View Full Version : 2010 Dashboard Creaking

12-08-2010, 07:48 PM
Hey all,

I've been noticing this extremely annoying creaking noise coming from just below the windshield in my 2010.:bang It has just started in the last week.... my first thought was that maybe due to the cold the dashboard pieces are rubbing or something. But then again my car is always parked in my garage at home or in the parking garage at my school... so I've never left it outside overnight to freeze solid. Any ideas?

12-09-2010, 01:11 AM
This is already being discussed in other threads. Please do some searching and add your comments there. You are not alone. I and many others have noticed the same issues and one user noted from a recent service appointment, that the dealer advisor indicated others at the dealer complained as well.


Hey all,

I've been noticing this extremely annoying creaking noise coming from just below the windshield in my 2010.:bang It has just started in the last week.... my first thought was that maybe due to the cold the dashboard pieces are rubbing or something. But then again my car is always parked in my garage at home or in the parking garage at my school... so I've never left it outside overnight to freeze solid. Any ideas?

12-09-2010, 12:25 PM
Sorry about that... I forgot to look if there was an existing thread. :blush
Mods can close this or merge it.