View Full Version : Where did you put your Aux / Ipod wires ?

12-07-2010, 09:12 PM
I installed my grom audio..

It works pretty good however Im wondering on how and / where to mount it.
I dont want to pop up that one part near my drink holder as its a pretty big square gap once that part is out and I want to put my drinks there without fear of spilling on the ipod.

It would be nice to put it in the arm rest or somewhere in that area.

How did you guys do it ? if i do drill a hole i only want to do it once and not change my mind :P

here is what Im talkin about, currently I have the plastic part up I cant push down as it will slice the wires but im leaving it all loose so i can piss with it


this is where it would be nice to have

12-08-2010, 12:44 AM
I've got one on its way in the mail and I'll be in the same predicament as you. I can't beleive the wires are that long.

12-08-2010, 01:08 AM
I had mine behind the center vents under that console. Ran the wire to behind the glovebox, drilled a small hole in that black plastic panel to run the cable through and had the ipod in the glovebox.

12-08-2010, 09:19 AM
I ran mine out through the ash tray.

12-08-2010, 09:38 AM
I didnt waste time with cables... Bluetooth it !! ye ye ye

12-08-2010, 11:02 AM
I ran mine out through the ash tray.

+1 me too. Sits in the little groove beside the shifter and is easy to reach. No drilling required :P

12-11-2010, 09:11 PM
Pictures are dark, but I have them routed through the Kuda mount



12-12-2010, 08:35 PM
thanks for the ideas

I ended up running mine through side / close to the bottom of the armrest bin. I used a 1/2 drill bit and then a black rubber gromet to smooth out the hole. it looks pretty good.
there is also enough slack that i can run it up to the top compartment of the arm rest for some reason.

ill take pics of it later on.

12-21-2010, 03:22 PM
I actually ran my OE ipod cable down behind the dash, under the ash tray and cup holders, and then up through the ebrake lever opening and into the armrest. The cover closes fine as long as the cable is right on the side. I didn't have to drill anything and the iPod is in the armrest. To the casual eye the cable isn't even visible.

12-21-2010, 08:05 PM
can I ask if the grom audio stuff is really good? looking to purchase one very shortly

12-21-2010, 09:37 PM
It is.

12-21-2010, 10:17 PM
cool, just ordered the ipod adapter direct interface V3, hopefully get it sometime early in the new year

12-21-2010, 10:20 PM
It's a nice unit; I think you'll like it. I have the original version and I think it does a great job.

12-21-2010, 11:49 PM
anything is better then the radio, specially ones with static and repeatable songs every damn day..