View Full Version : Normal or not?

05-16-2010, 12:52 PM
I have just picked up my new 6 speed Mazda 3 GT Sedan to replace my 5 speed 2007 Mazda5 GT.
Am still adjusting to the look and feel of this car. It's vastly different from all 4 previous Mazda's I have previously owned/leased.
I have noticed two distinct characteristics that I am not certain I felt in my two test drives of the same model. If I can get some feedback from other drivers that would be much appreciated:

1) Pulling off from 1st with clutch release and application of gas, I often hear a roarish type sound, and some vibration feedback in the floor around the pedals.
2) Am constantly feeling a vibration around the pedals when Revs go up. For example hitting the highway yields some excessive vibration as I gain speed. I am am also told by the passengers that they feel some vibe in the floor.

Maybe these are all normal for this model and I am too tame for this car..lol. I did take the car for a drive with a service technician and he gives it a clean bill of health. Either I am getting run around or all is in fact normal.
(Mileage is now at 300 KM)

Any feedback will help me decide if I should push the issue further or just hold tight for a few 1000 clicks..

05-16-2010, 02:22 PM
get them to check the wheel balance

05-18-2010, 06:24 PM
(also could be something loose) exhaust or emm