View Full Version : My tailights fight bacteria that may cause bad breath...

08-21-2010, 10:31 PM
Hey TOM3s,

I got tired of the slight haze that was on my taillights (swirl marks, slight yellowing) and I went and looked up Meguire's Headlight Restoration Paste, and sure enough, I stumbled upon videos of guys restoring their lenses with toothpaste. What they hell, toothpaste's cheap, right? So I bombed down to the local coin-op and started polishing away at the passenger side tails for a good five minutes and gave 'em a rinse.

As the water washed over them, they looked amazing. And then they hazed again a bit as they dried. Compared to the unpolished side, there was a difference, but the ratio of effort to payoff was pretty lousy.

I will admit, they smell kissably fresh though...

But that's beside the point: Is there a better solution that isn't costly? I've been putting of buying a random orbital, but I think I might have to bite the bullet. What's the best way to restore that crystal clear shine (without buying new lights).

08-21-2010, 10:34 PM
Walmart actually has some cheap headlight restoration kits... Comes with sandpaper so you can wetsand and the polish.

08-21-2010, 10:34 PM
you could try some headlight restorer..or some turtle wax polishing/rubbing compound orrrr look up wetsanding (last resort?)

08-21-2010, 10:35 PM
Really? I'm not sure I would want to trust any automotive care products from Helmart.

Tony M. Nyphot
08-21-2010, 11:14 PM
Try Meguire's Plastix with a cheap foam ball that fits in a drill. Just used it to clean up the headlights on the wife's Corolla, got rid of the slight haze no problem. Use a corded drill, battery powered ones don't spin fast enough and the charge runs out quickly.

08-21-2010, 11:38 PM
you could try some headlight restorer..or some turtle wax polishing/rubbing compound orrrr look up wetsanding (last resort?)

+1 on the Turtle Wax rubbing compound. Use that, and then follow it up with PlastX and you've got a winning combination ! It's what I do to my headlights to keep them fresh.

08-22-2010, 11:20 AM
Alright, thanks for the tips, guys.

08-22-2010, 01:54 PM
Use a corded drill, battery powered ones don't spin fast enough and the charge runs out quickly.

You don't own a dewalt :)