View Full Version : AA Thursday 2010 Season Opener & BBQ: April 15th at Nextmod

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03-03-2010, 05:42 PM
1st of 2010 so come out and represent!!

Here is a post from another member...he has some valid points so please take note.

Originally Posted by Flagrum_3
I just thought it might be prudent to mention inlight of recent events i.e; police crackdowns and streetracing, that it is most likely to draw some attention having so many cars in one spot, so I'd just like to remind everyone to be at their best behaviour, no excess noise, no burn-outs, racing or banging systems...lets keep this civil and hopefully we have a good meet like last year! ....and no one wants to see anyone get a ticket or worse their car impounded.....and yeah everyone make sure you have all your legal documents; license, ownership, stickers etc;

This should be a good meet!

2008: We had 65 cars.
2009: We had 85+ cars (..... 96 signed up :whoa)
2010: ????


Time: 8:30pm+
Date: April 15th
Location: Nextmod - 290 Yorktech Drive, Markham
Rain Date: April 22nd @ same location

290 Yorktech Drive, Markham, On

Roll Call:

1. p-o-g-i

03-03-2010, 05:44 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil

03-03-2010, 05:45 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin

03-03-2010, 06:00 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime

03-03-2010, 06:00 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy

03-03-2010, 06:28 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.

Should we pre meet at Aimco?

Ben - Ahahah told you.

03-03-2010, 06:30 PM
Should we pre meet at Aimco?

Ben - Ahahah told you.

Told me what?? Im confused lol

03-03-2010, 06:33 PM
Told me what?? Im confused lol

How u said u'd barely come out, and I said watch, if they post this AA Meet up soon, i'm down.

03-03-2010, 06:33 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.

Should we pre meet at Aimco?

Ben - Ahahah told you.

if you want lol..ill lead :P

03-03-2010, 06:33 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man

03-03-2010, 06:53 PM
if you want lol..ill lead :P

anyone can lead.

03-03-2010, 06:57 PM
I'm down for the west-side cruise too!

03-03-2010, 07:05 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)

03-03-2010, 07:17 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72

03-03-2010, 07:30 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason

03-03-2010, 08:12 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC

03-03-2010, 08:13 PM
I'm in!!!

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13

03-03-2010, 08:22 PM
Less than 3 hours and already 12 signed up... wow....

03-03-2010, 09:10 PM
First of the year, I should be able to swing it for a bit.

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1

03-03-2010, 09:35 PM
Got a final that night and a couple more the next few days afterwards...if it happens to move to the rain day though.. =P (Unless I'm in Spain)

03-03-2010, 10:09 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion

Hope I dont have work ! too many hot mazdas in 1spot to miss

MAZDA Kitten
03-03-2010, 11:05 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK

>> West end meet at Aimco??

03-03-2010, 11:05 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo

03-03-2010, 11:57 PM
Wow, over 85 cars showed up last year?!?!? That's pretty intense....

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz

03-04-2010, 12:22 AM
folks small change to the plan. Nextmod is going to hos the season opening AA meet, and also have a BBQ for members.

03-04-2010, 12:22 AM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.

03-04-2010, 12:30 AM
For those who haven't noticed the meet has been moved from Donmills and steeles to the NextMod store. map and directions have been updated.

03-04-2010, 12:38 AM
folks small change to the plan. Nextmod is going to hos the season opening AA meet, and also have a BBQ for members.

Aww..now you're making me wanna come out even more! Someone wanna come and pull the fire alarm during my exam? =P

03-04-2010, 01:23 AM
I guess I will be there now lol

03-04-2010, 01:31 AM
I guess I will be there now lol

hahah I hope so !

03-04-2010, 01:54 AM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler

03-04-2010, 02:11 AM
im considering it :\

Cardinal Fang
03-04-2010, 08:21 AM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang

03-04-2010, 08:24 AM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet

03-04-2010, 08:32 AM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)

03-04-2010, 08:34 AM
folks small change to the plan. Nextmod is going to hos the season opening AA meet, and also have a BBQ for members.

That sounds even better........ sorry for the change folks; I was not aware that there was already something being planned for the AA season opener, but I think we would all agree that this change is definitely the better option :)

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im down for a west side pre meet at aimco)

03-04-2010, 08:36 AM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)

03-04-2010, 09:34 AM
Wow I'm actually in town that weekend! I miiight try to swing by :)

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)

03-04-2010, 09:53 AM
YES, 50% off every sale!!

03-04-2010, 10:03 AM
YES, 50% off every sale!!

again? lol nice try

03-04-2010, 10:11 AM
again? lol nice try

lol. Sorry guys, I tried. Peters a hard guy to convince. :No Homo Smiley

03-04-2010, 10:45 AM
YES, 50% off every sale!!

Yaaaa I'm gonna +1 that.

Plllzzzzz Peter??? Just this one time? hahhahaha, cuz I really want that third brake light... and aluminum pedals... and side skirts... and lip... bah!!

03-04-2010, 11:11 AM
Sign me up as a maybe for now but I will most likely be there.

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan

03-04-2010, 11:56 AM
alright i'll come out this year. Time to say hi to everyone

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT

03-04-2010, 12:27 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli

03-04-2010, 01:01 PM
Aww..now you're making me wanna come out even more! Someone wanna come and pull the fire alarm during my exam? =P
An exam at 8:30pm? What are you, a York U student? lol.

YES, 50% off every sale!!

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter

MAZDA Kitten
03-04-2010, 01:02 PM
West Siiiiide cruise - Dixie & Aimco


03-04-2010, 01:30 PM
Should be good to go. It'll be nice to meet everyone.

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul

03-04-2010, 01:33 PM
Should be good to go. It'll be nice to meet everyone. What time does everything usually start?

Said in first post...

Time: 8:30pm+
Date: April 15th
Location: Nextmod - 290 Yorktech Drive, Markham
Rain Date: April 22nd @ same location

03-04-2010, 01:39 PM
Said in first post...

Ah, thanks for that. Hadn't refreshed the first page since I'd opened it in a new tab... :blush

03-04-2010, 01:41 PM
Ah, thanks for that. Hadn't refreshed the first page since I'd opened it in a new tab... :blush

lol...no prob. Always good to check first post as any updates usually appear there.

03-04-2010, 02:09 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o

03-04-2010, 02:20 PM
]1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy

03-04-2010, 03:58 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)

03-04-2010, 05:12 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly

03-04-2010, 05:13 PM
Peter>> Since you're hosting this event, are we looking at another sale?!?!?! Inquiring minds want to know :)

03-04-2010, 05:58 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5

03-04-2010, 06:05 PM
BBQ?! Free's my favourite number!

03-04-2010, 06:47 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)

03-04-2010, 07:04 PM
BBQ?! Free's my favourite number!

Cruise together as last time?

03-05-2010, 12:24 AM
An exam at 8:30pm? What are you, a York U student? lol.

Haha...UWaterloo =P Oh man...I'm thinking I'm going to have to come out for this...@.@

03-05-2010, 12:27 AM
Peter>> Since you're hosting this event, are we looking at another sale?!?!?! Inquiring minds want to know :)

Yes, probably the same as the last Nextmod meet, a one day special for members that comes to the meet

03-05-2010, 12:28 AM
Nextmod burgers again? =)

03-05-2010, 12:31 AM
Any abalone and shark fin on the menu? :chuckle

03-05-2010, 01:01 AM
Hopefully my setup is ready by that time!!
Supporting the Nextmod bbq!

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)

03-05-2010, 01:12 AM
Haha...UWaterloo =P Oh man...I'm thinking I'm going to have to come out for this...@.@

Ah, a Uni to be proud of! lol. You should. You know you want to. You know you neeeeed to lol.

On different note: Is it cool if I roll up in my moms van? Yes? No? No? :(

03-05-2010, 01:18 AM
I hope the magician returns.. He was incredibly good!

03-05-2010, 01:26 AM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)

03-05-2010, 01:31 AM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)

should i bring a winter rim so everyone can see the yellow in person?

03-05-2010, 02:58 AM
should i bring a winter rim so everyone can see the yellow in person?

Yes please I really wanna see how highlighted they are, lol

03-05-2010, 10:32 AM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)

Nextmod burgers again? =)

Any abalone and shark fin on the menu? :chuckle
What, no bubble tea?!?! haha

03-05-2010, 10:36 AM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso

03-05-2010, 10:37 AM
opti, start rolling up the lumpia!!!!

03-05-2010, 10:41 AM
opti, start rolling up the lumpia!!!!


I swear I won't eat as much this time :) Just make sure everyone else gets a chance at the food b4 I do :chuckle

03-05-2010, 11:22 AM
opti, start rolling up the lumpia!!!!


I swear I won't eat as much this time :) Just make sure everyone else gets a chance at the food b4 I do :chuckle

oh snap!!! now i'm obliged to do so. LOL. not this meet, as there will be burgers.. :chuckle

oh and Ryan, the magician eh? if ALL-STAR signs up for this meet, the magician will be there, a 100%!!!

03-05-2010, 11:28 AM
If I'm not working out of town that week, I may come.

03-05-2010, 11:32 AM
Please do I want to see the beast now. So much mods prepared during the winter..

03-05-2010, 11:40 AM
need some rims is what's missing. can't roll up on steelies!!!!

03-05-2010, 11:40 AM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia

You guys are forcing me to try to have all my mods done by April 15th! Well, at least to have my summer rims back on by then :D

03-05-2010, 11:42 AM
need some rims is what's missing. can't roll up on steelies!!!!

+1 Hopefully mine come in before then!

03-05-2010, 12:57 PM
Ah, a Uni to be proud of! lol. You should. You know you want to. You know you neeeeed to lol.

On different note: Is it cool if I roll up in my moms van? Yes? No? No? :(

Haha...are you a UW grad? And...this is getting more and more tempting as the list gets bigger and bigger! Now with the sale too =O

03-05-2010, 01:10 PM
Haha...are you a UW grad? And...this is getting more and more tempting as the list gets bigger and bigger! Now with the sale too =O

Haha, sadly not. A lot of my friends are. I should have gone to UW tho

Don't forget burgers and stuff too! :D

This is going to sound dumb, but I feel I can get away with it b/c I'm still relatively new: What does AA stand for? And please don't say Alcoholics Anonymous.... :P

03-05-2010, 01:14 PM
Cruise together as last time?

For sure!!!!

03-05-2010, 01:25 PM
im thinking of coming

03-05-2010, 10:53 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188

I'll even try to show up to the west end pre-meet. Sooo happy I don't have an exam that day.

03-07-2010, 05:11 PM
so I have to sign up =)

03-07-2010, 06:12 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188

Taking myself off the list as I no longer plan on having my car by then. (*possible part out coming soon*)

03-07-2010, 06:18 PM
^oh noes!!!

03-07-2010, 06:48 PM
What happened Diego?!

03-07-2010, 06:50 PM
It was posted on TM6 that we have to sign up on this site lol...I'll most likely be attending

MAZDA Kitten
03-07-2010, 07:32 PM
The more the merrier! :) Welcome

03-07-2010, 07:38 PM
hmm i wonder if the guy that worked at my store will be there aswell that would be pretty sweet

Default User
03-07-2010, 07:38 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User

03-07-2010, 07:52 PM
hmm i wonder if the guy that worked at my store will be there aswell that would be pretty sweet

Bring that Green rim of yours. :chuckle.

03-07-2010, 08:49 PM
Bring that Green rim of yours. :chuckle.

I promise everyone i will bring my YELLOW! rims to look at

03-07-2010, 09:09 PM
I promise everyone i will bring my YELLOW! rims to look at

You have multiple sets of coloured rims?!
Since, you know, you're not using all of them at the same time ....... you think maybe,... I could possibly.... you know..... have one? You know, just while you're not using it. When you want to use it i'll give it back, i promise!

03-07-2010, 09:29 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. DumpInfo
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X

03-08-2010, 12:17 AM
...its been that quick since the last first AA meet? I don't recall...

03-08-2010, 09:09 AM
so I have to sign up =)

Here you go buddy; don't want you to feel left out... since Diego is backing out, you just took his spot.....

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X

03-08-2010, 11:38 AM
Lol thanks chris

03-08-2010, 12:50 PM
Taking myself off the list as I no longer plan on having my car by then. (*possible part out coming soon*)

Is this my fault ?

03-08-2010, 06:05 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)

03-08-2010, 11:43 PM
Now Now lets not be rude.... Lets invite the host of this gathering:

Host: Peter, Rachel and Nextmod crew

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)

03-08-2010, 11:50 PM
Host: Peter, Rachel and Nextmod crew

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7

03-09-2010, 07:39 AM
there #16 lol

03-09-2010, 12:42 PM
Last year we had it at the shops on steeles and that lot is hugh and lots of room... can we all fit at peter's since its a one lane spot row?

03-09-2010, 12:48 PM
Last year we had it at the shops on steeles and that lot is hugh and lots of room... can we all fit at peter's since its a one lane spot row?

I was wondering the same thing. I vote to bring the bbq to Shops on Steeles lol.

btw random, but Bouncx, I drove those speedboats in Punta Cana last year and it was a friggin blast. I felt all James Bond and shit.

03-09-2010, 12:54 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)

I'm also down for a Amico meetup cruise from the West end.

03-09-2010, 12:54 PM
ahahaha dude i cant believe you reconized that!!! Ya they are so fun I love punta cana been twice already! might go back this year again or cuba.. but ya cant wait for the meet, meet new people and see great looking cars

03-09-2010, 01:00 PM
ahahaha dude i cant believe you reconized that!!! Ya they are so fun I love punta cana been twice already! might go back this year again or cuba.. but ya cant wait for the meet, meet new people and see great looking cars

Hahaha trust me man, once you see a pic like that you can never forget the experience. The first AA meet is always the best, I just hope my car's ready!

03-09-2010, 01:29 PM
Hahaha trust me man, once you see a pic like that you can never forget the experience. The first AA meet is always the best, I just hope my car's ready!

+1 ya i hope i can get all my parts on and rims/tires by then...
What resort did you stay at.?

03-09-2010, 01:38 PM
+1 ya i hope i can get all my parts on and rims/tires by then...
What resort did you stay at.?

I was at the occidental grand punta cana. When i got there the place was flooded because of a bad rainstorm so the main pool was closed. It was good though, got the romance package which included spa massage and a lobster dinner on the beach. Probably the best lobster i've had in my entire life! Shit man now i need to go back hahahah.

How about you? Maybe we should take this to PM's lol

03-09-2010, 02:01 PM
I was wondering the same thing. I vote to bring the bbq to Shops on Steeles lol.

There is plenty of parking at Nextmod. There was over 150 cars for his grand opening. Future meets will be back at the usual spot.

03-09-2010, 02:36 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly

03-09-2010, 02:44 PM
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)

What time? My office is at Avenue and Bloor, I usually drive south on Avenue to University and then to Simcoe and to the Gardner since Bloor West is a mess.

03-09-2010, 03:06 PM
oh wow, i just saw this now

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31

cruising from eastside anyone?

03-09-2010, 03:49 PM
Thanu, cruise with me and Ash!

03-09-2010, 04:01 PM
cruising from eastside anyone?



03-09-2010, 04:02 PM
Thanu, cruise with me and Ash!

cool! i wanna see ur rimssssss lol

03-09-2010, 04:11 PM


lol yes represent


03-09-2010, 05:19 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)

03-09-2010, 09:33 PM
Lookn' good people. Let's get these #'s up. Hoping to get more people signed up then last year :)

03-09-2010, 10:47 PM
100 mazda 3's?

03-10-2010, 03:11 AM
if we get 100
u give us 50% off :)

Zoom Zoom Boy
03-10-2010, 10:36 AM
I'm in.

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy

03-10-2010, 10:38 AM
I'm in.


You confused me at first with your west end meet post

Zoom Zoom Boy
03-10-2010, 11:03 AM

You confused me at first with your west end meet post

Ya, not enough coffee and I posted it in the wrong thread. I used the mod powers to make it disappear. :)

03-10-2010, 11:06 AM
Ya, not enough coffee and I posted it in the wrong thread. I used the mod powers to make it disappear. :)

Can't make it disappear from my email! :chuckle

03-10-2010, 11:23 AM
if we get 100
u give us 50% off :)

if we get to 100 I will give 5.0% off =)

03-10-2010, 06:58 PM
Times 100 right?

03-10-2010, 07:03 PM
^That would make it 500% off.....does that mean he's going to give us 4x retail price for taking the product?

03-10-2010, 07:47 PM
i want 50% off Endless Zeal function X coilovers.

03-10-2010, 08:37 PM
I'm game again for 2010....

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)

03-11-2010, 02:00 PM
Come on PPL we gotta make it to match last year or at least beat it....this year I think we should have a sign-in sheet to accurately get the "TRUE" attendance

03-11-2010, 02:13 PM
I would have thought the list would be much larger by now given the amount of new 2010's on the road

03-11-2010, 06:56 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked

03-14-2010, 10:24 AM
Will there be other car clubs at this meet, or is it strictly for TM3?

03-14-2010, 11:53 AM
Will there be other car clubs at this meet, or is it strictly for TM3?
The main focus is TM3, as it is our season kick off. We have invited TM6, as they are a sister club.

03-15-2010, 03:43 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke

03-15-2010, 10:04 PM
whats up TM3!
its Dan from Tm6, met a few of you already but im terrible with names! i have the orange 6 if that helps! .. any hoo, ill def. be joinin in on this massive bbq!

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007

03-16-2010, 01:00 AM
The main focus is TM3, as it is our season kick off. We have invited TM6, as they are a sister club.

we might have a new super modded car done by then to be revealed but yes the main focus is TM3 members =)

03-16-2010, 03:39 AM
i dont know any of you guys...but i'd sure like to come to this meet...but dont wanna be a loner. -__-"

03-16-2010, 06:55 AM
Just come by and say hi. We don't bite. :)

03-16-2010, 08:10 AM
we might have a new super modded car done by then to be revealed but yes the main focus is TM3 members =)
what make is it.. a mazda:) lol

03-16-2010, 08:15 AM
i dont know any of you guys...but i'd sure like to come to this meet...but dont wanna be a loner. -__-"

Hah that's how I felt at my first meet, but i was like fu** it, i'll just look at the cars. You'll meet people, no worries.

How about this, hold up a big sign with TOMMYX2 written on it and i'll say whats up lol

03-16-2010, 08:17 AM
my first big meet was at peters for the season closer and everyone made me feel welcome:) just stop by

03-16-2010, 08:22 AM
we might have a new super modded car done by then to be revealed but yes the main focus is TM3 members =)

Well there goes the neighbourhood. :chuckle

03-16-2010, 09:35 AM
Can I come? lol

03-16-2010, 10:48 AM
i dont know any of you guys...but i'd sure like to come to this meet...but dont wanna be a loner. -__-"

how about this, I will get some

"Hello, My name is _______" stickers for everyone" =)

I actually think that might be a good idea lol

but we will use our handle instead of the real names hahahahaha

03-16-2010, 10:50 AM
^Or you can put both your real name AND your TM3 handle.

03-16-2010, 10:52 AM
how about this, I will get some

"Hello, My name is _______" stickers for everyone" =)

I actually think that might be a good idea lol

but we will use our handle instead of the real names hahahahaha

XD Good idea!

^Or you can put both your real name AND your TM3 handle.

Yeah, might work. Depending how warm it is, I'll for sure be wearing TM3 hat...but might also wear TM3 hoodie or just plain TM3 T-Shirt...all have my handle on it!

03-16-2010, 10:56 AM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11

03-16-2010, 11:30 AM
how about this, I will get some

"Hello, My name is _______" stickers for everyone" =)

I actually think that might be a good idea lol

but we will use our handle instead of the real names hahahahaha

Do it Peter. This will definitely help with any awkwardness for any new members or even old members with who is who.

03-16-2010, 11:34 AM
how about this, I will get some

"Hello, My name is _______" stickers for everyone" =)

I actually think that might be a good idea lol

but we will use our handle instead of the real names hahahahaha

or put like the new guys just put noob on it:P lol... but its a good idea tho

03-16-2010, 11:57 AM
how about this, I will get some

"Hello, My name is _______" stickers for everyone" =)

I actually think that might be a good idea lol

but we will use our handle instead of the real names hahahahaha


then have another sticker on their car with their handle so people know whose car goes with who.. lol

03-16-2010, 12:44 PM
This is going to be a veeeeery interesting meet lol

03-16-2010, 12:59 PM
Ummmm noooo... HEHEH! Im sure you'll be hearing a lot of "Hey are you ......" And I'll say no im soyabean.. RJ3 is that spikey hair kid with the DOLCE GABANNA glasses :chuckle...

03-16-2010, 01:01 PM
people will know me for sure...whoever doesn't..deserves a slap.

03-16-2010, 01:05 PM
people will know me for sure...whoever doesn't..deserves a slap.

Who??? Runs away again.....

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11

03-16-2010, 01:11 PM
how about this, I will get some

"Hello, My name is _______" stickers for everyone" =)

I actually think that might be a good idea lol

but we will use our handle instead of the real names hahahahaha

Yeah this is a really good idea. I've met some people 3 times now and still can't remember who they are!!!

ESPECIALLY Phil... just blends right in jeez... :chuckle

03-16-2010, 01:13 PM
Yeah this is a really good idea. I've met some people 3 times now and still can't remember who they are!!!

ESPECIALLY Phil... just blends right in jeez... :chuckle

are you talking about the night when its all dark outside :O MEAN!!

03-16-2010, 01:13 PM
ESPECIALLY Phil... just blends right in jeez... :chuckle

Well yeah betty! It'll be night time so you're right about that one! JK!

03-16-2010, 01:22 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105

03-16-2010, 01:33 PM
The main focus is TM3, as it is our season kick off. We have invited TM6, as they are a sister club.

Thanks for the clairification....

03-16-2010, 01:34 PM
I'm curious as well.... what make is it!?!?!?

The Johal
03-16-2010, 02:11 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal

03-16-2010, 11:46 PM
or put like the new guys just put noob on it:P lol... but its a good idea tho
that could get confusing fast lol! i'll constantly be turning around thinking people are calling my name haha

people will know me for sure...whoever doesn't..deserves a slap.

what?! but i don't even know you yet! not fair lol!

03-17-2010, 12:58 AM
people will know me for sure...whoever doesn't..deserves a slap.

Oh plz Phil, Remember when I told you to come out? I was the first guy u met on TM3. First meet you came to was La Paloma, What did you do? Stay in your car and left. :chuckle. Bastard.

Peter - " Hello my name is _____ " wouldn't be a bad idea. as mentioned above. :chuckle.


03-17-2010, 01:11 AM
Oh plz Phil, Remember when I told you to come out? I was the first guy u met on TM3. First meet you came to was La Paloma, What did you do? Stay in your car and left. :chuckle. Bastard.

everyone else's car was modded and i didnt know anyone lol..i felt like a outkast...and i had to go home..i wish i could have stayed

03-17-2010, 01:15 AM
everyone else's car was modded and i didnt know anyone lol..i felt like a outkast...and i had to go home..i wish i could have stayed

Well you knew me... However, I was late to that meet... So I didn't get a chance to introduce you to the rest. lol.

Ohwell, you're like TM3 Whore now.

03-17-2010, 01:18 AM
Ummmm noooo... HEHEH! Im sure you'll be hearing a lot of "Hey are you ......" And I'll say no im soyabean.. RJ3 is that spikey hair kid with the DOLCE GABANNA glasses :chuckle...

lol thats actually funny

03-17-2010, 05:15 PM
Just under a month away :)

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal

03-17-2010, 05:52 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP

03-18-2010, 09:16 AM
Hey quick question ... would it be appropriate or possible to start a facebook page? If there isn't one already?

MAZDA Kitten
03-18-2010, 10:07 AM
^^ Start it up.... good idea

03-18-2010, 10:15 AM
^^ Start it up.... good idea

Done ... for all interested please just search up the topic name and join. If any admin's would like to take over the event please let me know.

03-18-2010, 07:21 PM
So you're going to have the Varis kit for 50% off MSRP right? If so i'll take the full cf one.

03-19-2010, 02:47 AM
I'll for sure be wearing TM3 hat...but might also wear TM3 hoodie or just plain TM3 T-Shirt...all have my handle on it! Such a show off...LoL You guys need to stay longer for the Oakville meets...I never get there early enuff :'(

03-19-2010, 02:48 AM
Hey quick question ... would it be appropriate or possible to start a facebook page? If there isn't one already?

Good Move!!

^^ Start it up.... good idea


03-19-2010, 06:43 AM
Such a show off...LoL You guys need to stay longer for the Oakville meets...I never get there early enuff :'(

I haven't been to the Oakville meet in a while but I have to get up for work at 5:30, I can't stay at the meets longer :chuckle

03-19-2010, 07:15 AM
Here's the link to the Facebook event:
Hopefully the damn thing will work for you guys.

03-19-2010, 08:43 AM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59.Gretzky(if im not working)

is there anyone from the east that wants to roll together. im coming from courtice

03-19-2010, 08:54 AM
Here's the link to the Facebook event:
Hopefully the damn thing will work for you guys.


03-19-2010, 08:56 AM
Joined as well.

03-19-2010, 08:28 PM
Done ... for all interested please just search up the topic name and join. If any admin's would like to take over the event please let me know.

I couldn't find it on FB...was this already "Done"?

03-19-2010, 08:31 PM

03-19-2010, 09:17 PM
is there anyone from the east that wants to roll together. im coming from courtice

I may arrive but at this point I can't be sure. I'm in Whitby thru Courtice all week. Don't think I've ever spotted you though.

03-20-2010, 11:27 AM
i just got most of my mods done this week so i am deff more noticeable now lol. what streets you drivin on?

MAZDA Kitten
03-20-2010, 02:34 PM
Here's the link to the Facebook event:
Hopefully the damn thing will work for you guys.

Joined :)

03-20-2010, 03:17 PM
if i make it to this, it will be my first meet!

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59. m3-zoom (maybe)

03-20-2010, 06:45 PM
hey M3 ZOOM took my spot lol
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59. m3-zoom (maybe)
60. Gretzky

03-21-2010, 02:28 PM
lets try to beat the 8th gen civic meet =)

Stopped by at the 8th Generation Honda Civic Meet this afternoon at Nextmod. Even though it was cold, so many civics and CSX showed up! Members were all chill and hung out for the afternoon =)





















[SIZE="4"]***Click Here for Flickr Album*** (http://www.flickr.com/photos/spyder01/sets/72157623661161808/detail/)

03-21-2010, 09:38 PM
Haha...I parked beside that S2000 yesterday when I came by and when I started my car I set the alarm off (possibly on other cars as well). =P Weren't nearly as many cars there when I got there though.

03-21-2010, 10:44 PM
lets try to beat the 8th gen civic meet =)

Peter, is this a challenge !?!?!?!!? hahaha

I think we're up for it :) LET'S DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-21-2010, 11:06 PM
lets show those civics up.
i guess ill be the only american car there lol. im still JDM at heart :D

03-22-2010, 12:20 AM
hey i'm on the last pic lol

03-22-2010, 03:21 AM
Peter, is this a challenge !?!?!?!!? hahaha

I think we're up for it :) LET'S DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol not really cause I know you guys will be able to easily with last years numbers

03-22-2010, 11:15 AM
I asked last year and got shot down but will there be steaks??? :P

03-22-2010, 11:17 AM
I asked last year and got shot down but will there be steaks??? :P

Why dont we set up little mini grills all over the parking lot and do some korean bbq? lol

03-22-2010, 11:19 AM
hmmm.. steak!!!

03-22-2010, 11:39 AM
hey i'm on the last pic lol

edit: nevermind. LOL..

03-22-2010, 03:20 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Im done for a west side pre meet at aimco)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59. m3-zoom (maybe)
60. Gretzky
61. silentRAGE

03-23-2010, 01:23 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Plus 87 cutlass with me too)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59. m3-zoom (maybe)
60. Gretzky
61. silentRAGE

03-23-2010, 01:27 PM
This isn't enough. We need more members! :)

03-23-2010, 01:57 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Plus 87 cutlass with me too)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59. m3-zoom (maybe)
60. Gretzky
61. silentRAGE
62. Saphress

03-23-2010, 01:58 PM
Why dont we set up little mini grills all over the parking lot and do some korean bbq? lol

OH DAMN!!!!!!!

This isn't enough. We need more members! :)

I'm confident we'll reach or exceed last year's #'s :) Just need some more incnetives........ (I'm just throwing out ideas.. hahaha. I never specifically said TM3 swag or a list of NextMod specials for that evening.... oops.)

03-23-2010, 02:03 PM
OH DAMN!!!!!!!

I'm confident we'll reach or exceed last year's #'s :) Just need some more incnetives........ (I'm just throwing out ideas.. hahaha. I never specifically said TM3 swag or a list of NextMod specials for that evening.... oops.)

Can't afford TM3 swag for this many members. Besides I need to save some incentive for TASR. Now a big sale from Nextmod, plus free BBQ! That should be incentive enough.

03-23-2010, 02:04 PM
OH DAMN!!!!!!!

I'm confident we'll reach or exceed last year's #'s :) Just need some more incnetives........ (I'm just throwing out ideas.. hahaha. I never specifically said TM3 swag or a list of NextMod specials for that evening.... oops.)

We may reach/surpass the number of people who sign up, but a lot never show up... I think we had over 80 people sign up last year and had , what maybe 60 show up?

03-23-2010, 02:08 PM
Where are all the "B.O.D." guys? Hypothrml? Effin Itai? Sicsol? Meth?

03-23-2010, 03:01 PM
I cant wait to be drooling over all these sexy 3s :hawt

03-23-2010, 04:13 PM
I'll represent my crew!

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Plus 87 cutlass with me too)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59. m3-zoom (maybe)
60. Gretzky
61. silentRAGE
62. Saphress
63. Hypothrml (BOD)

03-23-2010, 04:43 PM
What is BOD?

03-23-2010, 04:49 PM
What is BOD?

Bong Of Destiny! lol

BOD (Black Ops Division or Blackout Division) is a crew within the TM3!

03-23-2010, 04:49 PM
Can't afford TM3 swag for this many members. Besides I need to save some incentive for TASR. Now a big sale from Nextmod, plus free BBQ! That should be incentive enough.

Throw in an LED brake light and I'm in fo sho!!! :chuckle

03-24-2010, 11:03 PM
Where are all the "B.O.D." guys? Hypothrml? Effin Itai? Sicsol? Meth?

Ahem... your missing one...

03-24-2010, 11:25 PM
Ahem... your missing one...

my bad, saw you on the list though, so didn't need to call you out.

03-24-2010, 11:41 PM
We may reach/surpass the number of people who sign up, but a lot never show up... I think we had over 80 people sign up last year and had , what maybe 60 show up?

From last year, 96 signed up..... 85+ attended.

03-27-2010, 07:09 AM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Plus 87 cutlass with me too)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59. m3-zoom (maybe)
60. Gretzky
61. silentRAGE
62. Saphress
63. Hypothrml (BOD)
64. Argos (in my new ride..if i can remember the event)

03-27-2010, 11:07 AM
I will check this out.

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Plus 87 cutlass with me too)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59. m3-zoom (maybe)
60. Gretzky
61. silentRAGE
62. Saphress
63. Hypothrml (BOD)
64. Argos
65. crack0saur

03-27-2010, 12:11 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Plus 87 cutlass with me too)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59. m3-zoom (maybe)
60. Gretzky
61. silentRAGE
62. Saphress
63. Hypothrml (BOD)
64. Argos
65. crack0saur
66. Dave_The_BMXER

03-27-2010, 06:40 PM
From last year, 96 signed up..... 85+ attended.

most will still pass by, but not everyone can stay for the whole event usually =)

03-27-2010, 11:33 PM
^^ true enough....

I know when I left the meet last year around 10:30pm or so, it was still packed. From what I recall, there was still some people there till 1am......

(... that won't be me though.... hahaha)

03-30-2010, 11:39 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Plus 87 cutlass with me too)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59. m3-zoom (maybe)
60. Gretzky
61. silentRAGE
62. Saphress
63. Hypothrml (BOD)
64. Argos
65. crack0saur
66. Dave_The_BMXER
67. Greg_Di (if I dont forget!)

03-31-2010, 11:37 AM
2 WEEKS (and a day) TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Plus 87 cutlass with me too)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59. m3-zoom (maybe)
60. Gretzky
61. silentRAGE
62. Saphress
63. Hypothrml (BOD)
64. Argos
65. crack0saur
66. Dave_The_BMXER
67. Greg_Di (if I dont forget!)

04-01-2010, 12:28 AM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Plus 87 cutlass with me too)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59. m3-zoom (maybe)
60. Gretzky
61. silentRAGE
62. Saphress
63. Hypothrml (BOD)
64. Argos
65. crack0saur
66. Dave_The_BMXER
67. Greg_Di (if I dont forget!)
68. loosecannon

04-01-2010, 01:18 AM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Plus 87 cutlass with me too)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59. m3-zoom (maybe)
60. Gretzky
61. silentRAGE
62. Saphress
63. Hypothrml (BOD)
64. Argos
65. crack0saur
66. Dave_The_BMXER
67. Greg_Di (if I dont forget!)
68. loosecannon
69. tommyx2

04-01-2010, 01:31 AM
1. p-o-g-i
2. phil
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Plus 87 cutlass with me too)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59. m3-zoom (maybe)
60. Gretzky
61. silentRAGE
62. Saphress
63. Hypothrml (BOD)
64. Argos
65. crack0saur
66. Dave_The_BMXER
67. Greg_Di (if I dont forget!)
68. loosecannon
69. tommyx2
70. BlackIce

This is gonna be huge!

04-01-2010, 01:35 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. ChickenChickenChickenChicken
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Plus 87 cutlass with me too)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59. m3-zoom (maybe)
60. Gretzky
61. silentRAGE
62. Saphress
63. Hypothrml (BOD)
64. Argos
65. crack0saur
66. Dave_The_BMXER
67. Greg_Di (if I dont forget!)
68. loosecannon
69. tommyx2
70. BlackIce
71. dreadlock

04-01-2010, 01:55 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. ChickenChickenChickenChicken
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Plus 87 cutlass with me too)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59. m3-zoom (maybe)
60. Gretzky
61. silentRAGE
62. Saphress
63. Hypothrml (BOD)
64. Argos
65. crack0saur
66. Dave_The_BMXER
67. Greg_Di (if I dont forget!)
68. loosecannon
69. tommyx2
70. BlackIce
71. dreadlock
72. Froggy (hopefully lip and skirts will be in by then)

04-03-2010, 04:11 AM
the sides should be here by then. the front lip container might be here by then too Froggy

04-04-2010, 06:09 PM
what does AA stand for?

04-04-2010, 06:26 PM
what does AA stand for?

Asian Avenue :chuckle

Adults Accompanied.

04-04-2010, 09:19 PM
Asian Avenue :chuckle

Adults Accompanied.

ASIAN AVENUE!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahaha...... brought back from the dead. I wonder if my login info still works......

Adults Accompanied: In other words, for those who are attending...... please be respectful to all those who attend/ to those in the area. Please don't rev your engines, crank your audio systems, peel in or out, etc.

04-04-2010, 10:10 PM
Ah, i see, i have 2 questions about this whole event.

1. Where do we park? 70+ people attending, dont think the lot is big enough. :ttiwwp
2. Seeing as this is this a BBQ, shouldnt there be some kind of music? Not saying we need really loud music, just music in the background.

04-04-2010, 10:11 PM

LMAO i thought that was a train not a bunch of signs.... lol my bad!

04-04-2010, 10:38 PM
1)Plenty of parking available, a previous meet at the same location had over 150 cars.
2)No. These meets are about conversation, getting to know your fellow members, etc.

04-04-2010, 10:49 PM
1)Plenty of parking available, a previous meet at the same location had over 150 cars.
2)No. These meets are about conversation, getting to know your fellow members, etc.

Nicely put.

At the Nextmod grand opening, there was waaaaay over 100 cars. Yes, the parking is limited in terms of spots directlhy in front of the store, but considering the time of this meet..... there is plenty of parking that wraps around that strip mall.

1. p-o-g-i
2. ChickenChickenChickenChicken
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Plus 87 cutlass with me too)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59. m3-zoom (maybe)
60. Gretzky
61. silentRAGE
62. Saphress
63. Hypothrml (BOD)
64. Argos
65. crack0saur
66. Dave_The_BMXER
67. Greg_Di (if I dont forget!)
68. loosecannon
69. tommyx2
70. BlackIce
71. dreadlock
72. Froggy (hopefully lip and skirts will be in by then)

04-04-2010, 10:50 PM
1. p-o-g-i
2. ChickenChickenChickenChicken
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Plus 87 cutlass with me too)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59. m3-zoom (maybe)
60. Gretzky
61. silentRAGE
62. Saphress
63. Hypothrml (BOD)
64. Argos
65. crack0saur
66. Dave_The_BMXER
67. Greg_Di (if I dont forget!)
68. loosecannon
69. tommyx2
70. BlackIce
71. dreadlock
72. Froggy (hopefully lip and skirts will be in by then)
73. OMALAK (didn't wax the car..so no comments!)

04-04-2010, 10:56 PM
What time?? if it's after 6 i'm in.

1. p-o-g-i
2. ChickenChickenChickenChicken
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Plus 87 cutlass with me too)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59. m3-zoom (maybe)
60. Gretzky
61. silentRAGE
62. Saphress
63. Hypothrml (BOD)
64. Argos
65. crack0saur
66. Dave_The_BMXER
67. Greg_Di (if I dont forget!)
68. loosecannon
69. tommyx2
70. BlackIce
71. dreadlock
72. Froggy (hopefully lip and skirts will be in by then)
73. 1nmhbacky

04-05-2010, 09:41 AM
What time?? if it's after 6 i'm in.

Per the initial post, it starts at 8:30pm. Please see the initial post for additional info.

1. p-o-g-i
2. ChickenChickenChickenChicken
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Plus 87 cutlass with me too)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59. m3-zoom (maybe)
60. Gretzky
61. silentRAGE
62. Saphress
63. Hypothrml (BOD)
64. Argos
65. crack0saur
66. Dave_The_BMXER
67. Greg_Di (if I dont forget!)
68. loosecannon
69. tommyx2
70. BlackIce
71. dreadlock
72. Froggy (hopefully lip and skirts will be in by then)
73. OMALAK (didn't wax the car..so no comments!)
74. 1nmhbacky

04-05-2010, 10:06 AM
74 ppl. Not bad. Can we aim for 80?

04-05-2010, 11:57 AM
Still like 2 weeks. I think we can do it.

04-06-2010, 02:48 AM
74 ppl. Not bad. Can we aim for 80?

I would like to see 100!

04-06-2010, 03:12 AM
how many burgers should I get ready?

should I do hot dogs as well lol

04-06-2010, 04:44 AM
We should do korean bbq instead lol

04-06-2010, 06:54 AM
Beef ribs, salmon, chicken wings, and maybe some grape drink and watermelon for Phil

04-06-2010, 10:13 AM
how many burgers should I get ready?

should I do hot dogs as well lol

Beggers can't be choosers..... bascially you guys are feeding us so we shouldn't complain.... hahaha.
But if you are asking for an opinion, a variety is always good :chuckle
You sure you don't need help with anything?!?!?

1. p-o-g-i
2. ChickenChickenChickenChicken
3. MistaChin
4. She_Prime
5. Soy
6. FONZ - West Side.
7. Dj China Man
8. Aristeidis ( if i get off work early since i live 1.5 hours east)
9. jonjon72
10. Jason
11. AC
12. optiklenz13
13. Iceman_F1
14. Malfunktion
15. MK
16. SSG
17. Shiz
18. S.F.W.
19. Riftler
20. Cardinal Fang
21. Manpreet
22. MazdaSkit (Plus 87 cutlass with me too)
23. ST3ALTH (Should be able to make it out)
24. MB (maybe)
25. cwp_sedan
26. MikeyGT
27. Broli
28. n00bMeiSter
29. DualSoul
30. Tokic_o
31. Foxy
32. JohnyGT (coming from D.T, anyone wanna roll togehter)
33. Pearly
34. Bouncx5
35. KoukiDC5 (might be showing up late depending on what time i get off work)
36. -RJ3- (will be late)
37. Skip (if i can get off work early)
38.blankets3 (if i can)
39. eqlso
40. Joghia
41. stevenma188
42. Default User
43. Atenza_X
44.akh053 (pending cruise with malfunktion)
45. Darkfrosty7
46. Impressive (PRAYING the 3 will be ready to go by then)
47. leungly
48. Thanu31
49. FLIPDADY (just to pass by and say hi)
50. Zoom Zoom Boy
51. Shotta-KB (will be late by about an 1.5 hour or more as I work late on Thursdays)
52. SSmoked
53. Duke
54. Kidhype007
55. Pereira11
56. marcin2105
57. The Johal
58. ThucP
59. m3-zoom (maybe)
60. Gretzky
61. silentRAGE
62. Saphress
63. Hypothrml (BOD)
64. Argos
65. crack0saur
66. Dave_The_BMXER
67. Greg_Di (if I dont forget!)
68. loosecannon
69. tommyx2
70. BlackIce
71. dreadlock
72. Froggy (hopefully lip and skirts will be in by then)
73. OMALAK (didn't wax the car..so no comments!)
74. 1nmhbacky

04-06-2010, 10:15 AM
Beef ribs, salmon, chicken wings, and maybe some grape drink and watermelon for Phil


04-06-2010, 10:53 AM
how many burgers should I get ready?

should I do hot dogs as well lol

Definitely do some hot dogs!! :No Homo Smiley

04-06-2010, 11:20 AM
how many burgers should I get ready?

should I do hot dogs as well lol

Steak!!! :chuckle.