View Full Version : CEL Code P0661

CanSpeed 3
07-14-2010, 05:03 PM
So finally caught up with the f-ing problem ive been trying to solve. Got it scanned before the code took off again! You guys ready for it?! P0661 .... Seems to be a common problem on these cars. Already done my research on it but i have some extra questions for you guys that actually have real answers.

This is the best thing ive found sofar --> http://dvs-mazda.ru/files/MPV/1st/esicont/en/srvc/html/BME010200600W01.html

So its the Intake manifold solenoid valve control in normal people language. Anything you guys know about this, please post. Cost, where its located exactly, can i get to it without tearing open the intake manifold?

Problems ive noticed from it...
-Rough idle in winter
-Hesitation on idle the odd time (nearly dies)
-After a hard shift you will feel a lack of power for a second or 2
-Almost feels like its starving for air
-poor performance all around on certain days.

M&D Executive Auto
07-14-2010, 05:10 PM
I beleive it is one of the 2 solenoid valves on the top of the intake manifold, they should be easy to see.

CanSpeed 3
07-14-2010, 05:14 PM
Forgot to mention i have a 2.0L

Will take a 2nd look but just curious.. if i remove them, take a look and possibly clean them is it something i can do at home without needing to replace anything? Thought id try before i spend the cash to get it replaced.

03-02-2012, 11:21 AM
what became of this, I am having the same code

03-09-2012, 03:48 PM
what became of this, I am having the same code

Ok had the same problem, check the VIS Solenoid valve, if you remove the plastic from the top of the engine it is right beside the head to the right, buried under a bunch of hoses, you can see it easily and it is beside beside another valve, the tumbler solenoid valve, they look the same and are attached to the same plate, they can only be bought as a pair. Remove the connector from both and check the resistance with Ohm meter of both valves, you should have resistance of some kind, if not the valve is shot. Mine showed no resistance, replaced the pair and I was pleasantly surprised at how much of a difference it made. Fixed all the problems which Canspeed 3 identified. Good Luck

09-16-2016, 04:07 PM
I too have the same code, but it only shows up during an OBD scan. I'd like to know if a non dealer mechanic can fix it without charging me an an arm and leg for troubleshooting. My main symptoms is some burning gas on driver's side at idle with window open and occasional rough idle at stops.