View Full Version : REQUEST FOR HELP: What do you use to keep your tires shiney?
Kaptain Sloth
05-13-2010, 01:40 PM
I use to use Meguires Tire Gel, however (for some reason) I can't find it in store anymore. Super upsetting since the majority of what I can now find is the "easy and clean" spray-on crap that lasts for two days and doesn't (in my opinion) do a very good job.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could use that will give my tires that nice "wet shine" and will actually last more than a couple of days? I used the Armor All stuff a couple times, but I found that it left an oily substance on my cars paint after driving in the rain (my car's black) so I'm thinking i'm gonna stay away from that one.
Seems from the selection I've found, that people are more interested in "quick and easy" than "working the way it should" lol.
05-13-2010, 01:56 PM
Extreme Tire Shine Gel by Armor All. its about 11-13 bucks for it but it leaves a long shine to it (even comes with a applicator :chuckle)
05-13-2010, 02:28 PM
^ I use that stuff too, but I find that no matter how thinly I apply it and how long I let it dry, it always slings dressing all over my doors and bumper. So, I've been looking for something else that has a similar shine. Thanks OP for starting this thread; saved my lazy @ss from having to start one! :chuckle
05-13-2010, 02:35 PM
^ I use that stuff too, but I find that no matter how thinly I apply it and how long I let it dry, it always slings dressing all over my doors and bumper. So, I've been looking for something else that has a similar shine. Thanks OP for starting this thread; saved my lazy @ss from having to start one! :chuckle
I was just going to say the same thing. I've used it twice and have left it off ever since because it makes such a mess.
05-13-2010, 02:41 PM
Extreme Tire Shine Gel by Armor All. its about 11-13 bucks for it but it leaves a long shine to it (even comes with a applicator :chuckle)
I use this too!! Never had an issue with it "slinging" anywhere :chuckle jeez how much of this stuff are you guys puttin on????? hahahhahh
05-13-2010, 02:48 PM
I have used like 6 different products trying to attain the elusive shiney tire, without the sludge all over the side of my white car. Have yet to find one that achieves this.!
05-13-2010, 02:50 PM
I use this too!! Never had an issue with it "slinging" anywhere :chuckle jeez how much of this stuff are you guys puttin on????? hahahhahh
I'll keep my comments to myself here...
05-13-2010, 02:58 PM
i use the armorall extreme tire shine as well, you just have to wipe the tires down with a cloth after you apply it and keep them dry for a day or so and it wont run onto your rims.
lol i wa susing the meguiars hot tire foam spray but I don't like the foaming sprays because theres always overspray that lands all over the car, i've switched to the tire gel but I find it slings stuff all over as well. Has anyone tried the clear liquid tire dressing that you spray on?
05-13-2010, 03:06 PM
I'll keep my comments to myself here...
ahhahahahah good idea :chuckle....
You only need to apply a little bit guys, I think you're all going overboard with this stuff for it to be shootin every where... LMAO!!! Just a little bit on the sponge and it should sink in and leave a nice glazed look.
05-13-2010, 03:43 PM
lol is it just me or do all of the guys here have there tires look like this after tho :chuckle
05-13-2010, 04:36 PM
I've tried this stuff and it works pretty good. Goes on with wet or dry tires. It's the same company that makes Invisible Glass. You can find it at Parts Source.
05-13-2010, 04:44 PM
lol is it just me or do all of the guys here have there tires look like this after tho :chuckle
WOW that might just you I think.... so messy!!!!! You're definitely using way too much, is all that white stuff on the ground from the gel???
05-13-2010, 04:48 PM
lol its not me i just got it off google. but when i use the spray you can see the 4 tire over spray on the pavement hahah
WOW that might just you I think.... so messy!!!!! You're definitely using way too much, is all that white stuff on the ground from the gel???
05-13-2010, 04:53 PM
lol its not me i just got it off google. but when i use the spray you can see the 4 tire over spray on the pavement hahah
Your picture is just a cleaner I think. Here is the wheel wiped down.
05-13-2010, 06:08 PM
I swithced from Simonize Tire Foam (useles sh*t that goes everywhere and you need to clean your wheels after), to the Armor All gel on the advice of Kappa - Thanks man!
Great stuff! Lasts a long time, and is not messy.
05-13-2010, 08:41 PM
I have Simonze right now, it works but gets all over when spraying. Have not noticed slinging
Kaptain Sloth
05-14-2010, 10:44 PM
Maybe I'll gave the "More Shine" from Stoner a try. Their wipes work wonders on windows, so it's worth a try.
Meguiars all season dressing...i buy it by the gallon from the USA...
05-15-2010, 01:24 AM
Use this and apply it by spraying it on a kitchen sponge and wiping around the tire.
My family and I have been doing this for years and have not gotten any slinging.
The key is not put on to much and to work it in with the applicator, not leaving any heavy spots. I've never had the slinging issue but I do find that because of the gel texture sand and grit get stuck to the tire easier.
I'm extremely happy with this product:
Black Magic Titanium Tire Gel
05-15-2010, 08:55 AM
Use this and apply it by spraying it on a kitchen sponge and wiping around the tire.
My family and I have been doing this for years and have not gotten any slinging.
Actually I had this last year worked quite well.
05-15-2010, 11:49 AM
i use the turtle wax ice tire shine
works pretty good, and doesnt leave marks on your driveway
CanSpeed 3
05-15-2010, 06:14 PM
i use the turtle wax ice tire shine
works pretty good, and doesnt leave marks on your driveway
That tire shine has some really bad chemicals in it that can damage some rims. I used to use it till i noticed it was to hardcore just to make your rims/tires look good.
Buy the Extreme Tire Shine Gel by Armor All. Stuff is so good and last forever. Not harsh on rims incase u get it on.
05-15-2010, 06:52 PM
That tire shine has some really bad chemicals in it that can damage some rims. I used to use it till i noticed it was to hardcore just to make your rims/tires look good.
Buy the Extreme Tire Shine Gel by Armor All. Stuff is so good and last forever. Not harsh on rims incase u get it on.
oh didnt know that, will probably go buy the armor all now
05-15-2010, 10:58 PM
The new Armour All Extreme is the best i've ever used.
it's on special @ Canadian Tire this week, for those interested.
personally i use the Armor All Gel (only after a complete wash), but I still picked up a bottle of Turtle for in-between washes (touch-up).
Use this and apply it by spraying it on a kitchen sponge and wiping around the tire.
My family and I have been doing this for years and have not gotten any slinging.
Kaptain Sloth
07-11-2010, 10:55 PM
I went ahead and got some Meguires aerosol tire shine and it actually works really well! I may post some pics in the next couple days if I have a chance. No overspray, lasts for days, and (best of all) really deep shine with NO slinging onto the paint of the car.
09-07-2010, 09:23 AM
Great product. No mess and lasts a few weeks easy.
Use this and apply it by spraying it on a kitchen sponge and wiping around the tire.
My family and I have been doing this for years and have not gotten any slinging.
I use the turtle wax, i bought like 10 cans at CT one day when they screwed up the price. They ment to drop the price by $2.41 but they ended up setting the price for the day to $2.41
Kaptain Sloth
09-07-2010, 11:54 AM
I use the turtle wax, i bought like 10 cans at CT one day when they screwed up the price. They ment to drop the price by $2.41 but they ended up setting the price for the day to $2.41
That's fantastic! $2.41.
09-07-2010, 09:11 PM
I use the meguiars insane shine. Check it out on there website. Check out my detailing thread to see a pic of my wheels
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