View Full Version : Message to All Canada regarding the G-20

07-03-2010, 11:52 AM

I got sick and tired of the media loafting on their butts and completely keep their mouths shut about the realities and the truth...

If you agree with the video, please SEND IT to all your friends and family and SIGN the PETITION.

The Petition:
We, the undersigned, ask for the following:

- Total accountability and responsibility for the damage and destruction that the City of Toronto endured due to the G-20.

- An apology from the Federal Government and the Prime Minister himself to the City of Toronto and its citizens and businesses for the losses endured during the G-20.

- A program to reimburse businesses that suffered damage due to the destruction and anarchy that took place on June 26, 2010, during the G-20.

Petition (http://www.gopetition.com/online/37525.html)

07-03-2010, 01:45 PM
Well, I do agree that the government should pay for damages. The one thing I don't agree with is Steven Harper apologizing. Unless he should apologizing for assuming that Canadians can actually restrain themselves and not set police cars on fire, and smash glass etc....As far as the police not acting, or acting. The Toronto Police Service were still under the orders of Police chief Bill Blair, and who does he take his orders from.....The one and only Mayor Miller. The G20 really is a silly meeting of powerful people, who honestly will never get anything done, because there are too many cultural differences, but on the other hand Steven Harper was trying to put Canada on the Map, and more importantly Toronto. Personally I think that Steven Harper has done a great job of running our country in the past few years. Now flip the coin and look at what Miller has done to Toronto. When placing blame, I will look to the person who was more likely to have made dumb decisions.

After saying all that though, I will def sign that petition!!!!and kudos for standing up for what you believe in and actually doing something about it!!!!!

07-03-2010, 06:10 PM
Lol I was signer number 2...