05-08-2010, 10:44 AM
Hey guys my CEL has been on an off for about a year, I had it checked out when it first came on and Mazda told me it was probably nothing crucial and that it was most likely an issue with the gas cap not being tight and the tank not retaining pressure or something along those lines. They told me to wait and see if it comes back. It took a few months and it had come back on again, this time I took the car to my father in-law's shop and he checked the CEL again and it came up as an issue with the evaporator system and once again told me it was probably nothing. Well finally it's come on again and I had it checked and it sounds like I have a faulty Purge Valve, I understand this is no big issue and it can wait. The only thing is I have been experiencing slight engine shudder when I'm sitting idle as well as a slight ticking that I can't seem to remember being there when I first got the car, any ideas if these issues are related or if the shuddering/ticking is something else?