the owners manual.
Ya low/no fluid would to the symptoms your talking about. Even a loose connection on one of the houses.

01-29-2010, 08:28 PM
huh, i couldn't find it in the owners manual
thanks for your help though

01-29-2010, 08:41 PM
No problem :)

01-29-2010, 09:22 PM
The fluid is clear and really hard to see. You'd have to stick your finger in to see if anything is there.

Keep us informed as to what happens at Agincourt.

01-29-2010, 10:33 PM
Who "fixed" the clutch in first place? Agincourt?

01-31-2010, 05:54 PM
yup agincourt fixed it jan 8 2010.

The car was towed there yesterday. THey didn't get a chance to look at it, so ill have to wait until Monday.

02-01-2010, 03:29 PM
So just to update you guys who helped and want to know.

Just got a call.

My master cylinder is pooched. It doesn't hold pressure anymore, also the lines need to be replaced....i didn't get a clear answer as to why the lines need replacing as well due to busy-ness, but i assume there is condinsation in there now........I'm just glad they're putting it through warranty because my powertrain warranty JUST expired. They also re-assured me this isn't a common problem for the 3, but everything is on order to be fixed tomorrow.

02-01-2010, 03:38 PM
Glad to hear they are helping you out.

02-01-2010, 03:59 PM
Thanks for the update

03-01-2010, 10:30 PM
was there no indicator light for this? I feel like my clutch is not the greatest ever compared to the 2007 civic si I have. Do you notice a lazy clutch no pressure pushing back on your foot when your press the clutch?