View Full Version : I'm just putting this out there to the dealerships but not pointing fingers

04-12-2010, 10:50 PM
So I had my brakes done with my old buddy mechanic and we discover that one of my caliper boots has a rip.

First reaction is omg wtf? Those things don't just 'rip' .

We figured that when a tech serviced my brakes, instead of using a caliper reset tool, he or she used a screwdriver to push back the caliper, slipped, and stabbed the boot. Lazy and careless.

I can't tell the age of the rip, it could've been recent or last year or year before...but I've only gone to two dealerships only, was happy with both but not I'm not so sure.

I guess to make this productive, I hope the dealerships have techs that work on the cars as if it was their own car and take responsibility and care.

I'm just putting this out there to the dealerships but not pointing fingers, but if dealers want to, you can do an easy search and see where I've taken my car to.

04-12-2010, 11:32 PM
Sorry about what happened.
But from my experience, they dont care.

04-13-2010, 06:42 AM
Sorry about what happened.
But from my experience, they dont care.

Yeah I think the same thing.
My car was only serviced at dealerships until I got it and now I'm debating whether or not to keep that streak going. I know a very good small shop where I used to take my old car for anything from oil changes to brake jobs, engine work, etc. I trust the guys at this shop a lot seeing as they've never once let me down before. When I hear stories like this about how mechanics at dealerships treat customer cars, it makes me feel more inclined to take my car to my usual garage as opposed to any dealerships.

04-13-2010, 09:22 AM
Dealerships don't give a **** about us. Smaller places don't really "care" about us but they will at least work harder to keep you as a customer.

My car is never.....ever..... going to see the inside of a Mazda service bay again.

04-13-2010, 09:22 AM
sorry to hear that man... i no i have had something like that happen only 5000 km into owning my car new. havent been back since nor am i plannig on going back. its hard to find people who care without u having to no there hole life store and being a buddy. everyone is out for them selves most of the time and to cover there own ass. but hey wat can u do.

04-13-2010, 09:57 PM

04-13-2010, 10:07 PM

04-13-2010, 10:41 PM

I'm getting annoyed with your deleted posts. Either keep the content or don't post in the first place.

04-13-2010, 11:54 PM
Fortunately, my cousin works at The Mufflerman here in town. So I know when I take my car there it gets treated properly.

In highschool I also put a rip into one of those rubber boots. They're so friggen weak.

04-14-2010, 12:01 AM
I don't believe in paying a premium for service work at any dealership - there is always a better, cheaper solution.

04-14-2010, 03:44 PM
I'm sorry but I have no pitty for this complaint dealerships have a shop tool to retract the rear calipers and you can NOT perform this task with a screw driver. The fronts yes but onlywith the pads on and with the rotors on. Never once in my 5 to 6 years that I have worked in a shop have I seen a boot be torn by how I explained to push it back. the rear calipers if not done by the special tool can be done by needle nose pliers. Even they will not tear the boot because you must keep pressure on the pliers while turning to retract the caliper.

04-14-2010, 11:24 PM
I'm sorry but I have no pitty for this complaint dealerships have a shop tool to retract the rear calipers and you can NOT perform this task with a screw driver. The fronts yes but onlywith the pads on and with the rotors on. Never once in my 5 to 6 years that I have worked in a shop have I seen a boot be torn by how I explained to push it back. the rear calipers if not done by the special tool can be done by needle nose pliers. Even they will not tear the boot because you must keep pressure on the pliers while turning to retract the caliper.

The rip is on the front driver side brake caliper. I'm not sure what other explanation there is, by natural causes or a clumsy tech.

04-14-2010, 11:54 PM
Your only explanation is natural causes and it does happen. The cv boots are no better

04-20-2010, 06:46 PM
I cant tell you how much business independent shops and automotive chain stores send dealerships every year. We have an engine being done because of a Mr. Lube, at the customers expense of course. Price out an doil change using a Mazda filter and what the chains would call "premium oil" (regular oil at your dealership) and it will be about $10-20 more than your local dealer!

04-25-2010, 12:31 PM
Not a dealer fan either. As soon as warranty is up I'm gone

04-25-2010, 11:45 PM
Not a dealer fan either. As soon as warranty is up I'm gone

Not sure it's a good thing to paint all businesses with the same brush. As 01Racing indicated, we've had quite a few cars in our shop with blown engines because independents or chain stores used ultra cheap, off-shore parts.
I can only speak from our position, but our technicians take great pride in working on our customers vehicles. If they take shortcuts, or are not respectful, they don't work for us.
We are confident in our Team members attitude and ability. Our new shop has a huge window for customers to watch their vehicles being worked on.

04-26-2010, 04:39 PM
Our new shop has a huge window for customers to watch their vehicles being worked on.

I like that.

04-30-2010, 04:15 PM
I like the window to...it amuses me

04-30-2010, 04:17 PM
I like the window to...it amuses me

you mean too :chuckle

04-30-2010, 11:18 PM
listen...I'm not taking crap about grammatical errors from a graphic designer...

"get a hair cut and get a real job"

Thats a nice avatar...did your husband pick it for you?

04-30-2010, 11:36 PM
listen...I'm not taking crap about grammatical errors from a graphic designer...

"get a hair cut and get a real job"

Thats a nice avatar...did your husband pick it for you?

Have you been drinking again?

05-01-2010, 08:14 AM
Haha, Cosmo/CWP, Take it outside ;-)

However, about Shop responsibility - I've found generally - Dealers have been good to me. I treat them with respect, I raise my concerns in a polite manner, and I do give them the benifit of the doubt. BEcause of this... When I do have doubts... They seem to give ME the benifit of the doubt.

I may be biased because I get my car serviced at Oakville mazda and have NEVER had an issue... but even with Brampton Mazda, who scratched my 8,000km car... I politely talked to them, stating that there was about 12 clearcoat scratches going vertically on the front quarter panel... which may be very similar to scratches made by a zipper or a button of someone WORKING on the engine... They had their detailing guy look at it and make it better.

So really, Next time you are at your dealership, tell them that you had your friend take a look at your brakes because they wern't working right. Talk to the dealer. There's no hard proof that they did it, But I bet they'll be able to fix it. I'm also fairly confidant that they'd give you a discount to fix it, if you ask how this may happen. They might take a look and see something common that screams mechanic slip-up all over it.

AND about oakville Mazda's "Window"

I love that idea. Its similar to the kitchen of a resteraunt having a view into the kitchen. Inspires confidance. AND looking through the little window in the door was getting mighty annoying ;-)

Just my 2 cents - Welcome or not.

05-01-2010, 08:05 PM
Haha, Cosmo/CWP, Take it outside ;-)

However, about Shop responsibility - I've found generally - Dealers have been good to me. I treat them with respect, I raise my concerns in a polite manner, and I do give them the benifit of the doubt. BEcause of this... When I do have doubts... They seem to give ME the benifit of the doubt.

I may be biased because I get my car serviced at Oakville mazda and have NEVER had an issue... but even with Brampton Mazda, who scratched my 8,000km car... I politely talked to them, stating that there was about 12 clearcoat scratches going vertically on the front quarter panel... which may be very similar to scratches made by a zipper or a button of someone WORKING on the engine... They had their detailing guy look at it and make it better.

So really, Next time you are at your dealership, tell them that you had your friend take a look at your brakes because they wern't working right. Talk to the dealer. There's no hard proof that they did it, But I bet they'll be able to fix it. I'm also fairly confidant that they'd give you a discount to fix it, if you ask how this may happen. They might take a look and see something common that screams mechanic slip-up all over it.

AND about oakville Mazda's "Window"

I love that idea. Its similar to the kitchen of a resteraunt having a view into the kitchen. Inspires confidance. AND looking through the little window in the door was getting mighty annoying ;-)

Just my 2 cents - Welcome or not.

Well said. Working at a dealer I would appreciate this type of customer. Nothing is more annoying than having someone come in with their back up and start pointing fingers. If a mistake was made we do our best to try and fix it for an inconvenienced customer.

05-02-2010, 11:11 AM
Well said. Working at a dealer I would appreciate this type of customer. Nothing is more annoying than having someone come in with their back up and start pointing fingers. If a mistake was made we do our best to try and fix it for an inconvenienced customer.

Well said...thats really why I do like the window...customers can "see" me working on there car...as much as I felt it "creepy" at first, it has really given customers a sense of security.

Oh and btw cwp_sedan I live with a graphic designer, so it was just poking fun.


05-06-2010, 10:31 PM
Does this include the detailing bay? :)

It's a pretty big window with a view to most of the shop. You could see the front of your car in the detail bay. There are walls to prevent the water from spraying on the technicians and equipment though.