View Full Version : Tarred and feathered

04-28-2010, 09:05 AM
My 2010 white GS Sport was subjected to this yestereday.
I haven't even gone through the original tank of gas when I drive through the Dept of Highways tar and sand seam sealing project.
Good thing the tar was fresh and hot. That way it even went all the way up the hatch!:flaming
And it was nice of them to use fine sand over the tar. So the tar on the lower part of the car has a nice abrasive coating.
What a mess.
I am going to guess the tar and bug remover will also remove the NXT 2.0 I applied.

04-28-2010, 09:07 AM
Moved to "Exterior Maintenance"

Yikes, hopefully that sand doesn't end up scratching the paint.

04-28-2010, 09:23 AM
holy cow... :(

04-28-2010, 10:11 AM
That's not going to be easy to clean up.

Bug and Tar but it might scratch.

You might want to try and see if you keep it cool and scrape the splash off with your finger nail or some soft pastic so it comes of as a solid and not as a gooey substance.

04-28-2010, 10:32 AM
I thought I would spray the bug and tar remover on and use the pressure wand at the car wash to get most of the sand off.
I always hand wash my cars, but I see no other way to remove this mess.
I sprayed a bit on yesterday and it seemed to disolve it enough that it ran onto the driveway.
I'm crossing my fingers.

Noisy Crow
04-28-2010, 12:00 PM
Hot water. Maybe a portable steamer, used from a few inches so things don't get to hot?

04-29-2010, 11:33 PM
any pictures? sounds like a pain to get off.

04-30-2010, 04:26 AM
not sure if this would work or not (i can't tell without seeing it) but try this:

1. spray some goo gone (or the bug and tar you're using or both one after another) and wait 5-10mins
2. pressure wash from really close to get all the sand/abrasives off
3. repeat a few times until you get as much off as you can
4. as long as the sand/abrasive material is gone you can use a clay bar and if there's any minor swirls or scratches then high speed polish and rewax it

again not sure if it'll work but hope it helps

04-30-2010, 08:31 PM
It took about 2 hours but all the tar and sand are gone.
I did multiple applications of bug and tar letting it drip onto the ground each time.
But as soon as I hit it with water the tar would harden up again so I used nearly 3 cans of bug and tar remover.
After about the 5th cycle of soapy water from the wand all the sand was gone. So I just used a soft cotton towel with bug and tar on it to remove the last of the stubborn spots.
The tar was on to underside of the roof spoiler as well as the rear wheels.
My brother told me after that solvent in a spray bottle would be cheaper and better. I will try that next time.
As soon as its nice out again I will apply the NXT 2.0 again. Not even a tank of gas through the car and I have to do this again.
I don't see a single scratch though.

05-02-2010, 04:35 AM
good to know that the bug and tar got rid of everything without any scraches.. and hope it doesnt happen again to u or anyone else!

05-02-2010, 09:39 AM
oh man, that sucks...I hate when they patch holes like that. It makes a mess!