View Full Version : finding a place to handwash!

07-26-2010, 12:08 PM
I live in an apartment building and i'm finding it hard to keep my car clean using coin ops etc.,
I know hand washing is best but can't do it here and feel stupid asking friends/family if I can come over to wash my car!. I've been tempted to use the dreaded coin op brushes but just know their gonna scratch the crap out of it!. Are the drive through washes better than coin op?, will coin op places allow you to handwash if its not busy?, just looking for other options.

07-26-2010, 12:29 PM
Coin op's rarely have mgmnt around. Go off hours and you can handwash.

If going through the car wash, use one with touchless.

07-26-2010, 12:38 PM
I live in an apartment building and i'm finding it hard to keep my car clean using coin ops etc.,
I know hand washing is best but can't do it here and feel stupid asking friends/family if I can come over to wash my car!. I've been tempted to use the dreaded coin op brushes but just know their gonna scratch the crap out of it!. Are the drive through washes better than coin op?, will coin op places allow you to handwash if its not busy?, just looking for other options.

You don't have to use the brush lol ewwwwwww... I would never. I cringe everytime I hear someone bashing their car with one of those dirty things. I always bring my own water/mitt/buckets/soap etc etc etc. If they yell at ya just play dumb and tell them you're finishing up! That's what I do :chuckle

07-26-2010, 12:41 PM
Get yourself some ONR and a pesticide spray bottle. Then you can wash your car almost anywhere / anytime. ONR isn't magic, so read up on it so you know when / when not to use it.

07-26-2010, 02:59 PM
Just go to coin wash ones at like 1 in the morning, no 1 cares. i've done it a few times

07-27-2010, 02:47 PM
Thx everyone, went yesterday to the coinwash with my own stuff ready to play stupid if someone came along, but no one did and it wasn't busy so no one cared!
First decent wash my car has had!, looks sweet (except for where the as*hole dented the side with his/her door!)
Now to find a place to wax...!

07-27-2010, 04:40 PM
Thx everyone, went yesterday to the coinwash with my own stuff ready to play stupid if someone came along, but no one did and it wasn't busy so no one cared!
First decent wash my car has had!, looks sweet (except for where the as*hole dented the side with his/her door!)
Now to find a place to wax...!

You can wax in your apartment garage itself...applying wax should not be an issue.

07-27-2010, 05:32 PM
Thx everyone, went yesterday to the coinwash with my own stuff ready to play stupid if someone came along, but no one did and it wasn't busy so no one cared!
First decent wash my car has had!, looks sweet (except for where the as*hole dented the side with his/her door!)
Now to find a place to wax...!

Awsome :P I'm about to do the same. hahahah, just dry/wax it outside the car wash... should be a parking lot of some sort there no?

07-28-2010, 12:34 PM
You can wax anywhere your car is parked. You just need wax, applicator, and buffing cloth. Just don't park next to a busy construction zone in dry weather!

07-28-2010, 02:34 PM
how do you fill up the bucket? I always have an issue with water blasting back out and getting me all wet.....

07-28-2010, 02:41 PM
how do you fill up the bucket? I always have an issue with water blasting back out and getting me all wet.....

It takes SKILL!!!!!! But usually I just fill up 2 giant bottles at home and bring them with me... now that's love.

07-28-2010, 02:44 PM
It takes SKILL!!!!!! But usually I just fill up 2 giant bottles at home and bring them with me... now that's love.

see now that is smart. i would of never even thought of that. last time i tried to fill up the bucket i gave up as half was splashing back at me haha

07-28-2010, 02:54 PM
You can still flll the bucket with the hose, just aim the spray diagonally and not downwards, do it standing away from the bucket. It still works, I'm just cheap and don't wanna put the money in for an extra 2 minutes :chuckle

07-28-2010, 03:21 PM
I just put the hose all the way at the bottom of the bucket, maybe 1-2mm from the bottom. Water then comes out the side of the nozzle, and fills bucket.

07-28-2010, 03:50 PM
You can still flll the bucket with the hose, just aim the spray diagonally and not downwards, do it standing away from the bucket. It still works, I'm just cheap and don't wanna put the money in for an extra 2 minutes :chuckle

thats another thing too, i figured when you put the thing to stop it would stop the timer. was i wrong or what haha

I just put the hose all the way at the bottom of the bucket, maybe 1-2mm from the bottom. Water then comes out the side of the nozzle, and fills bucket.

the one i go to it still comes out with a lot of pressure so it still didnt work