View Full Version : Making the car smell nice?

06-23-2010, 10:09 AM
I've tried the little trees (too ugly/strong), dryer sheets under the seats (fades in a day), fabreeze, etc. I'm considering the ChemicalGuy's sprays from Nextmod but don't know how they smell having never seen them in person. I use the TurtleWax ICE interior cleaner which smells like a new car but it fades after a day or two. A friend picked up their new (used) car and it smelled nice but I can't figure out what they could have put in it seeing as there no visible air-fresheners.

I don't want anything I need to hang in the mirror or stick on the dash. Even the vent clip ons are kinda tacky to me.

06-23-2010, 10:13 AM
I'm also interested in the answer to this question.

06-23-2010, 10:23 AM
But the vent ones are the best!!!!! That might be what's making your friend's car smell so good for so long... when I first bought my car they detailed it using cleaners in the vents... smelled soooooo good every time I turned on the air :P

They don't look that bad though, mine smells like cucumber-melon right now... It's a DREAM!!!! :chuckle

06-23-2010, 10:36 AM
Cucumber melon!? Wow that sounds like it smells yummy. <-- 3 senses in one sentence lol
Where did you get that? I don't think I've seen those in CT, WalMart, or gas stations...

06-23-2010, 10:45 AM
hahaha.. yah it's delicious. I got it at CT! $6 I think :)

06-23-2010, 02:59 PM
LOL Ashley you use almost the same stuff I use! I've got this gel-like stuff from CT and it's worked wonders in both my car (non-smoking, doesn't even get used) and my buddys car (smokes in it all the time, uses it all the time) so it must be good.

http://images.solidcactus.com/autobarn/ultra-gel-air-freshener.jpg It's called Ultra Gel

Picture of it in my car...sitting on my shift knob. I usually keep it in the side of the drivers door where theres the compartment for another drink.

06-23-2010, 03:10 PM
The best thing you can do is to stop farting in the car, it will make a big difference in the air quality and olfactory experience for all the vehicle's occupants. In an emergency, the windows can be rolled down - but use this method sparingly.

06-23-2010, 04:46 PM
My car just smells kind of musty sometimes. Even when the air isn't coming out of be vents. I wish I could buy these "wonder wafers" that came in the car when I bought it.

06-23-2010, 05:01 PM
But the vent ones are the best!!!!! That might be what's making your friend's car smell so good for so long... when I first bought my car they detailed it using cleaners in the vents... smelled soooooo good every time I turned on the air :P

They don't look that bad though, mine smells like cucumber-melon right now... It's a DREAM!!!! :chuckle

You can ask Peter (Supershyguy)... my addiction to squash air fresheners just cannot be helped lol

However, my hand lotion is cucumber-melon and it smells wonderful !

06-23-2010, 07:31 PM
women and their cucumber-melon obsessions...LOL

one of the managers at my work, she always leaves cucumber-melon hand lotion in her desk & i take some every chance i get :P it does smell amazing though.

06-24-2010, 11:29 AM
I found the best car air fresheners at Bath and Body works.. they have clip on sun-visor ones.. with scents like Verbena lime coconut and Cinnamon clove and tons of other ones. They last for 2-3 months or longer.


06-25-2010, 11:47 PM
lol ive had my car since the beginning of december and it still has the new car smell!!

06-26-2010, 04:59 AM
lol ive had my car since the beginning of december and it still has the new car smell!!

You either don't drive it enough, or you love it so much that you've been in it since you picked it up, so the smell has been stuck inside the car.

06-26-2010, 11:04 AM
lol i think ive driven it quite a bit...ive done almost 19000kms. I just clean it regularly and no one comes near my car with food or drink. Other then that, ive never sprayed anything in there either.

06-26-2010, 12:07 PM
I have the squash air freshner that i bought from Nextmod and up till now it still smells nice. I got the refill since i dont like putting air freshner on the dash and slipped the refill under the seat.

Default User
06-26-2010, 12:21 PM
A good tip is to have the car's interior professionally detailed if you purchased the car used (either a wholesale lot or privately) you don't know what bodily fluids were left there by the previous owner.

06-27-2010, 08:13 PM
A good tip is to have the car's interior professionally detailed if you purchased the car used (either a wholesale lot or privately) you don't know what bodily fluids were left there by the previous owner.
I want to find the air freshners that the detailers use. I borrowed a friend's OZIUM which gave it a nice smell (I spray it through the cabin air intake and all over the interior. It faded a bit now but really cleaned up the air. I just can't seem to find Ozium in the small aerosol cans ANYWHERE in ANY store.

06-28-2010, 11:36 AM
I want to find the air freshners that the detailers use. I borrowed a friend's OZIUM which gave it a nice smell (I spray it through the cabin air intake and all over the interior. It faded a bit now but really cleaned up the air. I just can't seem to find Ozium in the small aerosol cans ANYWHERE in ANY store.

Ozium FTW! Unfortunately, Ozium doesn't really have a smell, it just kills all other smells.

06-28-2010, 03:33 PM
I bought a box of Giga refills (squash) but I need the actual refill holder so the smell comes out through the vents. The black holder only came in 1 scent that I didn't really like and the Squash holder was green (which clashes with my black int.) Right now the little white things are in my door pockets but I'm not getting much of a smell from them. Does anyone have an extra holder that they'd be willing to part with for a few bucks?


07-14-2010, 03:11 PM
LOL Ashley you use almost the same stuff I use! I've got this gel-like stuff from CT and it's worked wonders in both my car (non-smoking, doesn't even get used) and my buddys car (smokes in it all the time, uses it all the time) so it must be good.

http://images.solidcactus.com/autobarn/ultra-gel-air-freshener.jpg It's called Ultra Gel

Picture of it in my car...sitting on my shift knob. I usually keep it in the side of the drivers door where theres the compartment for another drink.

Havent got my new mazda 3 yet, however in my current car i do smoke and i always pick up these exact ones. No one ever notices i smoke in my car. Everyone always says wow it smells so nice in here what is that? n i just laugh. Problem is they dont last very long. the actual gel has lasted me up to 8 months however the actual cent of the stuff fades after a month and after about 2 months all smell is gone. Besides that they really work great if u dont mind buying new ones every month or so ( tho im sure if you dont smoke they will last longer)

07-15-2010, 05:36 PM
Squash is just amazing :hawt

I'm all out :( gotta go get some refills from PMall :D

07-27-2010, 09:54 AM
AC vent tackons from pmall

07-31-2010, 10:49 AM
Try using coffee grounds! This method doesn't necessarily make the car smell nice but it helps to eliminate strong odors like cigarette smoke or other funky smells.

You can toss coffee grounds onto fabrics and carpet. Leave them in for a few days and then vacuum up. Do note that coffee grounds can stain if rubbed to harshly or made met.

So for a safer alternative, leave a small cup or glass filled with coffee grounds in the cup holder. Or you can place the grounds into a filter bag, tie it up and leave them in spots around your car.

07-31-2010, 10:53 AM
You can ask Peter (Supershyguy)... my addiction to squash air fresheners just cannot be helped lol

However, my hand lotion is cucumber-melon and it smells wonderful !

ya CSX3 will help alot


07-31-2010, 10:58 AM
our huge shippment just came in

http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j106/nextmod/39130_141151295906172_108834149137887_269687_44872 58_n.jpg
http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j106/nextmod/39130_141151299239505_108834149137887_269688_68938 68_n.jpg

come by to check it out

Default User
08-12-2010, 12:00 PM
I bought a case of Ozium a litlle while ago (less than a year) when I was in Chicago
I think I still have some if anybody wants to buy a bottle - just gotta find it.
They are little 1oz aerosol cans.

08-27-2010, 06:48 PM
For anyone interested in the chemical guys "new car scent" (most people here seem to prefer fruit.. :P) it smells like bathroom cleaner when you sniff it right out of the spraybottle, however after it lingers in the car a while it definitely smells better. I figured it'd be cheaper to buy the concentrated solution than multiple little freshener things. Plus, I can use it around my house.

08-31-2010, 11:37 AM
I just try not to fart in my car too much
That seems to help.

01-27-2011, 03:29 PM
But the vent ones are the best!!!!! That might be what's making your friend's car smell so good for so long... when I first bought my car they detailed it using cleaners in the vents... smelled soooooo good every time I turned on the air :P

They don't look that bad though, mine smells like cucumber-melon right now... It's a DREAM!!!! :chuckle

I use the same and they work fantastically.

01-27-2011, 03:35 PM
mine smells like cucumber-melon right now... It's a DREAM!!!! :chuckle

hey ive seen those, im going to try one. and i used to get the blue sticks you put in your vent and they worked well for a long time.

EDIT: i just went and got one lol, its actually the best smelling air freshener!

01-28-2011, 02:10 AM
hmmm this has gotten me interested...I shall go buy one tomorrow as well...

01-28-2011, 06:55 AM
For anyone interested in the chemical guys "new car scent" (most people here seem to prefer fruit.. :P) it smells like bathroom cleaner when you sniff it right out of the spraybottle, however after it lingers in the car a while it definitely smells better. I figured it'd be cheaper to buy the concentrated solution than multiple little freshener things. Plus, I can use it around my house.

I use this too in my car. Just don't spray too much inside cuz it's really strong. I learned that the hard way. I had to leave all my windows down for a whole day while it was inside my garage cuz it was burning my nose.

I now use that Shaldan stuff in a little can. For $4 a can, I'm not gonna complain and it lasts longer than the csx3 ones. Those smell so good but they only last two weeks (three weeks max) in my car.