View Full Version : racial profiling/bad police driver

03-10-2010, 09:00 AM
So I can say I've never seen this in person till last night.... :bang (Keep in mind I live in Kingston)

I was driving home on Division Street heading towards the 401 roughly at 2330hrs. I came to a stop at the last intersection before the off ramp (before you go under the bridge) in the left lane. I noticed some african american teens in bandanas, baggy clothes and some white thugs with them lol not doing anything wrong just standing there waiting for the cross walk to change. A cop was sitting on the intersection going straight. (See Diagram A)

Diagram A


The police (since SHE) had a green light ZIPPED I mean F*#$ing gave her through the intersection towards the kids putting the cop car up on the site walk and starting yelling at the kids demanding why they are out why they are causing trouble. I over heard the converstation the kids went to Mcdicks and some members of the group wanted KFC. They never swore but were polite. At this point the light was green I continued straight (LEFT LANE) and the cop started to pull away in the right lane. No idea what EGO trip this cop was on, she flew her signal on/flashing lights and did the fastest UTURN I have ever seen from the right lane cutting me off and spinning the car around. She was with inches of hitting me. She races back and makes all the kids stop and get against the car.

Maybe I'm just getting old and don't know the whole story. But honestly these kids were buying some chicken. Not robbing people some of them had mcdicks drinks not guns. And wow I didn't even have time to flip the cop off that's how fast she did the UTURN.... :bang:bang:bang

/rant over

03-10-2010, 09:37 AM
I tend to find female cops go on power trips to begin with as they seem to have something to prove (no offense if there are any female cops on the site). Really sucks to see a cop abusing people like that simply by how they look.

03-10-2010, 09:38 AM
wow.. that sucks to be them. I would've pulled over and started yelling *POLICE BRUTALITY!!!* ahah. Unbelievable some of the people that make it onto the police force.

03-10-2010, 09:39 AM
Thats pretty brutal, i mean nothing better to do than reckless driving and youth endangering. damn
kudos on the paint drawing

03-10-2010, 10:12 AM
that's not so much racial profiling as it is guilty by association.

you said yourself they were dressed as thugs. which is usually indicitive of certain behaviour. hence "profiling"
not defending the police officer here. but giving another point of view. in my run ins with the kingston police they were polite and respectful. and i'm a minority in a .. let's face it. White town.

P.S. i like your police car drawing. lol!

03-10-2010, 10:19 AM
I tend to find female cops go on power trips

Penis envy.:chuckle

03-10-2010, 10:26 AM
wow...i agree how how they were dressed rather than them being african american.

03-10-2010, 10:36 AM
True enough but damn. Kingston Police is known for racial profiling, numerious cases have been brought to the media maybe not in this case and I jumped the gun for view founds (jk). Over the dumbiest shit. Sadly I'm well connected to most officers (in a friend/family relation) and I'm just shocked . If punks (no matter what colour/race) are just crossing the street..... (if nothing was reported of mischief in the area or other summary offences ) what gives the officer "reasonable grounds" for the detention? Or for the matter of driving like an idiot. I swear one prerequisite should be a driving exam........ sooo many officers think because the wear the uniform and have flashing lights than can do what ever they like and put others at risk. There's my rant for today.

and thanks


03-10-2010, 10:46 AM
that's not so much racial profiling as it is guilty by association.

you said yourself they were dressed as thugs. which is usually indicitive of certain behaviour. hence "profiling"
not defending the police officer here. but giving another point of view. in my run ins with the kingston police they were polite and respectful. and i'm a minority in a .. let's face it. White town.

P.S. i like your police car drawing. lol!


And you never know, maybe she was called there because they were causing trouble in the neighbourhood prior to this?

Doesn't give her a reason to drive like a maniac though... you should report her for careless driving (or street racing ahhahahah jk)

03-10-2010, 10:57 AM
Were the white "thugs" wearing EXCO clothing?

03-10-2010, 12:20 PM
you guys gotta try to understand the type of job cops do. NOBODY calls the cops because they're having a good day. Worst case scenario: that cop you saw yelling just had one of her fellow cops killed on the job and is having a hard time dealing with it, or maybe she was on her way back from a call where the parents were sexually abusing a child (seeing a child who's been raped/beaten within inches of his/her life makes even the toughest cops shed a tear). I'd love to see how well the average person handles the stress of that job, compared to the people who spend years preparing for it, and who are exposed to it on a daily basis.
I used to volunteer with a certain police force in southern ontario, and I've seen first hand what cops have to deal with. You think seeing people get shot in movies is bad? Try it in real life when you can smell the piss, shit, puke and blood. See if you can handle a situation like that where people are depending on YOU to make everything ok.

03-10-2010, 12:33 PM
you guys gotta try to understand the type of job cops do. NOBODY calls the cops because they're having a good day. Worst case scenario: that cop you saw yelling just had one of her fellow cops killed on the job and is having a hard time dealing with it, or maybe she was on her way back from a call where the parents were sexually abusing a child (seeing a child who's been raped/beaten within inches of his/her life makes even the toughest cops shed a tear). I'd love to see how well the average person handles the stress of that job, compared to the people who spend years preparing for it, and who are exposed to it on a daily basis.
I used to volunteer with a certain police force in southern ontario, and I've seen first hand what cops have to deal with. You think seeing people get shot in movies is bad? Try it in real life when you can smell the piss, shit, puke and blood. See if you can handle a situation like that where people are depending on YOU to make everything ok.

i don't think it's contested that police officers have to deal with these issues.
nobody knows what the actual situation really was. therefore i don't think we can judge.

but responding to what you are saying: police officers who train for these situations, are and should be expected to have a higher degree of self control. again, not defending or defaming this officer or others in the force but i'm presenting alternate viewpoiints. yes, we're all human but it's a part of their job to be held to this higher standard of objective and not subjective behaviour.

03-10-2010, 01:01 PM
The Kingston cops have nothing better to do. Are you talking about the lights at the east bound offramp and division? Or the one before that at Division and whatever that street is with the sunoco on the corner?

I don't see many black kids in Kingston... lol She probably doesn't either.

03-10-2010, 01:33 PM
Were the white "thugs" wearing EXCO clothing?

i don't think it's contested that police officers have to deal with these issues.
nobody knows what the actual situation really was. therefore i don't think we can judge.

but responding to what you are saying: police officers who train for these situations, are and should be expected to have a higher degree of self control. again, not defending or defaming this officer or others in the force but i'm presenting alternate viewpoiints. yes, we're all human but it's a part of their job to be held to this higher standard of objective and not subjective behaviour.

Lol Justin yes ... yes they were hahahahah

I agree with Fini 100%, I come from a Police Family, Uncles/Aunts/Parent are police officers. I'm surrounded by these type of (Police/Corrections) people on a daily basis. It's cops that can't "Handle" it act like this. For no REASON should a cop treat the next person on the street like shit b/c they just had to deal with a rape incident. It's cops like this that give a bad image to this career, and unfortunately HR is hirering dumbass’ like this and not taking people with life skills . Instead they are taking people straight out of college who think they know what life is about and they have volunteer experience (which is just for PR anyways). (My degree is criminology and I have my fair share of volunteer experience)

I deal with mental patients/ inmates / drunks/ drug abusers and have had urine and shit thrown on me and have had people kill themselves infront of me ( with a weapon) or pour gas on themselves because they were molested as a child I can go on and on. I don't go and treat the next civilian like shit. It's like they say you can't handle it QUIT! (Cops like this pisss me off.)

People that can take one call to the next with the utmost professionalism are the cops we should look up to and admire and respect. Someone that treats everyone the same and can keep calm and professional no matter what the case is. Living and seeing this day to day for 26 years I think I know the difference between a cop who is able to cope and who isn’t. Seeing bodies, blood, death can mess someone up. I see it every day, and ya I'm desensitize and I'm that guy who laughs in a horror movie when it's bloody because it's fake and unrealistic. We all break at some point; the best of us can wait till off the job. I do see where you coming from, but Police are to have higher standards and expectations mostly because all their work deals with people in the public eye.


Try it in real life when you can smell the piss, shit, puke and blood. See if you can handle a situation like that where people are depending on YOU to make everything ok.

I do it's my job I handle it well thanks

03-10-2010, 01:33 PM
The Kingston cops have nothing better to do. Are you talking about the lights at the east bound offramp and division? Or the one before that at Division and whatever that street is with the sunoco on the corner?

I don't see many black kids in Kingston... lol She probably doesn't either.

that's the one, intersection going to ur bfs place :P lol I think he still lives there

03-10-2010, 01:55 PM
what really went down: towel called the popo on them kids bcuz he was bored. the cop didn't almost hit your car bcuz you don't have a car. in your ms paint diagram you forgot to draw your cardboard box where you live.


03-10-2010, 01:58 PM
what really went down: towel called the popo on them kids bcuz he was bored. the cop didn't almost hit your car bcuz you don't have a car. in your ms paint diagram you forgot to draw your cardboard box where you live.


yup... I thought owning a hotwheels version of a mazda made you a member on here? lol

03-10-2010, 02:11 PM
:P it's as close as you'll get to owning a car...

Zoom Zoom Boy
03-10-2010, 02:11 PM
Lol Justin yes ... yes they were hahahahah

... I deal with mental patients/ inmates / drunks/ drug abusers and have had urine and shit thrown on me and have had people kill themselves infront of me ( with a weapon) or pour gas on themselves because they were molested as a child I can go on and on. I don't go and treat the next civilian like shit. It's like they say you can't handle it QUIT! (Cops like this pisss me off.)...

All this made me think of was this...


Time to call my therapist.

Repeat slowly after me..."She puts the lotion in the basket...SHE PUTS THE LOTION IN THE MOTHER#$^%^^%& BASKET!!!!!!"

03-10-2010, 02:32 PM
you guys gotta try to understand the type of job cops do. NOBODY calls the cops because they're having a good day. Worst case scenario: that cop you saw yelling just had one of her fellow cops killed on the job and is having a hard time dealing with it, or maybe she was on her way back from a call where the parents were sexually abusing a child (seeing a child who's been raped/beaten within inches of his/her life makes even the toughest cops shed a tear). I'd love to see how well the average person handles the stress of that job, compared to the people who spend years preparing for it, and who are exposed to it on a daily basis.
I used to volunteer with a certain police force in southern ontario, and I've seen first hand what cops have to deal with. You think seeing people get shot in movies is bad? Try it in real life when you can smell the piss, shit, puke and blood. See if you can handle a situation like that where people are depending on YOU to make everything ok.


03-10-2010, 03:12 PM
I agree with Fini 100%..........

yeah, that was like a much more detailed version of what i was getting at.... lol
well put.

03-10-2010, 05:28 PM
cops are always stereotypical even if your just out minding your own busines, when i had long hair i used to get pulled over while i was walking home all the time, but if your not doing anything wrong you just deal with it and go on with your day once theyre done theyre power trip.

i got pulled over once in brampton because i was "a young guy driving an old guys car", really i had long hair and he thought i was up to no good, dont know how many times he asked me if i was on drugs and he asked me if i stole the car until he saw my liscence... i had just gotten off work and was going to the store

in mississauga i used to get pulled over every week trying to walk home, getting searched, they checked my socks once, pulled on my pants and shook them to see if anything would drop, just rediculous and i have no priors, just cause i had long hair

if your gonna have a look that makes ppl look, be prepared to deal with it
basically if you cant handle it, conform

03-10-2010, 06:10 PM
if your gonna have a look that makes ppl look, be prepared to deal with it
basically if you cant handle it, conform

It seems like you have a lot of angst towards police officers because you've been inconvenienced by them. But again, this is why profiling exists.... because the statstics show that there is a high probabilty of you being an offender if you act or look a certain way. I do not street race. I'm sure other members here don't street race. But we all drive modified cars.. now.. I wonder how many members have been pulled over for driving a modified car...?

The public is in a constant state of, for lack of a better word, "don't know what they want" because they feel the police should be "out catching the bad guy". and should be granted certain powers to do so if they are suspicious of someone or something. That is ... so long as it doesn't inconvenience "me"

If you have nothing to hide, then just let it be. They are employing due dilligence in trying to prevent offenses. Reminds me of the airport scanners debate. I'm not saying they should get free reign and people have no more rights.. Again, police officers are held to a higher standard and are entrusted not to abuse their powers. unfortunately some bad apples ruin the image. It's a fine line.

03-10-2010, 06:27 PM
It seems like you have a lot of angst towards police officers because you've been inconvenienced by them.

i dont mind it, im sure it actually works out in their favour alot of the time, im just saying if your gonna attract attention towards yourself dont complain when you get it, obv these kids stood out from the crowd and if thats what they like and they arent doing anything wrong it shouldnt bother them, i always thought it was funny cause i just proved them wrong every time

03-10-2010, 10:48 PM
So I can say I've never seen this in person till last night.... :bang (Keep in mind I live in Kingston)

I was driving home on Division Street heading towards the 401 roughly at 2330hrs. I came to a stop at the last intersection before the off ramp (before you go under the bridge) in the left lane. I noticed some african american teens in bandanas, baggy clothes and some white thugs with them lol not doing anything wrong just standing there waiting for the cross walk to change. A cop was sitting on the intersection going straight. (See Diagram A)

/rant over

I dunno... I would be suspicious.. I mean.. a group of African American teens in Canada? Maybe they were harrassing the customers / fast food staff? Maybe they are known to cops? Maybe they illegally crossed in to Canada?

Yesterday when I was walking home from work on University I saw a 5 series bimmer harassing a bicyclist. He was screaming at him to pull over (clearly looked liked road rage). The bicylist just ignored him... so he cut in front of him and bicyclist took off down Richmond (one way). He gave chase on foot but wasn't able to catch up (it was kinda funny watching the suit chase him). Who was in the wrong? Impossible to say... you don't know the whole story.

if you dress like a gangster, walk like a gangster and try to act like a gangster... don't cry home to mommy when people treat you unfairly!!

03-10-2010, 10:53 PM
Honestly?? The area there is so ghetto... Every time I go to that Shoppers there I see all these trashy looking ppl. Also the cops are always hanging out in that neighborhood. But honestly now... What do they expect when they put all the poor ghetto ass ppl in public housing on COMPTON STREET?!?!?! Its like screaming stereotyping!!! lmao

03-11-2010, 09:43 AM
lmao I'm suprised I haven't seen your car around town. Yup good old compton street where they tie the kids up so they don't bite the dogs