View Full Version : Kick ass "the movie" review

04-16-2010, 08:51 AM
Well thought I'd post it up .

Saw the movie last night at a pre-screening a co-worker won tickets to "Kick ASS" and had no interest in going to see it. Not a bad deal two free tickets lol.

I'll make this short...... KICK ASS OWNS! lol it's your typical superhero movie (ie spiderman plot) with the rude humour of Superbad and the graphic violence of 300 and kill bill. When I first saw the trailer I thought it was more based to a younger age and it looked like a rental. I was wrong!:headbang

I couldn't help myself from cheering and lmao. I've been to a lot of pre-screenings but damn..... the crowd had such an awesome reaction to the movie and overal I'd recommend this movie to anyone. For bad feedback I will say that the ending SUUUUUUUUCKED and was kinda lame. But overall this is a must see movie. :huge smile was a lil let down with Mclovin ... but the main character was funny as hell.

All Areas are based out of ten (10 being great)

Action - 9/10
Story - 7/10
Humour - 10/10
Actors - 10/10
Overall - 8.5/10

So check it out a movie that kicks ass lol and makes Spiderman look like a childs movie graphic violence FTW!!!!!! don't bring kids to this movie lol


04-16-2010, 09:54 AM
definitely going to see it tonight then !! :)
i wonder if they have the d-box for this

04-20-2010, 02:07 PM
Saw this yesterday and loved it. It's definitely rude, crude and extremely violent - mainly for the fact the worst killings are coming from an 11 year old girl who swears worse than I do. There will be a sequel for sure. The music/score soundtrack is AMAZING, which has music from 28 Days Later, Kill Bill etc. It's so sick and totally adds to the fight scenes. Very bright visually. Nic Cage is creepy with his rapist moustache, and the lead Kick Ass is pretty entertaining.

This movie has heart!


04-20-2010, 06:31 PM
definitely worth seeing!:headbang

04-20-2010, 08:04 PM
Kick-Ass KICKED ASS!!!!