View Full Version : Mother's Protectant Spray

04-26-2010, 09:46 AM
I'm sure alot of you use this already, but for those of you who haven't this stuff is amazing.

I normally use Meguire's Quik Detailer spray, but not anymore.

This stuff restores everything, makes the dash, trim, bumpers, flat blacks look like new. It just seems to do a better job than any other cleaner/detailer I've used.

And it has an awesome smell to it.

I highly recommend it!!!

04-26-2010, 09:54 AM
Those two different products are made for two different types of applications. The Quik Detailer is intended for the vehicles bodypaint while the mothers protectant is for interior/exterior plastics.

I personally use Meguiars Pro Mirror Glaze Vinyl&Rubber Cleaner. It cleans and protects yet leaves a natural shine.

I prefer this over any other Meguiars "quik interior detailers" as they leave too much of a shine.

04-26-2010, 11:33 AM
Actually there are 2 meguire's quik detailer products. One for the interior in a black bottle and one for the exterior in a dark red bottle, I'm talking about the one in the black bottle which is for your interior.

Well the quik detailer mist for the interior doesn't leave much of any shine well at least on my MS3 dash which is flat black. I've never seen the Professional series Meguire's at CDN Tire before.. not sure where to find those professional line of products.

But I don't plan on buying anymore protectants/cleaners or anything for awhile, this bottle should last me for the year.

04-26-2010, 11:35 AM
This was the one I was talking about


and I believe this is the one your referring too :D


05-01-2010, 09:22 AM
Actually there are 2 meguire's quik detailer products. One for the interior in a black bottle and one for the exterior in a dark red bottle, I'm talking about the one in the black bottle which is for your interior.

Well the quik detailer mist for the interior doesn't leave much of any shine well at least on my MS3 dash which is flat black. I've never seen the Professional series Meguire's at CDN Tire before.. not sure where to find those professional line of products.

But I don't plan on buying anymore protectants/cleaners or anything for awhile, this bottle should last me for the year.

They still carry the professional series at CDN Tire, just not as much products as they got in their line. You can find it at Napa Auto Parts. :)

06-20-2010, 09:55 PM
This Pro Mirror Glaze for Vinyl and Rubber by Meguir's is absolutely fantastic! I just detailed the interior of my 3 week old 2010 M3S and all I can say is WOW. :hawt It made the dealer "prep" look like crap.

I was lucky enough to get this on sale at my local CDN Tire (Eglinton/Warden Ave) for $10.49.

Highly recommended for those that do not want greasy and super shiny results. It provides the perfect level of low shine.

Those two different products are made for two different types of applications. The Quik Detailer is intended for the vehicles bodypaint while the mothers protectant is for interior/exterior plastics.

I personally use Meguiars Pro Mirror Glaze Vinyl&Rubber Cleaner. It cleans and protects yet leaves a natural shine.

I prefer this over any other Meguiars "quik interior detailers" as they leave too much of a shine.

06-23-2010, 09:23 PM
I also use Mothers Pro #40

Apply LIBERALLY the first few times you use it. Leave it for an hour, then buff your interior down with a microfiber towel and you get AWESOME results!

06-24-2010, 10:45 AM
I also use Mothers Pro #40

Apply LIBERALLY the first few times you use it. Leave it for an hour, then buff your interior down with a microfiber towel and you get AWESOME results!

Where did you buy that from? I've never seen mother's pro $40 at crappy tire.

06-24-2010, 11:52 AM
Where did you buy that from? I've never seen mother's pro $40 at crappy tire.

I meant meguiar's, not mother's, my bad!

I got it at cdn tire in barrie. I've seen it at other cdn tires before North or Toronto

06-25-2010, 11:45 PM
Have you used this on your tires at all? How often do you apply it to your interior? Just wondering if you can 'over-apply' the stuff if you do it too frequently. :chuckle

I also use Mothers Pro #40

Apply LIBERALLY the first few times you use it. Leave it for an hour, then buff your interior down with a microfiber towel and you get AWESOME results!

06-28-2010, 08:45 PM
I do not use this on tires, there are much better tire specific dressings out there.

You can not "over-apply" this stuff to your interior. Your interior will love you for it, and it smells great! Just buff it down with a microfiber towel lightly to even it out and remove excess after applying.

06-28-2010, 10:50 PM
Thx for the advice, picked up a bottle tonight to try out. Looking for something that didn't look cheesy or wet and shiny! Gotta love meguiars!

07-03-2010, 10:49 PM
As stated by other members, this stuff is perfect on the 2010 dash. I did find it took a little elbow grease to "even out" the finish afterwards. Oh and keep it away from the clear plastic info center area of the dash!

07-05-2010, 03:15 AM
As stated by other members, this stuff is perfect on the 2010 dash. I did find it took a little elbow grease to "even out" the finish afterwards. Oh and keep it away from the clear plastic info center area of the dash!

Why? I know it's not meant for it but any anything specific to cause this comment?