View Full Version : Sour milk smell

02-23-2011, 12:28 PM
Hello guys...

Well, I am embarrassed to say I have the stinkiest interior haha. My girlfriend accidentally spilled an ice cap on the carpet in my Mz3 and now since it is starting to warm up, the car is starting to get real funky.

I think the smell may be from a combination of dog smell (they are chihuahua's, can't be that bad lol), food, and sour milk FOR SURE.

I was wondering – after searching the forums – if anyone has had this problem and found a successful way of removing the sour milk smell from the carpet?

I would rather do it myself than take it to a detailer!!!!

02-23-2011, 12:30 PM
carpet cleaner lol & a shop vac & alot of febreze

02-23-2011, 12:32 PM
You need to clean the carpets really well, then use an enzyme treatment to kill the bacteria left behind. You can also follow this up with an ozone treatment (sorry you will need a shop for that) or get some SoPure from Eshine which is a photocatalyst odour eater.

02-23-2011, 12:39 PM
Any idea how much this is going to run me, and where can I get the enzyme treatment? I also heard that baking soda and white vinegar works well.

I figured if I were to take it to a detailing place and it were to cost me $150 or so... I may just be better off to buy a new molded carpet off of mazda3carpet.com

02-23-2011, 12:42 PM
Any idea how much this is going to run me, and where can I get the enzyme treatment? I also heard that baking soda and white vinegar works well.

I figured if I were to take it to a detailing place and it were to cost me $150 or so... I may just be better off to buy a new molded carpet off of mazda3carpet.com

enzyme stuff can be found at janitorial supply stores, relatively cheaply, under 20 dollars. The Sopure is about 20 dollars or so.

02-23-2011, 12:47 PM
enzyme stuff can be found at janitorial supply stores, relatively cheaply, under 20 dollars. The Sopure is about 20 dollars or so.

Do you have any brand names you would recommend?

02-23-2011, 01:04 PM
Freeze breeze for the interior and change your cabin air filter if you haven't done it recently.

02-23-2011, 01:12 PM
Freeze breeze for the interior and change your cabin air filter if you haven't done it recently.

It's a carpet odor nothing to do with the cabin air filter.

02-23-2011, 02:28 PM
I was wondering – after searching the forums –

Have you seen these threads? You mentioned FOOD and CHIHUAHUAS as well, so I am sure there is something that you have seen listed that you can try.






:FYI smiley

02-23-2011, 04:04 PM
Have you seen these threads? I am sure there is something that you have seen listed that you can try.






:FYI smiley

I was looking for how to get sour milk odor out of my carpet, not how to get odors in general out or how to detail the exterior of my car.

The last thread is the only helpful one, but thanks for informing me!

02-27-2011, 02:42 PM
This is what i did to remove Coffee and Smoke smell/stains

Take a generous amount of carpet/fabric cleaner to it (shout) and soak the spot with it and rub in with a microfiber cloth and clean water. My head liner looked clean but after spraying and rubbing it the water in my bucket turned brown/black. It will take a good few cleanings to get it all out. Air out your car as often as you can, i drove almost the whole summer with the windows/sunroof open.

I also scotch guarded my carpets. I would recommend this to you for the future,

i removed the seats ,and center console, vacuumed the carpet then brushed it with a soft brush to loosen extra dirt, then vacuumed again. Used carpet cleaner on it until the water in my bucket didn't get dirty, let it dry then scotch guarded it twice.

In all it took me about 6-8 hours mostly waiting for it to dry

03-04-2011, 08:42 PM
buy "get fresh for your carpet" at homedepot.. they are tiny pellets that you spread around on the suface of the smell then vaccum it until the smell dissappears.

03-06-2011, 02:58 PM
buy "get fresh for your carpet" at homedepot.. they are tiny pellets that you spread around on the suface of the smell then vaccum it until the smell dissappears.

For preventive measures get Weathertech floorliners and the cargo tray for the trunk. Would floorliners have made a difference?

03-12-2011, 11:54 PM
Don't use febreze to mask the smell, you need to get rid of the milk. I would recommend getting some soap/water and soaking the area, than scrubbing for a bit. Vacuum the wet crap out, than get an enzyme spray (pet store's sell good ones that break down urine or anything for that matter - they do work with milk) Soak it and let it sit for 10 min. If there is still a left over smell spray some baking soda on the carpet or leave some in your car over night.

03-13-2011, 04:20 PM
clean the carpets as best you can with all the cleaners. Then a really important thing to do

Slice or chop an onion - the more surface area, the faster it can absorb bad smells. Now lay the onions out on a dish for as long as necessary. As the onion pieces shrivel and dry out, they will absorb aromas from the air. After using incense or an air freshener to get rid of the onion smell. This is an old remedies and it works!

03-13-2011, 06:23 PM
clean the carpets as best you can with all the cleaners. Then a really important thing to do

Slice or chop an onion - the more surface area, the faster it can absorb bad smells. Now lay the onions out on a dish for as long as necessary. As the onion pieces shrivel and dry out, they will absorb aromas from the air. After using incense or an air freshener to get rid of the onion smell. This is an old remedies and it works!

Have you tried this before with the onion? So the onion gets rid of the bad smell and then use incense or air freshener to get rid of the onion smell. Haven't heard of it.

03-13-2011, 06:51 PM
You'll be driving with a lot of tear's haha

03-13-2011, 06:55 PM
Ive smelled that smell on the mississauga transit when i use to take the bus 5 yrs ago lol

03-13-2011, 07:05 PM
ive used it in my house, it absorbs the odours. You can just google using onion to absorb smells.