View Full Version : search function is pissing me off

02-11-2010, 04:09 PM
Hi Guys,

after changing the forum to the new look ( interface) , I start getting this error msg (Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.)
even if I search for the word mazda :bang ...
it used to be so nice function and very helpful but not any more :flaming ..please help if there is something has been changed after changing the interface .. or am doing something wrong ..

now if I go search for LED on the main search nothing comes up :complain ..

Thanks ..:)

02-11-2010, 04:16 PM
LED is a 3 letter word, the search recognizes 4+ letter words as addressed here (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?41200-Back-online-Any-issues-please-post-here&p=567333&viewfull=1#post567333)

02-11-2010, 04:32 PM
LED is a 3 letter word, the search recognizes 4+ letter words as addressed here (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?41200-Back-online-Any-issues-please-post-here&p=567333&viewfull=1#post567333)

thanks Speedbaby but here we mostly deal with short terms - LED -TBS- SMD etc ...

02-11-2010, 04:34 PM
oh i know but it's the limitations of the software from what i understand... other forums using VB show the same limitations