View Full Version : Carpet cleaning - remove shampoo

05-18-2010, 11:55 AM
I just had a mishap a few days ago... I bought a bottle of exterior shampoo (blue gel from simonitz), but the cap wasn't put on properly so it spilled on the carpet, below the driver's seat - almost 2 liters of the gel! By the time I noticed, it was already on the floor.

I got almost half of it out, but the carpet is soaked with the blue stuff. How can I clean this mess? Oh, and it smells bad, too... like a chemical plant!


05-18-2010, 12:52 PM
keep adding water then remove it with a wet/dry vac. and repeat until its all out...but if imnot mistaken there's also electrical wires down there too, so...dont soak too much

05-18-2010, 03:14 PM
Take a brush and dip it in hot water and scrub..then use a shop vac to vacum it up